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Uncle Leo

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Everything posted by Uncle Leo

  1. One might be insulated and the other non-insulated. I have an insulated set. great for early winter and late winter. I ice fish and use it at the beginning of the season. Great gear especially on sale.
  2. Thought provoking, sometimes our appetite is our own worst enemy. Are fish not just as edible as dairy products? If so why do we wreck that resource? Both seems to generate an income.
  3. Stand up guy and talented QB. I hope he works things out.
  4. When is the bachelor party? That is the best time to dissolve the situation and best way to get out of your dilemma.
  5. Wonderful absolutely wonderful, good job and great fish!
  6. Kudos
  7. I fish a lot of clear lakes and never could get past the possibility of Braid being to visible. I used fluorocarbon to limit stretch and increase sensitivity. This is a possible alternative.
  8. That's funny, I had a similair situation about 4 years ago. I was fishing a lake in Michigan had a savage hit set the hook and nothing. Lost a crankbait. Latter that day fishing the same bay I hooked up again and landed a 18 inch Northern Pike. Low and behold this beast had the crank I lost eariler in the day in the side of his mouth. I retrieved it and released him. What are the odds? :
  9. I keep 52 people employed in manufacturing and am an Uncle to their families. I hope I can live up to that.
  10. I am happy the Bears have given Packer fans some reason to rejoice.
  11. Well golly gee, I hope not.
  12. More like allowing a vulture to pick the bones clean. You end up with waste. Must stop, too political.
  13. Reason to celebrate?
  14. Now you're just making me feel bad. :-/
  15. Them smaller pike are good eating. I like to wrap in tin foil with onions, butter and lemon and cook on the grill. Now I'm hungry!
  16. Any time I experienced turnover a telltale sign was a sulfer like smell. The muck on the bottom will move up to the surface, to a certain extent. This produces a sulfer type smell. Normally it will take 3-7 days for the fish to adjust the the water will be pretty cloudy due to the muck. Once they do the bite in on as this is an indication to them to pu a feed bag on as winter is coming. This year I have noticed the some lakes did not experience a thermocline in my area where normally they would. The cooler summer was to blame. I am sure that the turnover will be much less then in the past.
  17. No way they got TO.
  18. Classless
  19. Brians wrist is dislocated and will need surgery. This was a typical Bears game. I guess we had too high of hopes seeing how we now have a QB which can win us some games. Next week against the Steelers at home will tell all. >
  20. This one made me cry, but I am going fishing anyway.
  21. Try posting in the Flea Market, this may be a better opportunity to secure some.
  22. It was ghastly, an experience which should not be repeated. I think you spelled gas tly wrong. Go ahead and tell him but only if he promises I get the shirt out of it. And it probably wasn't the pancakes at all, it was the Kentucky butter and syrup. If I recall, it was pretty windy the rest of that day anyway. Windy yes but still seemed like a confined space. Mike what's up with this shirt already? Please, Ken already posted a photo without one on. My God do we need to see that again? Send him some type of rag already. Otherwise he may eat pancakes when next he sees you.
  23. Humbly in my prayers.
  24. Correction made, I required a gas mask, my problem was with the beans, at least I was somewhat even. What is it with pancakes, really?
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