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Big Tom

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Everything posted by Big Tom

  1. I saw it on the news yesterday. There was some intense footage taken by a few guys trying to drive through the fires. Edit: Here is the video I saw on the news. There may be foul Russian language. Does that matter? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV6yhLD43RM
  2. I don't really get that vibe. He seems pretty cool and a little crazy to me. There is no doubt that he is one of the best on tour right now.
  3. Now that they have been out for a year or so, what do you guys think? I just bought a pack at a local tackle store and they look interesting. Looks like just the worm to get me interested in the shakey head.
  4. I think so. Its fast, easy, and strong. It is the only knot I use.
  5. Had a bird take my spook. I managed to get it loose before it could hook itself but I was worried for a few seconds.
  6. First off, congratulations. You are now a member of a pretty darned exclusive club, considering. That is a beautiful bass. I haven't heard of people opening up the dorsal fin when measuring girth. It kinda seems a little bit misleading because the fin could add significant length to the girth without providing thickness. I would feel pretty confident in calling that fish a double digit regardless. Once again, congratulations.
  7. I know what my next reel is gonna be. :
  8. Sounds like a sleazy way to make extra money. I paid my girlfriends cell bill the other day and the clerk told me that if I paid in cash there would be an extra 3 dollar fee. Hadn't heard that one yet.
  9. Crazy. KVD is just absolutely unstoppable. I wonder how Skeet is feeling right now? He was getting choked up at the weigh in.
  10. Wow. Just saw it live on ESPN3.com.
  11. It really sounds like they just need cleaned. This is common with many new reels so it is due time for those displays to be re-lubed.
  12. This has been an extremely interesting year. I would imagine that you are correct in that Skeet isn't sleeping too well right now. I don't really have a main favorite angler but I hope Skeet takes this. He has had an amazing season. It would also be pretty amazing for KVD to grab this. He started off rough but he is considered the best for a reason. Tomorrow is going to be interesting. I look forward to following it.
  13. I heard a couple guides talking about these not long ago. I have yet to see one. Just got in to musky fishing last fall. Didn't catch anything the weekend we tried but I had a monster slam a double cowgirl I was throwing. The combination of fear, excitement, and not enough rod caused me to not catch it. Hopefully by this fall I will be ready for them. I'd like to head out there again this fall, think he'd be up for it? This is what we'll throw, we all like throwing a tube. 12'' It certainly isn't the craziest looking musky lure. That title belongs to the cowdussa. I think he will be up for it. That may be the next rod I actually purchase. Bass tackle just don't cut it.
  14. I heard a couple guides talking about these not long ago. I have yet to see one. Just got in to musky fishing last fall. Didn't catch anything the weekend we tried but I had a monster slam a double cowgirl I was throwing. The combination of fear, excitement, and not enough rod caused me to not catch it. Hopefully by this fall I will be ready for them.
  15. Lick your thumb. I fish various sizes of CXX and I haven't experienced what you are talking about. Francho gave a good solution...get some line and lure. It should make the line slip easier under your thumb.
  16. My first question isn't what...its where. This is the main question in bass fishing. Most of the time, if the fish isn't biting its because you aren't on them. I used to think that fish just didn't bite either but since my friend and I started fishing tournaments I realized that even when we aren't catching them somebody else is. Bass are both apex predators and opportunistic eaters. They won't pass up an easy meal. Given my location...Kentucky...I can only tell you what I expect bass to be doing right now. If I am on the water Saturday and the sky is bright and the water is clear (which is usually the case in summer) I have already made several assumptions. I figure they are going to be deeper (12-18 feet seems to be a good estimate based on other information and experience from previous summers). I will also assume that since there is little to no cloud cover, the bass will be holding tight to cover. That automatically eliminates a whole lot of water in the lake that I fish. There are a few hollers and coves that provide standing timber at this depth. My friend and I will hit this when we are in the mood to flip all day. We also like to target points. There are several on my lake and they almost always seem to hold bass. There are also a few spots we are just finding where a channel meets a large flat. Along the edge of the channel are several stumps. This is the area that is currently producing for us now. If we start here and don't catch anything on our usual baits which consists of jigs and large soft plastics, we scale down our offerings. My buddy is really getting into shakey head fishing and he has put several decent fish in the boat quite fast with this technique. This usually does the trick. If we go out and there is good cloud cover, we first focus our attention to the same areas as above. Usually the clouds will make them more active as they become harder for baitfish to see. They don't have to rely so much on ambushing their prey. That might mean that they are not as concentrated but they should still be in the same general vicinity. I think you may be placing too much emphasis on colors as well. My soft plastic and jig boxes are made up of a whole bunch of differing shades of brown and green. I also have a black jigs that I throw when the water is muddy or when I am tired at looking at the other colors. That is it. I know that isn't the case with everyone but that is what I have found to work best for me. What I do is use those natural brown and green colors whenever the water is clear or slightly stained. When the water is dirty or muddy you can really load the boat using black or even some brighter colors such as bubblegum or chartreuse. That is also not a solid rule and I have seen days when the bass don't pay attention to color at all. If you are fishing in the right places, the fish will let you know what they want. I will admit that I am not much of a crankbait fisherman so hopefully someone will fill you in on what they do with these types of baits. I didn't mean to type so much. I wish I could tell you a lot more but I am just learning the ropes myself. I hope I at least haven't confused you more. Good luck.
  17. I don't see a built-in toilet or refrigerator. Not worth it.
  18. Terminal tackle. I am getting low on some necessities.
  19. You guys have already said it. It will be a shame is Skeet don't take this. This newer format is pretty stupid. If a guy dominates throughout the season, he should be AOY. Ain't that the point of AOY anyway. To give the title to the most consistent fisherman? It sure doesn't seem that way now.
  20. I dug that. Thanks for the laugh.
  21. The Paca Jig is what my friend uses exclusively. He has a boat full of them. I own a couple. They are a very nice jig. The paint is super durable and they don't get hung up as often as other jigs I have used.
  22. I gave Abu a sympathy vote. I am more familiar with them. I honestly have found qualities I liked and didn't like in every brand of reel I have ever used. I don't think I will ever be loyal to one brand.
  23. It wouldn't hurt to get it verified somewhere. The lengths compared to weight sound a little off. Nice summertime bass regardless.
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