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Uncle Leo

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Everything posted by Uncle Leo

  1. Ozzie is more entertaining then Lou, at least when it comes to the weather.
  2. The skunk is dead, then I smile. ;D
  3. No, it is just that people in the rest of the country don't realize how small and pressured our lakes are. We do have big fish out here but they have all been caught numerous times and to get them to bite is not an easy task. I've had my share of 25lb sacks but non of them came easily. What I really meant but did not properly state is you have the opportunity for a 25 lb bag. We have a very limited opportunity. The largest lake I have readily available is 2500 acre. Not big based on others. We have pressure but not year around. At times we can have 75 boats on a 200 acre lake which seems pressured to me. I usely fish on a 300 acre lake with maybe 16 boats but still will never see 25 lbs unless I catch 25 fish.
  4. Ozzie does not like the weather, GO SOX. :D
  5. That's supposed to be hush-hush Speed. Is someone holding out on me? I have not bought a bait all week, do tell.
  6. X2 I have found this to be the case also. At one point I lived 10 minutes from a river and never hesitated to fish it during frontal conditions when I knew that lake fish might be shut down. These fish seem to be more effected by rise in river levels which we experience in great amounts in the Mid-West. A rise would muddy the water but if the banks overflowed you could fish the swallows, new habitate. Fronatl cinditions had less effect.
  7. Nothing wrong with a little clean out on occasion.
  8. I am both confused and envious. I understand that that you folks are limited to what lakes you can fish due to invasive species but most weekend warriors are. We have to fish based on the limited time we can spend. You folks still have tremondous opportunities for double digit bass, whereas in the Upper Mid- West we have no opportunity except for once in a lifetime. You can easily go out and caught a 25 lb bag limit. We have to work for it. I wish not to condemn but would like to open your eyes. Count your blessing guys, go out and enjoy the time on the water. Enjoy the peace that this sport offers when you take time to accept it, good luck your next double digit bass is a cast away. I do not regularly have these opportunites but I do embrace the solitude and peacefulness of time on the water.
  9. Like a bad storm it will blow away. If it was something serious she would state so. Much like lightening during a storm just be careful till it passes. I love my wife but if I tried to understand her every mood I would have no time for fishing.
  10. Because the drool would damage the keyboard.
  11. After reading this yesterday and discovering that there were multiple views on the history I did an internet search. The best I was able to come up with is that this is considered lost history. Well maybe someone should have wrote it down. Quite disappointing I really did want to know the truth and had hoped that Tony Soprano had something to do with it.
  12. Thats great, before you know it she will be out fishing you. Tell your girl Uncle Leo says good job!
  13. These would make good gifts for some of the people I know.
  14. If you are going into medicine then you are making a good choice.
  15. I would have to say if your SAT are good enough to get into John Hopkins then you probably have numerous schools who would be interested. This said I think you need to look at numerous schools and you should take your major into consideration. Please keep in mind that this decision will effect how you live the rest of your life and is a major investment. I wish you luck, you and your generation are our future. I do not mean to be Uncle Leo but that is who I am.
  16. Now you are hooked, try a Rage Tail Chunk as a tip. My jig production doubled this year moving from a Baby Paca Craw to a Rage Tail Chunk. I think I even hooked my fishing partner just do not know what he is going to do with 1000+ crankbaits he owns.
  17. I read in a magazine, I beleive it was In-Fisherman that this technique evolved by a northern fisherman who visited Texas. Can not remember what lake, maybe Toledo Bend. Well this guy stopped in a local bait shop and asked the owner what catches fish as he had limited bass fishing experience. The owner gave him a pack of plastic worms and hooks. The guy did not ask how to fish them so he rigged them wacky style. Of course he caught fish and went back to the bait shop to thank the owner. They talked and it was discovered how he rigged them and word got out from there. I have no knowledge of how true this is but it was an interesting story.
  18. That's funny, did you live in a trailer with broken jacks? By your Avatar you lost a lot of weight.
  19. Way to go Ken, was that Lizard on the end of a Shakey Head?
  20. At least us old guys have enough sense not to let our drawers get soiled like you young guys. We even keep fishing, even when the bite is tough and never make excuses. Great trip guys, way to stick with it, I am sure the whiskey tasted good after a good day of fishing.
  21. Try adding a nail weight in the thick end. Tex Pose hook it 3/8 of an inch down from the end of the thin end. Cast and drag.
  22. 16 dragging and Dead Sticking a 5 inch Senko Watermelon Red Flake on the Rio River. 16 ft hole maybe 40 feet wide in the back of a Bayou. Lost the 17th because I forget to check the condition of the line. All we keepers, largest was over 5 lbs. A Heron showed us the spot.
  23. X2, I miss my Old Boy also, I could talk and joke with him about anything. I also lost him in 1998. My first beer always goes out to Pa.
  24. I used some that our guide had in Texas. We do not have an Academy Sports up north but I wish we did. I know that they are not Lucky Craft but we compared the two. After comparison there is no doubt that for $ 3.79 they are a steal. They ran true and finishes are outstanding. Excellent value for the dollar. I had wished that we had time before our flight out to stop by their store in San Antonio but our flight was too early.
  25. We would not have left without you Kelley.
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