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Everything posted by VTechHokie

  1. I use them Texas Rigged and weightless of river smallmouth all the time. Works GREAT
  2. I have a pair of the glass. Wouldn't know what the polys are like, but I have heard that the glass have much better optical quality. I love mine to death
  3. I am heading out this afternoon to the river with the flies. I will report on how I do!
  4. My friend, you are going down there to fish at probably one of the best times of the year!!! The bluefish are making their run north right now and I have heard that the spanish mackerel are starting to come through too! I would go just find any pier or bridge where fishing is allowed and get ready. You want to use got-cha plugs tied onto about a 6in 50+ lb mono leader so the fish dont bite through it. Tie that on, throw, and you will undoubtedly catch a fish. now, if the wind is in the wrong direction you may catch nothing, but it looks like weather is going to be nice down there so you should be fine. If you need anymore help just look at what all the other fishermen are doing on the pier and you'll figure it out pretty quick! Im heading down there next weekend to do the same thing. I have had some of the most fun times fishing down there this time of year so im hoping it is another solid year! good luck to you! if you have any other questions just ask
  5. As far as I know its not a viral thing so it probably does not spread from fish to fish. I have very limited knowledge on this... so I always could be wrong!
  6. It is just an infection of some kind. This usually indicates that the fish could possibly be stressed... but from what I can see the rest of the fish looks healthy so it is probably just an unlucky fish that got this infection
  7. 84' Bass Tracker 35 hp merc. Old but runs true! Helps me catch fish!
  8. This is odd, I feel like if it were lack of oxygen then the bass and bluegill would be the first to die. Carp are much more tolerant when it comes to poor water quality. Just my two cents 8-)
  9. Thanks for such an educated answer!! I will go hard at it once the water temp gets closer to 60 degrees. Now I am not arguing with a VT grad since I am as well, but I guess to see if he is correct SGT Rico is to go out to the pond one early morning and see if there any what I call "hand-gernades," (No, not Jersey Shore reference), but huge strikes on the top! Also, maybe go outside the box and try rat lures, snakes something like that. Keep up posted on any progress and good luck! I agree! I would probably try the same thing! ;D
  10. Sounds to me like the pond probably has a small number of VERY large largemouth in there. The good bluegill and crappie population makes me think that there is more than enough food from the fry that the mature brim produce. this would also explain why there arent too many dinks that you'd usually catch often in a pond like this. Largemouth fry directly compete will bluegill during the early life stages. So a pond that is populated by alot bluegill and crappie can be a very difficult place for a jevenile bass to survive. So these few largemouth have all the food (bluegill) in the pond just to themselves with very few competitors. Its going to be hard to catch the fish in there because they most likely have their fill off of all the forage for them in there. But I would say keep fishing hard and you will probably get one! And it will be a nice one im willing to bet!! Keep us updated!
  11. X2 on that St. Croix. Its my go to rod for most everything. I wade for river smallies, catch largemouth, and even have caught atlantic blues and spanish mackeral on it. Very sensitive, but still has quite a backbone
  12. Very nice! What part of the river are you fishing? Im in Blacksburg right now. Went out on Claytor Lake saturday morning and couldnt catch a thing
  13. Hey you guys! Any of yall been starting to fish for smallies on the river lately with this warm weather? If so, are yall catching or just fishing? I know ive just been fishing. What kind of structure and baits yall been fishing?
  14. Down at the end of McCoy at the new river junction? yeah, the same place! there is some good fishin down there
  15. Down by big falls (the area you are talking about down from whitethorne) is a great place to fish!! There are a ton of wadeable spots that you can find above and below the falls. I have spent most of my time fishing there on the new river. I wouldnt suggest it, but I have waded at whitethorne once and caught a few nice smallmouth. It pretty difficult to get to a wadeable area and not really worth the effort. You can reach a spot on down the river where you can park underneath a bridge but im not familiar with the location completely. As far as eggleston goes, if you do not have a boat it can be difficult. however there are some wadeable areas around the bridge and upstream from there. My biggest advice is to just explore and find spots for yourself. Just drive along the river and if you see a good spot, stop and fish it. If its no good, just move on! No better way to spend a summer day
  16. I am going to be going in to this field next year in the best town on earth, Blacksburg! GO HOKIES! Hope to catch up with you and try and do some fishing, I have had some good luck smallie fishing and trout, but never tried for the elusive musky Thats sweet man!! yeah smallies are good in this area, done a little trout fishing but not much! Looking forward to meeting you!
  17. 3" Gitzit tubes, they are hard to find now but a big bag of them will last quite some time
  18. When I got my fly rod last year I just went to a pond nearby and practiced casting. caught a few nice bass and bluegill with it. you kinda get used to the whole thing with a little practice. you will get the hang of how to retrieve it to get a strike and all.
  19. oh yeah, and I went out yesterday kinda to scout out, the water temps were a bit cooler, around 33-34 degrees
  20. Im new to this, So... How do a acquire a sucker? I know what they are but I wouldnt have the first idea on how to get my hands on one... In the river there are hogsuckers and white suckers I believe. I'm a fisheries major here at VT so i've electroshocked some but i doubt they'll let me use that equipment to catch some bait Also if I can get one how do a rig it up?
  21. I havent been out yet but I have heard that the water temps are in the 38-42 degree range. Hopefully warmer by the time I go out, its supposed to get up to the 40s this weekend
  22. Hey guys, are any of yall musky fisherman? I have become very interested in trying to catch one. I will be going out this weekend to try to get some down at the New River here in VA. Any tips on what time of structure or depth to fish along with types of baits would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  23. I am from the Blacksburg area. They have stocking programs for many of the streams in the Jefferson National Forest and a few other streams in the area. The best place around here to go though is Little Stoney Creek/ Stoney Creek. They stock rainbows four times a year in the lower portions at you get near the new river and up. It the upper portion of the stream there are populations of native brook trout in the two upper branches. hope this helps! Sorry I dont know of much from your area, im not much of a trout fisherman...
  24. Trout Stream in The smokeys.
  25. I have a 1984 35hp mercury. I am wanting to try to find a jet lower unit for it cause im planning on doing some shallow water fishing in some rivers. Does anyone know how much it would cost me to get something like this and where I could get it?? Thanks!!
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