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About oldschoolbasser

  • Birthday 04/23/1956

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  • Gender
  • Location
    rosemead ca
  • My PB
    Between 12-13 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Isabella Ca,Roosevelt Lake Az
  • Other Interests
    Upgrading,and customizing older Ambassadeur reels

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  1. I've been using an NRX852. Great for both weightless and Neko rigged Senkos
  2. Daiwa TD-Z Personal Order,any color.
  3. Why not buy on Amazon JP? I bought a 2021 Zillion for under $300 shipping included,and it only took 4 days to Arrive.
  4. The 5500D has 4.7:1 gears
  5. Boca Bearings makes a bearing to replace the bushings.3.2x10x4
  6. Available has spools for most of the older Ambassadeurs so maybe these might be next? If I were you I'd send an email to Avail asking them if there is any future projects for these reels. No harm in asking,and it would open up another niche in the Ambassadeur tuning market. If they do,I'd have to pick up a few Reels just to try them out. I used Black Maxx Reels back in the day,and they were great little reels. Wish I would have kept a few of them.
  7. Your reel was made in February of 1980,1st edition.
  8. Goose52,your 2600 Elite is worth more than than half of your reels! Those Reels are money in the bank. Not to mention they're the best small Ambassadeur ever made. Fortunately I have one too.
  9. I don't have any Fenwick rods,but I do have some Phenix Boron rods with extended handles. I still fish with these rods especially for vertical presentations. These rods balance well with my Ambassadeurs
  10. After about 35 years,I started fishing team tournaments again. Due to a lack of time,and a partner, I just fished whenever I could. A FB friend invited me to fish a tournament with him up at Shasta. We finished 12th out of 53 boats and I had a great time. A couple of weeks later, he asked me to fish another tournament with him,so naturally I said yes. Here's the results.AND THE WINNERS ARE....THE RESULTS ARE IN FOR THE 2018 PAUL JADRO MEMORIAL BASS TOURNAMENT!! The winners of the 25th Annual Paul Jadro Memorial Bass Tournament hosted by Company 2 of the Fortuna Fire Department achieved a rare accomplishment with only one of the team members ever fishing the lake in the past and then only one time. The team of Joel Chin and Brodi Garber managed an impressive win with a total weight of 19.74 pounds and in doing so they also captured both 1st and 3rd big fish awards for total winnings of $1,147.00. On the Youth Angler side of the field, Payton Markie and grandfather Dave Saunderson brought in a 5 fish limit weighing 9.78 pounds. For more information on additional winners and sponsors please visit the following link. http://fortunafire.com/2018-paul-jadro-memorial-bass-tournament/
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  11. These handles are a great fit for my 45-4600 Series reels because of the offset. With the newer rods with straight handles,they sit up higher,and are not as comfortable.
  12. Yes,these are Iovino Doodlin' Rods. I also have other Phenix Rods like the M2,Jig n Pig, Crankbait, and Split-Shot. Got a few spinning rods too. My brother worked at Phenix Rods for over 20 years
  13. Big Bass,yes they're Phenix Boron rods. I have about 20 left. I also have a few IM6 rods that Gary Loomis made for Phenix
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