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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. You're right. You are a horrible person. How can you not like the Christmas ham! Not horrible, just terrible. The horrible part is sitting down to chow down on some poor ham cut into narrow strips and cooked down to the point that it has no moisture, no flavor, and is about as chewy as those pig's ears that you can buy for a dog. Years ago, there was a packing plant near Detroit called Farmer Pete's , or Peat's (I can't remember how it was spelled) that had fantastic ham. Since the day they went out of business, I haven't had a really good ham. I've had a few that were passable, but none of them were spiral cut. Sorry, but I don't see what's so special about a spiral cut anything. Most if not all store bought hams are pre cooked, yet most people re-cook them to death. One of the best hams I ever had I got in Virginia on the way home from North Carolina. Expensive, but worth every penny. Here's an example: http://virginiatraditions.com/virginia-hams.aspx?gclid=CLyP6quCjaYCFUbf4AodASAumA
  2. Excuse my ignorance, I live in the South, but is that because you crap more when it snows? A time honored tradition : Years ago people did it quite a bit. It still happens whenever they predict any significant amount of snow. There's a run on staple items - bread, milk, tp, etc. Because out here in the vast wilderness of New Jersey, you could be snowed in for a whole day. You may starve to death or something.
  3. How you assemble and disassemble a two (or more) piece rod goes a long way in determining the integrity and longevity of it. They make a ferrule wax, but any soft wax will do. I think there is an explanation of this on St. Croix's website. The only multi piece rods I had trouble with were over 30 years ago when the ferrules were metal.
  4. KVD worked on my bc's season old mono when it started to get a little too 'coily' for my liking. I'm wondering if pulling out about two cast lengths and letting it sit for a while would do the same thing.
  5. Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll put someones eye out with those.... 8-)
  6. That brings back memories. Anyone remember South Bend Tackle ?
  7. As stated, the only bearings that have an effect on distance are the spool bearings. There is really nothing to supertune on these reels. The stock bearings are of top quality. Upgrading the stock drag washers to Cabontex is about the only significant upgrade you can make that's not a waste of money. The absolute best way to improve performance is a thorough teardown / clean / lube.
  8. About five years ago my neighbor (now retired mailman) was given this snowblower by one the people on his route : http://images.craigslist.org/3n13ka3la5Z05U25X0acgff9e9fac3d8a15b1.jpg He in turn gave it to me as he could not get it running and he had bought a bigger one anyhow. I replaced two missing carburetor mounting screws and the sparkplug. It's been 5 years and countless snowstorms and this silly little machine just keeps chugging along. Everyone on my block is amazed. You have to push it, but at times the larger machines just don't cut it. Not bad for two screws and a spark plug ;D
  9. I'm always looking for a better one. I prefer the ones that clip to the bill of the hat vs the ones with the headbands. My biggest complaint with the clip type ones is most of them are made of plastic and the clips break eventually. This one looks promising, it's got a metal clip and is water resistant. It has only white light, I can deal with that. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/productImages/400/f6/f65a7952-5619-4b6e-a165-cd984f56fb06_400.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay%3FlangId%3D-1%26storeId%3D10051%26catalogId%3D10053%26N%3D5yc1vZ1xg1Zarr0Zik%26R%3D202388701&usg=___SqJ-tTM6EXv1iiB8uAT4plSK1E=&h=400&w=400&sz=14&hl=en&start=6&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=7KApdLnG1FypTM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Denergizer%2Bcap%2Blights%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26rlz%3D1R2ADFA_enUS408%26tbs%3Disch:1
  10. 24 hours ago this storm was tracked to go out to sea. Things have certainly changed big time. I'll be heading out to the store at 7am for the normal order. Looking forward to that trip
  11. If you had your man card yet, you would have lost it.
  12. Snow on the way for a lot of the Atlantic coast. Predicted amounts run from 4" to 15" and beyond. Time to go hoard toilet paper and bread... : I'll be out with the kids sledding. Also I will get to see how our Honda CRV does in the snow. Bring it on, it doesn't bother me in the least.
  13. Enough to keep me out of the doghouse for a few days. But knowing me, that's no guarantee :-/
  14. I own a 14' jon but I got a 12.5 kayak last year. I don't have a trailer, so the jon is a two man deal. Being that my fishing partner's work schedule rarely jives with mine, the yak was the only way to go. I got a sit on top yak, which is the optimal choice for fishing. I weigh a tad over 200 lbs, but my yak is more than stable enough. I can even sit sideways on it like a bench if I want to. I can get the yak into spots like massive lily pad fields or vegetation mats where even a jon would have trouble. If you have a Dick's near you, you can get a deal if you keep your eye out. I got a fully rigged kayak (3 rod holders, seat and anchor kit) for $500 last Memorial day. That was $100 off of the normal price.
  15. Yes Glenn, I entered Cabela's and BPS through the site. Your check is in the mail...
  16. There ya go. That's what it's all about. I'm gonna pick up a St. Croix 6' 6" ultra lite rod with my gift cards. Time to retire the BPS Micro Lite after 5 years. It has served me well. There's an old joke that goes "A horse walks into a bar and orders a beer. As the bartender is pouring it for him, he asks the horse "Why the long face ?" For some reason that cracks my wife up every time. It's just one of those things. I found this online and got it for her. It was a hit... http://www.zazzle.com/funny_horse_mug_why_the_long_face-168860425921326069 It's not about what it costs (no, it wasn't the only thing she got ) That should keep me in good graces for a day or two...
  17. he shoots......he scores.......it's Flooger for the win..!!! ;D ;D
  18. What, you don't like 6 years worth of "rock blocks" from commercial stations containing the same 3 songs over and over and over and over and over.... :
  19. That one is evil... funny, but evil.
  20. Point taken. The printer is a basic HP that was around $100 new, probably $85 now. The majority of printing done is school papers using black ink. We don't print photos at home and rarely print color images. I won't cry over a cheap printer if this doesn't go well.
  21. I just ordered refill kits online (InkTec kits through Amazon) for the first time. Anyone here do the same ? Printer cartridges have to be one of the biggest scams going > It's almost cheaper to buy a new printer.
  22. Way to go. Awesome willpower.
  23. Food dye tablets in the shower head.
  24. Be safe doing whatever it is you're doing....
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