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Everything posted by bassman31783

  1. Went to lake fork today to see what we could do. Right after a little cold front so i wasn't sure how it would go. Of course you don't know till you get out there and try so my dad and i went. I only caught two fish for the day but all in all a great day. Hear is the first one and it was caught on a red and black 3/4oz jig. It weighed 5lb15oz.
  2. So i lived about 20 min from lake fork and spent my fair share of hours on the lake. My bud and I, in the summer, would get out there at 5-am and head up little caney creek and just kill the bass with yellow magic's till about 9-am. Well this particular day was no different. We got out there and started to work the bass over real well, and before 7-am i landed into a 9lb. Sadly it wrapped itself around a oh so conveniently placed log and snapped my line. Yeah i was ticked but my blood was pumping and i had another yellow magic to tie on and get back in the game. On the very next cast, no longer had the lure hit the water about 15ft away, i got a hit. Need less to say i was so amped up from losing the last bass that i set the hook 5 times harder then i needed to. Well setting a hook that hard on a bass that probably weighed less then 5 oz created a projectile that i had to dodge. Yes it did fly out of the water and over the boat. As a joke my bud grabbed the net and proceeded to net this giant. So all in all a great day with an even better memory. Isn't that why we truly go fishing, for the memories. Any ways if you got a small bass or funny story please share. I would love to hear it.
  3. My dad had a friend back in the day that made him a whole slew of white spinnerbaits. I only have about 3 or 4 of them left now but they are the best i've ever used. Smaller then usual with one huge colorado blade that puts out so much vibration that i can feel that blade vibrating the second it hits the water. Sadly once i run out i'm out for good. :'(
  4. bassman31783


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