What he said. I'm in my 3rd Gambler now and before that I owned 2 Rangers, a Skeeter and a Tracker. I really liked the Rangers I had and if a good situation came across, I'd own another one. About the Sterling. I think once you get in and crawl around in one you'll be able to tell that it's a very high quality boat from top to bottom. Everything about it. They cut no corners on craftsmanship. The ride is awesome. It's not quite as fast as Bullets or Strokers but it will run 80+ and look bad+++ while doing it. You might see 85 with the 300.
There are so many things about a Sterling that set it apart from other boats. The biggest, and best, in my opinion is that you sit 'in' a Sterling, not 'on' it. It's like driving a high performance sportscar. The last I heard, Gambler/Sterling only made about 100 boats a year and that 60% of those 100 are custom ordered boats. Not just demo boats for the dealers. I would definitely make the trip to the nearest dealer to look at one before I bought anything else.
Good luck.