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Everything posted by D3

  1. good job man I love the way those lures look in the water I also need to gain some confidence in them. How deep of water were the pike inn where you caught them and also what is the depth of the lake like. I am addicted to pike through the ice but have not yet targeted them on open water. D3
  2. Thanks JJ that is what I am looking for advice like that. D3
  3. Triton 21 I really like the way you put it in your post. I think maybe I worded it wrong or people are perceiving it wrong. I am looking to see what others would have done diferent knowing what they know now prior to tourny fishing. D3
  4. I have recently got back into the bass seen after about 5 years and I am really enjoying myself. I am thinking of getting involved in some open tourneys next year and maybe a club. I am just curious to the guys or gals out there that have or presently fish tournaments how did you get started and what would you do different. For an example I wish I was a little more versatile with deep water fishing or using a jig etc. I look forward to hearing the stories and advice. Thanks in advance. D3
  5. welcome you will have a fun time here D3
  6. welcome eric you will have a good time here there is alot of knowledge to be had. They also like to have a good time and joke around. :) Once again welcome D3
  7. Rocket did you get out on saturday night. Have not heard from you hope all is well give us the low down did you get that jig fish. D3
  8. If you type in plastics or molds in the search box many topics will come up for you to check out. also go on and check out the swap meet and flea market on the site and you may find someone selling different stuff that you want and can pick there brain a little. I am just starting to play with plastics and some custom wood. They catch fish but they are not pretty. D3
  9. I love them all but 3 and 6 are my favorites as they are the colors I prefer. great job as always. D3
  10. I have fished there for trout in the past remeber it is also in conneticut and there laws apply. Never did any bass fishing there. D3
  11. Thanks tin for the time you took to setup this gathering. I wish you all could have seen the olympic fall I took when I step of the boat to the rock No depth perception at all and a slight case of vertigo leads to a 2foot fall haf in the drink and half out. Ho serious injuries just a sore.As for the fishing I continued my horrible streak but did enjoy what I learned on last nights get together. Look forward to hooking up again and practing some other methods I appreciate a good teacher and someone who also thinks outside the box :-X. Thanks again Tin D3
  12. mackeral by day eels by night
  13. I have not seen much response to this post. Is there not alot off tourny guys on here. I hope you win the battle. Give me a time and place for a defenite and I will be there even though I do not fish tournies. I have seen this with other groups 10 percent of the group does 99 percent of the work. Remeber if they get this there will be other things to follow trust me I know personally. D3
  14. No he is not shooting for free advertisment at all. The items have been sold but unfortuanetly he can not remove this post or has forgot it is here. But I know personally the items are sold. D3
  15. I hope you are correct as it would be off best interest for the state to do such. They should make it public knowledge not so much weight but species and update the books that they give out. Maybe there is some grant money out there for these experiments . I know that we are in serious money trouble and the ponds are the last thing on the states mind at this time. The statement before this was not meant for an argument it was a simple statment that there are things happeing in the waters that others are not aware of. D3
  16. Low budget hooker I have to disagree with you as I know for a fact that there are little pike in a few places that I fish. I do not know you well enough to tell you where they are maybe in the future we can take an adventure to these palces. They have been producing and one is woods cove for sure but there are others. If the state had the money to shock waters in some other ponds besides wordens they would also know this. By the way guys you are hard core fishing wordens at this time of the year I call that the mini ocean of Rhode Island great catch. Go get them as I can not this year. See ya. D3
  17. Good job on the report lbh. This is what it is all about and yes it was nasty out there brought the little man and cousins down with bassinajr to see the event and help if needed. He could have stayed out all day but me The daddy I was the wimp. Once again thanks for all you guys do for the community and the kids. These are the good old days and without the kids there is no future at all. D3
  18. You have some resal treasures there. Be sure to pass them on to the little ones for future showings. I love old fishing and hunting stuff. That is when it was real basic. D3
  19. Is it sold at the big stores or does it neeed to come offline. D3
  20. We recently were having a discussion in another topic about drags etc. I am curious to what type of line you folks use to MAKE SURE YOUR FISH DO NOT GET AWAY. Road warrior said his fish do not get away. I tried to ask him a question and for some reason my post dissapeared with no reasoning. I thought he would have been the guy to answer this question for me but he never responded and also I figured if he did remove my post being a global moderator he would have at leats told me and I saw the amount of post he has and figured well he is a writer so he would have the answer for me. Well I figure I will ask the general board . I am looking for a good l;ine that does not cost and arm and a leg in 10 -12 pound test for fishing in weeds on top water baits. Any answers and also I do not want thenm to get away. I think this is impossible but they tell me it isw not. Please help. D3
  21. road warrior why did you not respond to me also why did you or another moderator delete my last post. I am here to try to learn and I feel that that was uncalled for. I do not feel it was off topic either as we went from a reel to actual pound test and names of line. I was told this was an excellent forum to meet friendly fisherman from around the country. If that is not what this is for please send me a private email and let me know. I just feel that you have a wealth of knowledge and wanted to talk fishing with you. I am a little disapointed to say the least.
  22. I guess looking at this post no one should try to set records on light tackle because you surely will loose a fish or get spooled and that is a fact lets see 30 % of 10 pound test is about 3 lbs now go and try to catch a sharl or someother fish without playing with the drag. I love a good challenge and trying to fight fish but you have no worries about me telling you that a big fish got away because I only do it to play for fun. To me that what fishing is. That is just my opinion. I love hearing about the fish that got away as they get bigger every time someone tells the story and I know they are liars. Then I do not believe anything else eversaid by that indiviual. I like to fish not tel stories. LOL LOL D3
  23. Well Iguess no one heard that they are talking about putting the new red sox stadium in there. The pond will dry up by the end of the season. LOL LOL D3
  24. It does not matter if the polar pond is off limits or not as there was a guy taking fish out of there today. Lets just say he did not have a ruler either big or small he took them all. Few words he did not understnad either. Good luck on the tournament just remeber this is all for THE KIDS NOT YOU OR YOUR EGO. D3
  25. When you want to have a tournament I heard in RI that you need a permit for the pond. Is this the same every where? Also how do the prices work for getting them is it based on the amount of entries or the acres of the lake, etc? I just would like to understand how the tournaments and trails work and how they go about having them in different states towns etc. Thank you in advance for any information or points of contact to gather this info. D3
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