your advice has to be the one that had the most inpact on me and opened my eyes as soon as i read it so thank you for that and i want to thank everyone else too,cause she has been nothing but good to me in every aspect of life and to but up with my crap it takes alot,i am staying and we are going to work it out,im sure everything will be ok,and for some of you guys,im not a dead beat dad that just want to run away from my family and in what i wrot i dont see how you got that but i came here cuz i knew ther had to be someone on here that had gone though the same thing so i want to that everyone
You have made a good decision, give the family a hug for us. I hope this helped as it took some courage to lie yourself out like this. Believe me you have made a good decision. I lost my kids and first wife when I was your age. I started a new life but suffer with empitiness. I had no fault in what happened to me ( she made a decision much like the one you were about to make) so I felt I needed to add my 2 cents as you have a chance. Good Luck and God Bless.
SEE my signature below, words to live by.