I may be alone in this, but I feel like GLoomis' rein as the rod company by which all others are judged is just about over. I'm the first to admit that I haven't been fishing very long but based on my experiences, other rod companies have just about caught up to Loomis' higher end offerings. (I say this loosely because I haven't spent a lot of actual fishing time with high end Loomis rods). Rods are becoming lighter, better balanced, are full of high end components and although it is accepted that sensitivity is mostly subjective, it isn't hard to tell that even the cheap offerings are much more sensitive than the budget bass rod offerings of the past. You can also currently get a whole lot of rod for a lot less money compared to the GLX and NRX lines.
I think you can do very well shopping in the 150-250 dollar range. That range gives you a whole lot rod for the price. You mentioned that you already have a Dobyns. I hear nothing but good things about them and I plan on owning a few myself. St. Croix is a great rod company. I own a Premier spinning rod. I know its more of a budget rod, but it definitely gets the job done. I have also fished the Avid and it is a very nice rod for the money.
I use Powell rods quite often. These rods are relatively cheap considering the quality you are getting. I own a 704C and it is pretty much my go to rod for just about any tip up/bottom contact technique. I also own a 766 Flip/Pitch/Punching rod which is an absolute beastly stick. Tackle Tour has a few reviews up.
Kistler makes a mighty fine product. I have a friend that swears by them. He could easily afford any rod out there but is quite comfortable with the Magnesium TS line.
I have fished Daiwa Zillion rods and I found them to be pretty amazing. I found them to be light, sensitive and ridiculously strong. A member here - KYNTUCKY WARMOUTH - has two of these sticks and he talks highly of them. If they intrigue you, shoot him a PM and he will address any questions you may have.
Another manufacturer that sometimes gets overlooked is Damiki and their Dark Angel rods are superb. I think they only have a three year warranty but they are decently priced so it wouldn't break the bank if you accidentally broke one.
I think the options you have are virtually endless. Good luck in your endeavor and let us know how it is going.