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Everything posted by arul

  1. I am a HUGE fan of the Extreme. I don't think the Extreme can be beat for the money-even though they raised the price a little this year. I had the chance to fish with an Elite Pro, and I was not sure my setup was good for spinnerbaits (i am kinda new), so the Pro made some casts with it, and was very impressed with the quality. Then when I told him the low price for the combo for he was even more impressed.
  2. Not sure about this one, but I am a HUGE fan of the Extreme. I don't think the Extreme can be beat for the money-even though they raised the price a little this year. I had the chance to fish with an Elite Pro, and I was not sure my setup was good for spinnerbaits (i am kinda new), so the Pro made some casts with it, and was very impressed with the quality. Then when I told him the low price for the combo for he was even more impressed. I say save up a little bit more and just get the Extreme! Save even more and get the Extreme reel and Rod combo!
  3. Yeah, I have done alright flipping up shallow, but I have never fished the Harris Chain in the "postspawn" timeframes. I suspect the spawn should almost be done, so I just don't know where to target next... any suggestions?
  4. So I have fished Harris Chain in central florida 3 times now, and each time I get a little better. The last time I fished was a month or so ago, when it was full on spawn time. I think I might try to get back out there shortly, but have no clue if they will still be spawning or not-probably going to be more of a postspawn deal? Once the spawn is over, what the heck do these fish do and what patterns can I expect? From what I have seen, it's not like there is much in the way of offshore structure that these fish move out to...? Do they all just stay put in the shallows for their whole life? Should I just expect to pitch and flip this chain regardless of time of year?
  5. So Ike was fishing a tube on Sunday... I have no clue about tubes, and have never even thought about using one. He said it was with a 1/4 weight. What does a tube represent? Baitfish? Crawdad? What was the advantage to Ike using a tube over a Jig, or creature bait, or other soft plastic? Bottom line: Why go with a tube????? I would love to know the thought process. Hey Ike- I know you are reading this, so feel free to Private Message me... your username is safe with me!
  6. Great Fisherman! Great Interview! Great Person! I love IKE!
  7. Exactly! The football endzone celebration is a PERFECT anaology. I love the endzone celebrations...the wackier the better. My dad hates them. Just depends on how you are wired.
  8. Ever pee in the water? I tinkle overboard every time I catch a good one. My bladder just gets a little excited...
  9. Just read a few posts more to my sentiment. I am not convinced laying a fish on the carpet is any worse than what we do to it by catching it, and don't have a problem with it. Also, good point about fisheries biologists. Those guys handle the fish WAY more rough than any carpet flop.. cheers
  10. Can you explain what this does to the fish? I suppose it removes the protective slime they have? Won't it just come back? I don't understand why laying a fish on the ground or having it flop for a few seconds is any more cruel to the fish than hooking it, confining, bagging it, laying it in a bucket with a piece of plexiglass on top of it... I know we all want to conserve and protect the resource, but other than "looking bad" what does this tactic do that isn't already being done?
  11. arul


    Agreed. Was pulling for Ike, but both of them can take the sport further into mainstream sports america by their market appeal.
  12. No. Not at all. Let me put it to you this way: I was fishing in a BFL as a coangler, had missed a couple fish throughout the day. The family and kids were coming to watch weigh in, I was staring a donut. Then, wham, I land a 12 incher! (1.5 bls) I screamed and wooted like I was out of my mind. d**n near broke my boater's hand as I slapped a high five. I was PUMPED! and we are not even talking about Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars on the line... In fact, I go crazy when I hook a big one on my local pond when no one is even looking, and I bet Ike does the same. It is just how you are wired... Some people just get really amped up and are not low key.... ;D ;D I relate to Ike's emotions, and because of it, he is my Favorite angler.
  13. Much agreement to below, but I rank City Limits up to #3, and Bassmasters #1. (I still have the '08 season on DVR and always find myself re-watching the Florida leg, picking up good pointers for my local waters) I can't find Bass Edge anymore...they must have moved off of Versus. I am REALLY hoping FLW Outdoors moving to Versus will result in a change in their production value on par with Bassmasters.
