I tend not to trust to many IT guys from stores like Best Buy.
I have had similar issues with the so called "Solution Center" on my college campus. Awhile ago, I was having trouble getting a program that helped with remote connection to linux networks working (yeah, I study engineering and realize that I am kind of a nerd, but hey...). Took it into these guys and had them look at it, told them exactly what it was and was not doing, and what I needed it to do in the most explicit language (even referring to some of the computer terms) and the guy there proceeds to ask me if I had done all the stuff most people nowadays no how to do (like google the problem).
Anyway, I don't take my computer back to them now as I can get the same information and fix it for free myself.
IT can be frustrating, and I am fairly sure the Geek Squad only exists to make lives miserable for those who don't know much about computers (think teenage city girl with no knowledge of cars going to the mechanic..similar idea).
I know enough now to take care of the majority of issues I have, and now I am the go to person for installing/fixing anything technology related with my older relatives.