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About skeletor121

  • Birthday 11/04/1977

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  • Location
    <p>Fredericksburg, VA</p>

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Sorry I didn't make it to meet all of you today. I ended up having a bunch of 9 year olds over since it was my daughter's birthday party. The family and I will be heading down there tomorrow though. Looks like it should be a good trip.
  2. I have been a bit absent from this forum (actually all forums) lately, but I will probably head down to this with the whole family. Is there a website out there that has more details? I googled it and didn't see a home page for the expo. Any info would be great. Thanks for posting this.
  3. Kind of a tough question for me: Where am I living now (Virginia)? Where was I born (Florida)? Where did I grow up (Massachusetts)? Where would I now call home (Alaska)? Which one should I answer?
  4. I have no idea about this since I have never fished in a tournament. All I wanted to say is Fishing Man: that is a great band in your avatar. I have listened to DKM since '97 and seen them live a bunch. Great band. Sorry for the sidetrack, now back to your regularly scheduled thread.
  5. LBH. Thanks for the suggestion. Hopefully my avatar won't cause people to not help me out with my quest for fish. The pic is of a Halibut I caught in May of 07 (in Alaska). I did catch, keep, and eat my limit that day (limit is 2 a day). I also kept and ate salmon while living up there in AK. While fishing down here I plan to catch and release the fish. I may end up keeping one here and there, but as of right now I am still trying to hook a bass right now! Days were too cold here and I was having trouble figuring out the freshwater fishing techniques. While those days were unproductive numbers wise (I think 0 counts as unproductive), it was great to get out and practice some techniques I have read on these pages.
  6. Wife just called me and told me she is gonna cook up some buffalo meat for me she got at the store. Can't wait, I love buffalo.
  7. That is what I was expecting to here. I figure it will be a good compromise boat. I think that is better than fishing from the shore.
  8. Hopefully my house in Alaska will sell in the next month or so (had to move due to CG transfering me and am waiting for it to sell). If so I think my family will be purchasing a pontoon boat (currently am paying rent and mortgage, which means none left over for a boat yet). I am thinking a pontoon boat would be good for us all to go out and use for fishing and for just tooling around the lakes. The reason I think this is that my wife and I love to fish, we have 3 kids ranging from 5-10 (going to be 6-11 w/in 2 months). They love to fish, but the youngest doesn't have a great attention span. This will allow us all to go out on the water and enjoy fishing without having to run to shore when the youngest wants to color. What do you guys think about this? Are pontoon boats a good idea for a fishing platform as well as doubling as a run-about? I don't think I can get my wife to agree to 2 specialized boats (fishing and pure enjoyment boats) so am trying to find a good compromise for us all. This would also allow people who are visiting us in VA to go out on the water with us for a nice relaxing day. Most of the bass boats I have seen are rated 4 persons max, which does not fit our family.
  9. I have never interviewed for a job. I had 2 jobs in High School and they both hired me through the application and no interview. I then went to the Coast Guard Academy and am still in the service. I may be getting out in a couple years and will probably have to go through an interview then, but I am not worried about them. I have been through enough sitting through boards in the CG that interviews don't scare me. I have "interviewed" a couple applicants for Direct Commission Officer and our Officer Candidate School programs and felt sorry for a couple of them since they were not prepared.
  10. I am pretty new to bass fishing (did it a bunch of years ago as a kid, but no experience since) so I have a basic question: what is a silver buddy? I have looked around an have not been able to see a picture of it. I'm not sure if I have one in the tackle box yet, and seeing that Motts Run isn't too far away (Hunting doesn't seem far away either) I figure I should have at least one in there. Thanks.
  11. Thanks for all of the info. It may be early in the year but the family is heading out ot Motts Run Reservoir today to fish. This will be the first time for my wife and kids (for bass) so it should be interesting. I chose that spot from recommendations on this board, a couple people I talked to around here, and how close it is to the house. It is about 15-20 minutes away, which seems to be the closest spot. I figure it would be nice to be close for the first time. I will adventure further away after we get comfortable with freshwater fishing again.
  12. Thanks for the info. I definitely like how close Motss Run is to our home (we live off of 17). The only place I had heard of is Lake Anna before your post. I was thinking of the Virginia Fish and Game but hadn't gotten there yet. I found this site and figured I would post here to get first hand knowledge. I will go to the site next to see what is going on. Thanks again for the info.
  13. I haven't been bass fishing for at least 14 years. When I did fish for bass, I wasn't very good (young and no one explaining anything). I have been living in Alaska, river fishing for salmon and offshore for halibut. I moved to Fredericksburg, VA this past August and figure I should be able to get into bass fishing while we are here. My question is where to go bass fishing around here? I have heard of Lake Anna, but was wondering if there are any other places to catch bass around here? I am looking for a place to take my wife and kids (they all fish) for their first bass experience. We do not have a boat yet, so please take that into account when you reply. Thanks for your help.
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