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Big Tom

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Everything posted by Big Tom

  1. ;D Cats are hilarious when they want to be. My contribution: Cat vs. child.
  2. No kiddin' ;D ;D ;D SPEEDBEAD,
  3. I think he wants one that isn't broken.
  4. The actual cranking specific rods in the line are really, really, really, really flimsy. Actually, I feel that most of the Skeet Reese rods are severely underpowered for their designated technique...minus that crazy 8 ft. flippin' stick. I wouldn't recommend the cranking stick due the the limberness. If you are looking for a lighter powered cranking stick, this rod is right down your alley. If you want a rod that has a little more backbone, a few on here will recommend the Spinnerbait/Worm rod for cranking. I have handled this rod at a local tackle shop and it does feel like a decent cranking rod.
  5. I think the Lazer Lure is pretty gimmicky. It's even more bizarre that there is now a rod - that many people are skeptical of, anyhow - that is designed to throw Lazer Lure baits. To me, it is comparable to having a Banjo Minnow rod. He may sell a few and they may be decent cranking rods but I find it pretty odd to mass produce a "Lazer Lure rod". The Castaway college series rods will probably initially sell decently because people will buy anything with their favorite team on it. And they aren't that expensive to boot.
  6. Thanks for the tip. I am going to try my hand at sharpening hooks as well as buying new ones. That is a really nice looking treble. The prices aren't bad either. Wow. Those are some really nice rods. I handled a few and was amazed at how light they were. I like the looks of all those baits. I am especially partial to bucktails as that is the only bait I have seen action on. I am going to try to change that soon. Thanks for the info.
  7. The Musky start really keying in on shallow weed flats when the water temps start cooling. A lot of the locals like to run shallow baits over the top of these weed beds. This is what got our boat the most action last year. This eliminates a lot of the deeper running Musky baits. I hadn't heard of that tube before. Thanks for the recommendation.
  8. I thought it was an awesome card, overall. Matt Hughes looks better than ever these days. It is always good to see a legend still able to hang with the younger fighters. That choke was unreal. Sonnen surprised me with how effective he implemented his game plan. It was truly amazing to see Silva get dominated that way. It was even more amazing to see him lock up that submission after all the abuse he had taken. I honestly think Chael got too comfortable during the last round. He has a habit of getting caught in submissions. I kinda think that fight was exactly what Anderson needed. He has had some odd performances due to his attitude and bad match making on the UFC's behalf. I think he was getting bored and complacent sitting on top of the heap. Well, he got his *** handed to him for 23 minutes, Saturday. Hopefully that changes things in Silva's camp. I would like to see Chael get another shot. I do hope he shuts up this time. ;D
  9. Once the bait hits the water, I let it fall straight down on slack line. If the bait stops before I think it is on the bottom, I react accordingly. If I am fishing a soft plastic, I will put slight tension on the line to feel what stopped my bait. If its a jig, I go ahead and swing away. I have found that a bass will hold on to a soft plastic much longer than they will a jig. JJ's doesn't seem to hurt anything either. I was on a bite not long ago where the fish were suspended in trees. The trees were in 23 feet of water but the bass were in the 7-10 ft. range. I would let my tube fall straight down to where I thought I was at the right depth and then start working it through each tree limb I came in contact with. The fish couldn't stand this. I caught a few decent bass, fairly quickly.
  10. I have all of my ads blocked so I am guessing it is an ad sponsored by google. Bass Resource doesn't have any control over those. We cannot discuss these baits because they have been brought up time and time again and it only takes a few seconds to search the forums for all the information you can stand on the subject. Notes of interest on the previous threads about Banjo Minnows: - They are too expensive for what they are. - They are a gimmick. While they will work, they are not as good as other things. - They are made to sell on television to people who don't fish and have no idea how to fish. - Fluke style baits are much cheaper and work better.
  11. No flack from me. Your education is a secondary priority to most major college institutions. I don't regret getting my degree though.
  12. Ok he called back. He said it really depends on what kind of wax you used. He said in most cases the wax should just scrub off. I told him I am sure you have already tried that so he said that the a headlight lens restorer would probably do the trick.
  13. My brother works at a detail shop. I just tried calling him to ask what he would recommend but he didn't answer. As soon as he calls me back, I will let you know.
  14. I just got my Bachelors degree and I want to be as far away from school as I can be for a while. At some point in my life, I may get my Masters. It just depends on if I can afford it. I got a lot of loans to start paying off.
  15. I usually say, "Fish."
  16. I am not a huge fan of the Senko. I don't hate it, I just enjoy fishing other soft plastics more. I will throw it on occasion, especially when the fish are shallow. I think they are so popular on this board because they are a great bait for a beginner and we have a TON of beginners here at any given time. I wish I knew about the Senko when I first started. I used to fish a few places that was prime Senko water.
  17. Give the palomar a try. Its pretty freakin' strong. Just give it a healthy coating of spit before you cinch it.
  18. Tackle block all you want. Now I get to decide if I want a similar set up.
  19. Holy crap!!! Well, you certainly have a nice sounding bluegill combo coming.
  20. Well, here is my list: Already own: Medussa - Black and Orange. I honestly don't know what possessed me to get this monstrosity. A Cave Run guide recommended it. I will soon own a rod that can sling it though. Jr. Double Cowgirl - Rainbow Skirt and Nickel blades. My friend owns a Double Cowgirl and a few Musky Marabou baits so I think we have bucktails covered. What I am buying soon: Bucher Top Raider - I like the Black Widow color. What colors are you guys throwing? Cochran Musky Tackle Musky Bling Spinnerbait 2 oz. - Thinking about getting the Chartreuse and Black combo. And possibly a Musky Mayhem Stickem Jig 3/4 oz. - Black. I heard this was a good bait to make some followers commit. What kind of start is that?
  21. If it works for you then there aren't any other real issues I can think of. There are a lot of people that work baits this way.
  22. I usually get upset enough to use an expletive or three. Don't take much to trigger the ol' potty mouth. Then I usually laugh it off and keep on fishing. My friends won't let me forget it though. I kindly do the same to them.
  23. Thanks again, bear. I feel like I am already hooked. I hope I can do it a little more this fall. Last year, just getting those follows was pretty exciting. I am aiming to hook up this time.
  24. It sure is expensive. Even the ugly baits are pricey. ;D Its funny how it can be such a different world than bass fishing.
  25. I have a 2009 model. I enjoy using it and it is a pretty nice reel for the price you will be paying.
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