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About PelicanRaider

  • Birthday 06/06/1977

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I just have a basic NOAA radio just in case I need wx info... but usually I just pull up a radar/satellite/temp site on my iPhone. A marine radio, though, allows you two-way communication on the channel designated for marine use (but some will, of course, have access to the weather broadcasts as well). Don't think it's a big deal for smaller lakes but a must-have in the ocean!
  2. I have a hunch, farmpond, that you're probably right: I'm probably not able to reproduce the exact conditions that I have on the lake in the garbage can. The ONLY thing I can think of is that it DOES seem to have this problem more on DIRTY lakes (with murky, scummy, muddy water) than on clean ones. Also, I should note that I HAVE made either 2 or 3 (it was last year) trips to the lake which did NOT include a breakdown... the "successful" trips were all to much cleaner water too... Which is why, in my total ignorance about how these devices work, I wanted to think that somehow the water that the motor is circulating through itself may be so dirty it's causing a clog.. but I can't find much support for that theory on line.... grrrr. In any case, I cranked it up in the garbage can for the first time this season and it cranked on the FIRST pull and ran until I stopped it myself...so, basically, I think the motor is good... but I do think it is quite the pansy when it has to deal with dirty water. I'll let you know how my first lake test goes. Thanks again to all of you for your advice!
  3. Yes, I do run it similarly on the lake as I do on the garbage can. The good thing is, this only happens after running at a high speed for quite a while (20 - 30 minutes). I've never had problems during short 5 - 10 minute runs. This makes me think that something is overheating. This, combined with the fact that I've never been left stranded: it eventually WILL crank back up. but what is overheating? The oil level looks good, and there are VERY few electronics in this kind of motor. Maybe these motors just aren't meant to go that far on the lake, I don't know. Thank you all for your ideas though, seriously. I know this is a tough issue to deal with.
  4. definitely water cooled. It's the standard 3.5 hp Mercury that you can buy at Academy.
  5. Ok guys, something is up. When I take my 3.5 merc outboard on actual water (it's usually a large reservoir) it does this thing where after I run it for about 20 - 30 min or so, it suddenly quits. Then, I wait about 5-10 minutes and I can run again. This is VERY frustrating because the motor is essentially brand new and has done this since the first time I took it out. So, I took it to a service shop and, of course, they couldn't duplicate the problem. So, I decided to play with it at home by setting the motor in a (clean) trash can full of water....and *I* couldn't duplicate the problem. But when I'm on the actual lake, it still happens from time to time. Is it possible for the water to be dirty and the engine get clogged up somehow and cause it to quit? I am just at wits end trying to figure this out. Again, the motor has NEVER quit on me when I have it running in water from a hose. It's ONLY when I'm on the lake. Any ideas you all may have...not matter how silly...are welcome!! Thanks!
  6. My yak is similar to yours (sit inside, 9.5 ft). Catching fish has never been a problem...and I don't have rod holders and all the other stuff that lots of folks have. Just the kayak, float bag, paddle leash, rod and a small assortment of lures. LOVE IT!!!
  7. Dude, you have so convinced me to get one of those for when I get my 14 ft jon! Thanks for posting those vids!
  8. I also have the Pelican Raider 10E. Use a 55# TM on it. Love it..love it..love it!
  9. hmmm. Good questions. I've taken my #55 on a jonboat before and, like you, was a little un-impressed. However, there were two of us (both larger adults) and even speeds 1 and 2 moved the boat and were useful for small changes in positioning, so, maybe there is a batt problem. We also were using the motor mounted on the transom.
  10. Everyone knows what I'm gonna say: Pelican Bass Raider 10 ft. I own it and love it! I have taken it on anything from small ponds to large Alabama Power impoundments and have never had any problem. If the day is very windy, you'll wanna stay off of open water....other than that one exception, I take it everywhere and have caught quite a few fish out of it. I can sit or stand and it can easily fit two people (even larger people). I have a 55# TM on it and it gets me where I want to go. My two cents anyway....good luck in your search!
  11. funny how that kayak ad from Dicks calls it a "sit in". It's not. That's a sit-on-top kayak and they are MUCH better for fishing I'm told. I almost never fish from my kayak anymore (still LOVE kayaking though!) Here is the boat I have: http://www.directboats.com/20bara10efib.html I love every minute I spend in it. Great boat! Stable, PLENTY of room for one or two people. Lot's of fun...but MUCH cheaper if you go to Academy sports... just $500 there. Still, you won't go wrong with that kayak! Again, I hear sit-on-tops are the bomb!
  12. Are you serious VA? You really think you get more speed with the TM on the bow? My boat is technically designed to have it at the bow...I've just always preferred a Transom mount. Interesting...I might try that and see how it works!
  13. One more thing regarding using the boat in windy lakes. I took my boat out Monday during a "lake wind advisory" (the inland version of a small craft advisory) and my TM went against the wind just fine. The water was choppy with several white caps and my boat took on less than 1/2 cup of water. Am I disagreeing with what the above poster said about avoiding lakes with 15 mph winds? Absolutely not, the advice is certainly good. However, if you get out there and the winds are a little higher than forecast, don't automatically turn the truck around and go home either
  14. I have the 10 foot bass raider boat and my 55# TM is both my positioning motor and main propulsion. The setup you are talking about sounds PERFECT. If I can get my hands on a cheap 28# motor, that'd be nice to have that at the bow. I have a stowaway 12v battery and get 1.5 hours of solid run time at max speed.
  15. I recommend just taking it out and trying it. I know most people I talk to would NEVER stand in my boat and fish but I do and it really doesn't bother me. Everyone has a different opinion of what they consider "stable" to be, so, just check it out and if YOU feel good about it, stand right up! If not, have a sit down. It's all up to you man
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