  14. Hi all, I want to try using braid, but am afraid it will spook the fish, since it is noticably visible. I know if I am flipping heavy mats or using a toad, the likelyhood of them seeing the braid is small. However, what about those in between situations where you are flipping sparser grass, or fishing a worm real slow, and not really going for a reaction strike? Do you think it I shoudl use a leader? I tried one, but hate how the leader knot hits my guides when going through during a cast. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks~!
  15. I fished the Gator division as a co angler on Kissimmee chain a few weeks back. Caught the big Donut, and zeroed.... :0( that was my first time on the chain, so maybe I will learn more by next time in may.
  16. Dude- what shows BETTER sportsmanship than coming clean on a foul hook? That took true honor, way beyond and above paying off for a spot. You ever pay a guide to scope out a spot for you???? You ever been in a tourney and ask a local to move off your spot??? Happens everyday, and there is nothing wrong with it. Get off your high horse. Give these guys the respect they deserve for coming clean on a foul hook and the passion and obsession for the sport they displayed.
  17. Who cares about who was on the spot first. The fact that these guys HONESTLY noted a fould hook, when they could have easily said it was mouth hooked, makes them beyond reproach in my eyes. A truly noble gesture. If that 8 million dollar bounty was still on the table, fould hooked or not, I am claiming the money... Make sure to watch the NGC re-air if you missed it. A great show! The footage of feeding bass was SAWEET!
  18. The Bassmaster coverage helps me tremendously. Though a great goofball, Zona expands my fishing knowledge and techniques by his play by play analysis... I can't say the same for the past FLW tv events I have watched...
  19. I just hope they up their production value... The current show looks like it is filmed on a home camcorder, and the announcers don't say anything but, "he's hooked up here", "he's got a fish", "he's reeling him in", "want to take your time here...", etc. I hear it is going to be filmed in HD. That would be an upgrade. Now, let's just get the announcers to actually give some insight to what the angler is doing and why... -oh, and I don't want to see Grandpa Joe netting the pro's fish either. Land your own fish! Do these things, and I will tune in regularly. :D
  20. I love this show. It is my favorite. I am new to the sport, and didn't even realize until about 4 episodes in that Mike Iaconelli was actually big time pro fisherman. I just thought he was some entertaining Joe Blow off the street doing a public access television show. I got his book, and highly recommend it. I can't wait for new episodes though... when they coming out???
  21. I am entirely confused. So why in the world are you in the "Bass Resource Forum" then? Why are you even member of the site if you are not into bass fishing? "I really hate the NFL. Anyone see Fitzgerald open a can on the Eagles? I have him on my fantasy team and I also am a member of the NOsaints forum, username: IheartBREESE. But man, the NFL is just so lame. Soccer is way better."
  22. Hi all, I tried using the Zoom Speed worm (the one with the paddle tail). I was watching it come in, and I wasn't sure I understood the paddletail would just kinda hang limp. Then, during 1 particular retreive, the paddle tail just started kicking up a storm, kinda like a swimbait. I tried to reproduce this effect, but couldn't do it. I tried different speeds, rigging, etc... How do I consistently get that tail to kick like it should????
  23. Hi all, It's been really warm the last few weeks, although today brings a little cooler weather. I was wondering if the fish moved up to spawn yet? Or maybe this current front, will knock them back for the next patch of warm weather?
  24. So I got these things to use instead of your typical noise beads, and was surprised that they are magnetic. So what happens is that now my weight sticks to the bead. If the bead and weight are stuck together via magnetism, how in the world are they going to "click" and hit together to make the noise I want???? Am I missing something?
  25. Hey Fishindaddy- is this thread still active? I am looking to get on the Harris chain for the first time, come Sunday. Where should I start looking to find the fish on this massive water? Any pointers would be great!
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