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Everything posted by bilgerat

  1. Dontcha' love it when football players beat their chests and pump their fists in the air even when their team is down 28 points ? :-?
  2. I want to see if any of the fans have their paper bags decorated for the holiday.....
  3. Not frozen here in Jersey, a little surface ice early that melts off quick. Gonna hit it as much as I can between now and Sunday. I am getting pretty good at Hooked on Fishing on the Wii though. (even though my 12 year daughter whips me at it consistently). Been about three weeks since my last fish. Can always go for some nice pickerals in this weather.
  4. Take that back to the store under warranty. Just to see the look on the guy's face.
  5. If you want to see Led Zeppelin at their best, you MUST get your hands on the Royal Albert Hall Concert DVD. (preview it on You Tube, the whole thing is posted on there) Full length concert from 1970, not a bootleg, good audio and video quality. This makes their other concert film "The Song Remains The Same" look like crap in comparison. Trust me on this one
  6. Here in New Jersey I was catching fish all winter last year, although pickeral outnumbered the bass. Water temps in the mid thirties. Gonna hit it again this year, will try some new techniques and strageties to get more bass. I hear winter is a good time to get hogs, I just need to dial in to them.
  7. Good post RW. "Those who cannot learn from the past are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana
  8. Enjoy. Here's to full bellies and tight lines
  9. I tried smoking a turkey once. I couldn't keep it lit. Ba Da Bum
  10. My oldest daughter plays soccer and softball. Her younger sister does dance and gymnastics. Street hockey ruled in my day. We'd play from first light until we couldn't see the ball anymore. Homemade nets & goalie equipment. We had a blast.
  11. BPS has the St. Croix Premeir line of spinning rods on sale. Prices range from $59.77 to $149.99. The $59 one is the only one listed as clearance. It's a 6'M 1 piece. St. Croix rarely goes on sale, may want to check them out.
  12. For the guys who can't find Venom tubes - K Mart of all places has them. Saw them today.
  13. Tough to diagnose via the internet, but I would check for dried/cracked fuel lines or poor fuel line clamps . Sounds like you could be sucking air somewhere. Another thing to consider - Any hose that carries fluid can deteriorate from the inside and still look good on the outside.Older rubber fuel system components don't stand up well to todays gasoline blends. Considering the age of your engine, be thorough when inspecting the fuel system.
  14. I've used Pros Softbait glue without any problems, but some guys hate the stuff.
  15. So get off the computer and hit them books !! Good luck, let us know how you do.
  16. Everyone has a valid point. I'm not so sure the lawyers are totally to blame. I think it's more the insurance companies. But in the end it comes down to personal responsibility. If parents/gaurdians (whatever) weren't so quick to file lawsuits or file claims every time their kid comes home with a scratch, maybe we would not have this culture. Getting banged up a little is part of growing up. Have we gone that soft?? I hope not. My brother had to take down the trampoline that his kids have played on for years. When I asked him why he explained that a couple that lives on his block basically make a living out of filing lawsuits, mostly against stores and companies. Scumbags. He was afraid that one of their kids (who are friends with his kids) would get hurt and then it would be all over. I can't say I blame him, but it sucks that his kids have to suffer. >
  17. Fact - there's only about four or five facilities in North America that manufacture all of the batteries - who's label goes on it at the end of the production line can be the only difference at times. That being said, there are different quality levels in batteries as with everything else. Generally you get what you pay for. There's a market for low and high end batteries. Buy a battery that will fit your needs, dont buy based on the label or the advertising. Gel type batteries have an advantage where constant vibration is a factor. I work on commercial equipment also, I agree with Way2slow about the Dekas. They have been around forever and are a trusted name in the industry. Whatever you buy, make sure the connections and wiring are in tip top shape or your just wasting your money.
  18. C'mon RW, you know you wanna be in the COOL posse with us. We won't tell the Shimano guys. We promise. :
  19. Three pages and counting for a Pflueger thread !?!? How cool is this??
  20. Kids these days. We were lucky to find an old Playboy magazine in the woods that had been rained on ;D
  21. It is more for cooling system efficiency - heat transfers more quickly through clean surfaces. Mineral deposits act as an insulator. Cracking usually occurs from two things: 1) severe overheating caused by EXTENDED running of a hot engine, especially when coolant loss has occured. 2) adding coolant to a hot engine before allowing it to cool down first. You're right about the aluminum in modern engines - it's not forgiving at all when it comes to overheating. Actually it's the cylinder heads that get the worst of it. They run hotter than any other component on your engine because: 1) They absorb the heat of combustion and 2) they are generally the last thing on the engine to be cooled as coolant flows from the block first then upward to the head(s). One last thought on cooling systems: Always mix coolant and water in the proper ratios. Too much coolant will actually cause the engine to run hotter. And NEVER add "stop leak" or any other crap of that nature to your engine. I know there are guys who swear by that stuff and the labels claim it's harmless, just don't do it.
  22. C'mon, admit it. You probably learned to fish with a Zebco. Most of us did. No shame in that. They serve a purpose, which is to get the hook and bobber out there with minimal fuss so the kids don't have to bother you every four minutes with "Daaaad my lines messed up again" ;D, which leaves YOU with more time to fish.
  23. If you are not looking to spend St. Croix or Loomis $$$, I think you should check out the BPS Micro Lite series of rods. I have a 6' ultra lite and for the money its hard to beat. They have a large selection of lengths and actions within that model line, and I find them to be very well made. I throw 2" to 4" weightless worms and 1 1/2" to 2" soft plastics on 1/16oz jigs with no problems at all.
  24. Yup, what they said ^. Distilled water in a battery is a MUST. I'll give ya another tip - use distilled water in your vehicle's cooling system (of course mixed with the proper amount of coolant). Tap water has minerals that will leave deposits on the inner surfaces of your engine's cooling system. Not a big deal if you drive something that's 20+ years old, but on newer vehicles it's critical.
  25. I'm (for once) not being a smart a**, but have you considered live bait? You still get to be on the water fishing, but at the same time giving your arms a rest until you get straightened out. Hope everything works out for you.
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