He definitely plays with passion but his big problem is not what he does while he is on the field. I think his teammates and coaches could deal with him if he was just intense on the field.
He becomes his own worst enemy when he gets in front of the cameras. I don't care if you work for McD's, IBM, or an NFL team you should NEVER publicly bash your employer try to negotiate/resolve disputes on TV. I would bet a good deal of quarterbacks/receivers/lineman have serious words in the locker room after some games.
IMO, if he would just learn to words "no comment" and stick to them, his issues would disappear. He is a great player no doubt. The problem with being a great player and an a** is as soon as you are a little off your game, you are gone. A real good player conducts himself better, leads, and ensures his leadership role will keep him in the game after he has begun to role off his A game.
Yes unfortunately this is how the game has changed. In the past if a player stepped out of line the coach dealt with it as he seen fit. I am sure there has always been player like TO, it just was not tolerated.