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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. Nice. Is chorizo Mexican sausage ? What does the corn meal do -is it for flavor or consistency ?
  2. My daughter has a picture of a ladybug she'd be willing to let go of for $7000 :
  3. It's getting that time of year. How do you guys do up yours ? I use stew cubes cut into bite size pieces instead of ground beef. I cook up a pound of bacon, then brown the stew cube chunks in the bacon fat, then everything I can get my hands on goes into the crock pots (plural, I make a huge batch) the cooked bacon, celery, tons of fresh garlic, hot sauce, chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, a couple of jalepenos, a bag of rinsed (but not soaked) beans. Cook low and slow for about twelve hours- the beans will start to get tender by then, then I throw in pearl onions for the last few hours. A bowl of that and some fresh Italian bread- now your'e eating !
  4. One fine day in the middle of the night, Two dead men stood up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, Drew their swords and shot each other. If you don't believe this lie,it's true. Ask the blind man, he saw it too.
  5. Similar thing happened to me years ago. Was fishing during the summer when it clouded up and I could hear thunder in the distance, but didn't see any lightning. I casted and my line "levitated" a few inches above the surface of the water, like a static charge was repelling it. Just about scared the ***** out of me. No shame in telling you I dropped the rod and ran like a little girl back to my truck until it blew over. Glad to hear you didn't get "bit".
  6. The four levels of French Terrorist/ Wartime Alerts : 1) Run 2) Hide 3) Surrender 4) Comply
  7. Yo-Zuri Pins Minnow- the 2 3/4" version has a weight transfer system which is nothing more than a couple of steel balls that "fling" to the rear of the lure on the cast, which makes for a longer cast. On the retrieve, they rattle. The action on them is great. Best thrown on light tackle, I'd say no more than 6lb test line.
  8. Not to throw fuel on the Pampers/Depends thing going on but..... Metal detectors are fun if you're old enough to wear sandals with black socks and your pants hiked up to the bottom of your nipples....
  9. We've hit rock bottom with this thread. Literally. But I'm willing to bet we can get it even lower.
  10. How do you get up out of the hole ??
  11. Wheel of Fortune ?? heck no, tonight's Lawrence Welk on PBS at 7:00. We get to stay up 'til 8:00 !!
  12. Two hunters have been out in the woods for hours without seeing a thing. They eventually come to a clearing in the woods where they find a huge hole in the ground. "Wonder how deep it is ?" asks the first hunter. "I dunno" replies the second one "why don't you throw something down there and maybe we can tell by how long it takes to hear the sound when it hits bottom". So the first guy throws a large branch down the hole. They both listen but dont hear a thing. "Wow" he says "that must be pretty deep. Lets try something else". They find a big log and roll it to the edge of the hole then push it in. Again, no sound of it hitting bottom. They both stare at each other in disbelief. "This is crazy" said the first guy. So they walk around a bit until one of them finds an eight foot section of railroad track. "Help me drag this thing over. It's gotta make a racket when it hits the bottom !" said one of the hunters. They grunt and groan for fifteen minutes getting the track section to the edge of the hole. They shove it into the hole and are standing there listening when a huge red goat comes running full speed out of the woods and jumps down the hole. As they're standing there in shock over what they had just seen, an old man walks out of the woods up to them and asks "You boys happen to see a big red goat?" "Yeah" says one of the hunters "He just jumped down that big 'ol hole right there" "Well, I find that hard to believe" replied the old man "Especially since I had him tied to an eight foot section of railroad track".....
  13. "This meeting of the Flooger Mook Society will now adjourn. Muddy, would you read the minutes of the last meeting "
  14. I've been a diesel mechanic for about twenty years now and I can tell you with certainty that you WILL find work in this field if you choose to pursue it. We've always had a shortage of mechanics and always will. We do have slow periods of work, but a good mechanic will always have work. Plus the discipline that a military background offers is always a plus to employers. Best of luck to you whatever path you choose.
  15. Oh , a wise guy huh ? Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
  16. How about Warren Haynes of Government Mule and the Allman Brothers - excellent slide work. Hey Muddy - go on You Tube and punch in "Senator Sam" by Buddy Rich. There is a guitar solo by a guy named James Bruno that is a killer.
  17. Yep, I got burned too. Could have had a Pflueger Supreme on clearance for 50 bucks (half price) and hesitated. Won't happen again. (yeah it will, who you kiddin') :
  18. E=Mc2
  19. HoKEd on fONIx WErkid FeR mE
  20. Maybe he meant a Pflueger Supreme - they have a magnesium frame which would be destroyed by saltwater.
  21. Had the same problem once- it was the thermostat. Google "appliance repair"- there are sites out there that will show you step by step how to diagnose and repair it.
  22. Real men should look like they have Don King in a headlock.
  23. Oh yeah, in my spare time I'm a nightcrawler rustler. Look out Muddy.
  24. Diesel engine field service mechanic - mostly marine, anything classified as "off highway"
  25. And you said the air quality in New Jersey messed up MY head ?!
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