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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. Congrats to all of you. Diabetes runs in my wife's side of the family, so we are very aware about what we eat, especially our daughters. Add this to the strange column: About 5 years ago I developed psoriasis on my hands and forearms. The dermatologist gave me the same old same old about it being hereditary (no one in my family ever had it :-?) and there is no cure. Basically I would have to be on a lifetime regimen of medications that would at best control it. No other alternative. My neighbor's wife gave me a copy of a book written by a real doctor (not some new age bead shaker) that said the root cause of psoriasis is a buildup of toxins in the body caused by the food we eat. In my case eggs were a big culprit. Since cutting out eggs and all foods with egg as an ingredient, my outbreaks have dropped sharply. I admit to laughing at the whole and organic food type people in the past. Not any more. Our food supply is in bad shape.
  2. The wife of one of the mechanics I work with is a manager for a Gap store at one of the malls here. Talk about some outrageous shoplifting stories. My wife used to manage a Rickel's Home Center (anyone remember them ?) They had nicknames for their shoplifters. They would walk in empty handed, pick an item off of the shelf and take it up to customer service with a bs story about how they didn't have a receipt. So the store would buy their own merchandise back at retail (ridiculous retail rule, don't challenge the customer) Rickels aimed most of their theft prevention towards their employees. They've been out of business for almost twenty years now.
  3. Who names their kid Shmecko ;D
  4. If your wife comes out of the kitchen to nag you, what did you do wrong ? You made the chain too long, stupid...
  5. No need to ever buy her a watch. There's a clock on the stove
  6. I would have agreed with you last year but after being in retail for 6 months now I can see that there are certain products where extended warranties are worthwhile, at least depending on the warranty offered by the retailer. One example from where I work is shoes. You can get a warranty on shoes that will include replacement within a year. I usually wear through shoes in less than a year so free replacement is worth the extra dough. Other instances include coverage on items that don't include manufacturer's warranties or items that have manufacturer's warranties that DON'T include normal wear and tear. Agreed. I should have elaborated more. My brother, the electronic geek/ tech of the family, says that generally if electronic items are going to fail, they usually do it within months of purchase, which is well within the usual 1 year warranty.
  7. They may take somewhat of a hit on the tv itself, but they'll make it up selling wall mounts for $60 - $80 that are made with $5 worth of materials. The profit is in the accesories, extended warranty, etc. Never buy the extended warranty.
  8. My son's best friends mother is a retired paramedic. Ran a call one day on a 40 year old male, unconscious. Then, dead. Perfectly healthy man. 20 minutes prior to going down, energy drink. Not the first time I've heard that. Highly conditioned athletes have dropped dead for many reasons. When it's your time, it's your time.
  9. I can't vouch for the President as I don't own one nor have ever fished one BUT I own two Supremes - an 8025 XT and a 8030 regular Supreme. Both of them fine reels.
  10. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Fishing/Fishing-Reels/Spinning-Reels%7C/pc/104793480/c/104760180/sc/104837580/Pflueger174-Supreme174-XT-Spinning-Reel/847275.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Ffishing-fishing-reels-spinning-reels%2F_%2FN-1102842%2FNo-48%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104837580%3FWTz_stype%3DGNP%26cm_mmc%3DDotomi-_-FREESHIP%252499-_-FishingReels-_-BgroupOct
  11. Same as my vehicles and the tools I earn my living with: reliability. Everything else is secondary. I'll do my part maintaining them. If it lets me down, it's done.
  12. 1) I'd fish with mono wrapped around a Coke can if I had to. 2) I'd love to see a tournament where there were no electronics of any kind allowed. It would be interesting to see how they would adapt and overcome. 3) The hand through the gill plates ?
  13. 1) I'd fish with mono wrapped around a Coke can if I had to. 2) I'd love to see a tournament where there were no electronics of any kind allowed. It would be interesting to see how they would adapt and overcome. 3) The hand through the gill plates ?
  14. 1) I'd fish with mono wrapped around a Coke can if I had to. 2) I'd love to see a tournament where there were no electronics of any kind allowed. It would be interesting to see how they would adapt and overcome. 3) The hand through the gill plates ?
  15. Speedy recovery for you sir
  16. That's where the C4 is hidden..
  17. After my first and hopefully last bout with kidney stones last August, green tea with honey and lemon is my main morning beverage now. Also water with crystallized lime. My doctor swears by citric acid to keep kidneys running smooth. Sugar in excessive amounts is a proven havoc to reckon with. No wonder diabetes is on such a rampage.
  18. This is about the only one that meets all of your criteria: http://www.histackleboxshop.com/Daiwa-Fishing-Regal-Plus-Bite-N-Run-Spinning-Reels-s/578.htm
  19. Buy a bunch at a buck each, then give them an exotic Japanese name and sell them online for $17 a shot. If you can't catch fish in the winter, might as well catch some fishermen...
  20. I'm wary of any product that has someone's name attatched to it. It's not like KVD or Ike is sitting at the computer with the engineer developing something new. It's more like attatching a name to a mediocre product to boost sales. It's a marketing gimmick, that's all. There's PLENTY of quality choices by all of the companies in different price ranges available these days. We're in a golden age of quality fishing gear at good prices. There's no reason to settle for second best.
  21. Two days of research and talking with friends and family have me convinced they ALL blow to one extent or another. Verizon will not reveal when or if Fios will be available in my area, they claim it will spark a counter advertising blitz from Comcast, the only other game in town around here. God forbid that to happen, the customers might actually get a deal for once. This sucks. I hate Comcast. I hope their board of directors all spontaneously combust
  22. I think part of it is that for the most part they're built like crap anymore. From horrible stock hooks to off center mounting of hangers and lips, it's a gamble that you'll get a decent one out of the pack. What a shame as it is one of the all time greats.
  23. I don't think they're around here, but it doesn't matter. This gets better > It seems I won't be able to get Flyers or Phillies games if I go with satellite because Comcast owns the station that has the broadcast rights here in the Philly area. It's been tied up in the courts for several years now with no end in sight. The satellite providers want to be able to offer it but Comcast are being *icks about it. Can you say m-o-n-o-p-o-l-y ?
  24. Right now my land line and internet are provided by Verizon. My cable tv is Comcast, who I'm quickly running out of patience with. I can bundle with Verizon for a good price, but here's the kicker: Since FIOS is not available in my area yet (possibly never), Verizon's tv alternative for areas without FIOS is DirecTV. Who out there has DirecTV and what's your opinion on it ? The advantage I see off the bat is it is almost triple the channels of Comcast's basic plan. My roof has a direct path to the sky, so I don't foresee any reception problems due to trees, buildings, etc. Is satellite reception on par with digital cable these days ? Better yet, anyone have a Verizon bundle with DirecTV as the cable provider ?
  25. This is when I REALLY appreciate having Sirius Satellite radio.
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