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Uncle Leo

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Everything posted by Uncle Leo

  1. You might want to consider the 35 Supreme at $ 99.00. It is a bit lighter. The Sahara is alos a good reel. I can not speak for the President.
  2. I have had some luck with a X-Rap in 42-48 degree water. I would give that a try. Hold a bit between jerks they still will not be very active at that temperature.
  3. For a small fee Tackle Warehouse has a demo program. www.***.com This program is for Daiwa reels and will allow you to test up to four reels at a time. We have all made the mistake of buying a reel and selling to try another at a loss. This is a way to minimize your loss.
  4. I would throw at that area for at least 4 hours, take a nap and throw another 4 hours, SWEET!
  5. I only can compare to a Crucial but I will add that at $99.00 you can not get a better rod. I have a 6'6" MH which is one fine rod. I used it for T-Rigs before I picked up a Zillion. Rod is not extremely light but you can add the weight system to balance out. It is extremely sensitive though.
  6. If you paid less then $ 50 it is a cheap reel. If with a heavy weight you cast only a few feet then it needs to be adjusted. I beleive you have the spool tension way too tight.
  7. Try the Fox River.Not sure about McHenry which is north but down near the Mongomery Dam I caught some.
  8. All this talk makes me have to go.
  9. Up to 9 for the year. Includes 3 caught through the ice fishing for Bluegills.
  10. Godspeed
  11. Been out the last two weekends. FIshed Mazonia, Strip Pits in 42 -47 degree water in the driving rain weekend before last and last weekend at Braidwood in 62-72 degree water. Bass were on the beds at Braidwood. Water is so dark it is impossible to sight fish.
  12. You are going to love this place, it will make you a better Bass Fisherman.
  13. I believe I will have to go with Catt and George on this one. A proper hook set is important. This does not sound at all like equipment failure but maybe choice of equipment can be part of the equation. I have seen many of lost fish due to wrong choice of rods primairly in choice of action. This is very important in treble hook baits such as cranks and jerks. Using Fast or XFast Action and not keeping proper tension on equates to lost fish. This type of fishing requires a Moderate Action. Take a better look at hookset and equipment choice. I rarely miss a fish T-Rigging and use both Med and Med H with a XFast Action but as Catt states. Bow to the fish and then let them have it. IMHO
  14. Nice bass, one oz. short of my personal best, I wish I lived in Florida.
  15. St Croix Mojo Slop and Frog I purchased this rod for it's attended purpose and to second as a smaller swim bait rod. These techniques I use rarely but wanted to incorporate them this season thus I did not want to spend a large sum of money. Well I have to say after using it briefly I am quite happy. I paired it with a Citca 100 DVS and it balanced perfectly. So far I have used it with a unweighted Money Minnow and am quite impressed with the distance in the cast. This rod really loads up well. For the price point i would highly recommend this rod.
  16. This should not even be questioned. When you are in the military you are government property. All health care is provided regardless of the nature of the injury. If it is unbecoming there are other provisions made for that. I speak from experience, I was in the Navy and had a wild side. I was cared for and punished as government property, this is understood.
  17. Brush Hogs, had my most success with them.
  18. I just checked Trilene 100% also make a Low Vis Green line. I really doubt you will lose much with the yellow.
  19. I am not familair with this particular line but Trilene Vanish Gold has a bit of a tint to it. In sunlight it turns gold for visibility. I am sure it is not a problem. You could cut off a piece, weight it and drop it into the water to see how visible it is. That should tell you if it has the property of visibility that you are looking for. I know KVD swears by it.
  20. They are waiting for us, be aware.
  21. I am somewhat over weight. I quit smoking about 4.5 years ago. I work out everyday only because I quit smoking and feel great. I have no medical issues but have to say IMHO I would rather be a bit overweight then smoking again. At least there is hope.
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