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Uncle Leo

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Everything posted by Uncle Leo

  1. Nice one, that is the way to stick with it, it pays off sometimes.
  2. He definitely plays with passion but his big problem is not what he does while he is on the field. I think his teammates and coaches could deal with him if he was just intense on the field. He becomes his own worst enemy when he gets in front of the cameras. I don't care if you work for McD's, IBM, or an NFL team you should NEVER publicly bash your employer try to negotiate/resolve disputes on TV. I would bet a good deal of quarterbacks/receivers/lineman have serious words in the locker room after some games. IMO, if he would just learn to words "no comment" and stick to them, his issues would disappear. He is a great player no doubt. The problem with being a great player and an a** is as soon as you are a little off your game, you are gone. A real good player conducts himself better, leads, and ensures his leadership role will keep him in the game after he has begun to role off his A game. Yes unfortunately this is how the game has changed. In the past if a player stepped out of line the coach dealt with it as he seen fit. I am sure there has always been player like TO, it just was not tolerated.
  3. That is because you are fishing in dense cover that is the same color (most likely) as your line If you are not fishing in heavy cover or in stained water why would you want to use braid? Use a 100% Floro that is high quality.. (BPS XPS for ex) just as manageable on spinning tackle... but if you wanna go braid.. Power pro and stren are really good. This is why I pointed out it was in weeds.
  4. Is it possible to play with too much passion? Is TO an example of this? Just maybe. No doubt he can play the game.
  5. Glenn I think maybe the Hawks may want a Super Bowl.A lot may be tolerated for one.They did pick up Mora afterall. A lot goes on behind the scenes. I guess we will have to wait and see.
  6. Yeah, I would also like to know where you can get a Cara for $100 I would love another.
  7. To me this seems like the most logical choice for him to be accepted back into the league. Maybe his only chance as it is true the media will eat him alive. Mora can also help with this transition. If he is smart and this presents itself he needs to jump on it IMO.
  8. I have fished it before in July but am no means an expert. I found my best success launching out of Metro and working the Miles Road area. Stay in 12 foot of Water. Wiggle Warts caught LM, SM, Walleye and a few surprise Musky. Bring a net we did not.A 48 inch Musky is not fun landing by hand. You will have a blast.
  9. If you can get either for.$100 I would jump on the Cara. I also have the Head Turner, never have I seen a Heavy Action rod cast something in 1/4 oz so effortlessly. The Argon is the way to go with a Kistler.
  10. I use it in clear lakes and get as many bites as floro but in the weeds.
  11. I did not find braid manageable until I used Sufix. I would use 20-30 lb for spinning and 50-60 lb for baitcasting.
  12. Try a laxative, that will move a brick.
  13. Still here Tom been out every weekend at least one day. Been on the Roadtrip and to Choke Canyon. Other then that lakes in No. Illinois and NW Indiana.
  14. How did she do that without a finger?
  15. Lake Monroe is considered the premier Bass Lake in Indiana, try to fish it at least once a year. Had heavy flooding in the beginning of the year sohave yet to this year, hopefully I will get down in the early fall. You have a great lake to fish. Welcome aboard!
  16. I own both and both are rock solid. The Premier seems to cast a bit better. I have found that sometimes adding extra bearings does not necessarily make a reel cast better. Actually the only bearings that come into play during the cast are the spool bearings. For the most part additional bearings make for a smoother retrieve. Honestly when you hook into a hog do you pay attention to smoothness. Both reels have their own attributes. As far as I am concerned either will do the job. Maybe consider if the lighter weight is more important, if not you can save some money as the STX is a fine reel. If you want a lighter weight reel the Premier is for you.
  17. You still may, I do not believe for a minute this is over.
  18. It was just gambling, for Pete's Sake. Let him in!
  19. Da Bears, that should get Cutlers jock bunched up, we just love a QB controversy in Chicago. Did I say DA BEARS.
  20. Great idear! ;D ;D LOL, I believe I wet myself, I can not believe how much that made my belly shake, thanks guys.
  21. Raul I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, 1.5 miles from Lake Michigan. The Old Boy had to do something to keep us out of trouble. Fishing, baseball and football. Then we discovered girls
  22. Awesome fish and great soundtrack, me likey.
  23. 7.1-1 for me the faster the better. I will throw into some real junk and I want to get them out fast.
  24. I had a guide in Texas fry some up for us. I never ate drum before, although I have caught them. I have to admit they were wonderful. Great white meat fish and quite tasty. They will sure bulldog you.
  25. Yeah leave the crying for when your not catching. LOL
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