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Big Tom

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Everything posted by Big Tom

  1. Nah. I have the following: Powell 704C - Pflueger Patriarch 6.4:1 - 15lb. P-line Fluoroclear. Powell 704C - Pflueger Patriarch 6.4:1 - 15lb. P-Line Fluoroclear. I use these combos for almost everything except cranking and they serve my needs really well.
  2. I didn't know if anyone on here appreciated Dream Theater or not. Crazy band. I don't listen to the much these days but they were one of my mainstays for a long time.
  3. The Original Spook is actually a pretty good sized bait. I have caught bass on this bait that were maybe 1/2 an inch longer than the lure itself. I recommend you getting one of these. Although its a pretty good sized topwater, it quietly swims on top and sometimes that can really be the ticket when the water is calm or has a really light chop. In my opinion the Super Spook Jr. is probably the best all around size. The rattles make it the easiest to cast although none of them are all that challenging. This is my favorite spook size. I have seen some nice fish caught on the puppy but overall, it is a total dink magnet. Really subtle little bait. Also the hardest to work because of its size. As for the rod: I fish all of my topwaters on a 6' Medium Action/Power rod. Personally, I like the short length because I point the tip at the water while walking the dog and longer rods smack the boat and/or touch the water.
  4. Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons Cannot figure out why this was never a hit.
  5. That is about how I feel about them too. Judging by how they felt in store, the rods are not stiff in the least. Not quite fiberglassy but they didn't feel like what I expected either.
  6. I have never lost a fish. Its just enough back play to irritate me really. Its my only complaint about the reel.
  7. The only thing I don't like about those style handles is that you can never make the back play completely disappear. I have two Patriarchs and a Quantum with that style of handle and they each have a tiny about of back play.
  8. I think you did the right thing. It is the sellers job to ensure that things are packed in the right way. He purposefully neglected to package the reel in the correct manner. Its just a bad business practice. Also, if his livelihood is based off of ebay, he does a lot of transactions and one negative experience isn't going to hurt him. Thanks for the heads up. *Besides, I bet you paid for the shipping too. If that's the case, it is the sellers job to ship the item so that it arrives completely as described. In this case, it was simply luck that it happened to arrive unharmed. (I realize sometimes things happen even when things are packaged correctly). **This is all just my opinion and I have been burned as a buyer and seller on ebay so perhaps I am just a little jaded.
  9. Agreed. Facts shouldn't contain opinions. America's major news outlets are broken.
  10. Fedor by armbar.
  11. Somehow, I knew this was coming.
  12. I am looking forward to Assassins Creed 2 and the new Gran Turismo.
  13. I am just now starting to get into Spinnerbaits. War Eagle is the best I have tried so far. I have also had some success with Terminator. I do plan on picking up one of the new Megastrike Spinnerbaits.
  14. The new one is alright, I guess. Its a lot better than Socom 3 and 4. If it didn't have the Socom name it would be a better game. They changed a lot of stuff around that a lot of people, myself included didn't like. I just doesn't feel like Socom though. I don't know what it is about 2 but it is definitely the best Socom to date. Matt, if you have a PS3 I can mail you the newest Socom so you can try it out. I never play it.
  15. The lag did used to be horrendous on Socom. After this was posted last night, I watched some videos of the game play on Gamespot and they said so far the Beta has no lag online. I still suspect some lag issues at leas when the game first comes out.
  16. Isn't this made by Zipper? I used to play Socom 2 religiously. It was not without its faults but Zipper does online play pretty decently. I will definitely be checking this one out.
  17. That is what I thought too. Its how the bait is rigged I guess.
  18. I own two 704C's. They are extremely versatile but if you are just looking for a jig rod go with the 705. Although I love the 704's I find myself continually wishing I had a 705 as a dedicated jig rod. Its actually more stiff than the 704 but barely weighs more.
  19. This is what I would do: Curado 200E7 on Ebay: 150.00 shipped from several trusted sellers. Powell Max 6'8" or 7' Medium Heavy: 140.00 Shipped from Tackle Warehouse. These rods are really nice for their price. You even get a combo that matches color-wise and you still have ten bucks to spare.
  20. He's as good at that as he is catching dinks. ;D
  21. Daniel, I remember that post. Awesome find!
  22. I see these people about once a trip. I don't understand the reasoning behind it.
  23. My college offers them for free every so often so I take advantage of that. It has never made me sick and I figure its worth it in the long run.
  24. I used to really like Vanish until I tried other lines. My main complaint is that it handles so badly. I didn't even realize it until I switched to P-Line.
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