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About Wilson

  • Birthday 04/08/1992

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    Ontaio, Canada

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  1. I started off with a 10 foot jon. didn t have it have enough to deck it or else it would have been. If I was you id cut a door inthat front deck for storage. The only problems I had with the 10 footer was storage I have way too much stuff in such a small boat. I ended up, upgrading toa 1436 tracker jon which is now moded. started off stock, then front deck and small low deck in the middle for a sturdy platform, now front and back deck, had it fully decked for 2 days. I stood in my 10 foot jon many times and had 3 and 4 people out in it we swam out of it and climbed back in with out any troubles.
  2. was the second fish a pickeral? looked like a pike to me :S
  3. Just saw low budget hooker on Lunkerville watching it now. Way too go buddy im happy you finally made it on!! The boat is looking great your the one who inspired me to modd my jon and showed me how easy it really is with some hard work and detication. and mike your running a Great Show!!
  4. I dont see anything wrong with it... if it was free is a project.. it needs a good cleaning and stuff but as a project why not. this boat has lots of potential in the right hands.
  5. by shifting you mean like gears? i never thought of that.
  6. did you install that yourself? and what did it run you? where did you get your parts. Ive been looking on boaterswolrd for a bit but not sure what exacually it is i need. Thanks
  7. thanks .... but ive made mind up lol I want one and it will work good in my boat ive measured and stuff. just need to find out what i need to make this possiable.
  8. another pic
  9. I have a 14 foot jon that I have decked and such. I now have a bow mount trolling motor to mount on it for this season and sold my 4.5 to get a 9.9 or 15 hp. What would I need to do to set up a steering console and throttle on the side?? Im looking at a 1985 honda 9.9 but theres other out that i know. Ill attach a few pics so you can get a visual. Ill also have seats and pedestols on the front deck and back deck as im extending the back deck right to the back. then seats like a bass boat for the steering.
  10. Wilson


    July 30 2008 at 12:56 pm. Its still in my outbox.
  11. Wilson


    LBH it You where the first one I pm'd I have watched all your stuff and read all oyur post figuring you would be the first one to ask and never heard back in a couple days so I sent it to the rest. and once again no reply. its in my outbox right now.
  12. I just built one tonight me and my dad did it all in a day. we worked togeather and got it all done just need to carpet and install doors. We just found some old paint that we will never use again ( happened to be white) and the back deck I made purple see if anything different happens. All the "pro" bass boats on the lake that I have taked to are just 2x4s and stuff with out any sealer or anything so I don't know. Depends on how wet it will be and what kind of weather it will see.
  13. Wilson


    London. So not too too far from you. Also try skunked.ca is mainly all about london and sarnia but its for all of ontario mainly. check it out great site my username is Bass_lovin_fisher
  14. I have pm'd all the admins and have not gotten a reply in over two weeks. so I am wondering is there anyway I can get some stickers sent to my from this fourm to put on my new tracker jon. its plain and needs some stuff lunkerville is currently sending me some to. I want to get more people in Canada onto this site.
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