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Everything posted by bassman31783

  1. Awesome job & very nice fish. Water looks pretty clear. It's super muddy here with all the rain we've gotten.
  2. Beat me too it. Love the bait. Not near as tough as the Skinny Dipper, but 10x the action.
  3. The Lucky Craft Staysee & Pointers are probably the best looking/preforming suspending jerkbaits in my tackle box. However my best fish catching jerk bait is a BPS XPS suspending jerkbait. Go figure. :-?
  4. Senko's rigged every which way. Wacky rig around weed edges or any cover. T-rig to punch through the thicker stuff if available. C-rig for the muddy bottom. Also never pass up the old standbys for ponds such as a jig & grub, tiny torpedo, jitterbug, beetle spin etc...
  5. That's awesome. HAHA
  6. Man this one cracked me up. I know people that that has happened too.
  7. Beetle Spin, Tiny Torpedo, & Inline Spinners for me. But probably my biggest sleeper bait is a good old fashioned Dardevle Spoon. It always seems to catch fish.
  8. Wow, what a day. Really nice fish. Congrats.
  9. Good times. Keep on taking them & once you start catching fish they'll really be hooked.
  10. I as well use a tungsten weight.
  11. Awesome man. Glad to hear that.
  12. Really nice fish. Congrats.
  13. If your anything like me, you like to save $ where ever you can. One way that I've been able to save some cash is with my line. Braid & fluoro to be more precise. Now I'm sure some you on here already do this but for those who don't I recommend doing it. 1.) Next time your fishing put on your best casting lure & cast it as far as you possibly can. Strip out 5 arms lengths extra & put a piece of tape on the spool. 2.) When you change your line, strip your spool all the way down to the tape & clip it off at that point. You should now have a spool about 2/5 to 1/2 full of line. 3.) Now tie your new line (Fluoro or Braid) with the old line on the spool with a uni-knot. 4.) Now you have a full spool with half of it being new line. If you did it correctly you'll never be able cast past your uni-knot. I've been doing this for years now & never once had a problem. You can usually get two new respools per purchased spool of line. I know it's not a big money saver but with some of the prices of braid & fluoro I'll take whatever I can. P.S. I only do this on baitcasters. Never tried it on Spincasters.
  14. I use a tight wobble crankbait when the fish wants a tight wobble. I use a wide wobble crankbait when the fish wants a wide wobble. If you happen to have multiple rods then i suggest tying different crankbaits to each rod & then fish the heck out of them. It really shouldn't take long at all before you find what profile/wobble/color they want.
  15. Haha. Yeah I'm going to be fighting him hard today. My bud asked me to pick up the new Revo SX for him today @ BPS. I'm going to try my absolute best to walk in, buy the reel, & walk out. Probably not going to happen like that.
  16. It's an awesome jig trailer & C-rig bait.
  17. Amen brother...Amen.
  18. Nice job. I'm sure that helped you get a quick fix. Dude I totally know. I don't have frozen lakes but I no longer live in an area when I can just get off work & go fish. So instead I practice flipping & pitching in my apartment. I am however not desperate enough to buy a fishing video game. Of course I don't have a 360 or a Wii other wise I just might. ;D
  19. Overcast day in spring or fall. Low 70's with 5-10mph winds out of the South West. Preferably a storm in the forcast for that night or next day.
  20. Wow there's a lot of good stories on here. Ouch. I've personally never hooked "myself" too bad. (Knock on wood) However when I was a kid, about 4 or 5, I walked behind my dad when he was casting a spinnerbait & got it through my bottom lip. Still have a little scare to prove it. Don't really remember it but I'm sure I cried like crazy. My dad on the other hand has been hooked pretty bad before. We were stripper fishing & he landed a pretty nice one about 9-10lbs. When he reached down to unhook the pencil popper it flopped off the boat. Well my dad attempted to catch it only to get one of the treble hooks through the base of his thumb nail & out the other side. The worst part was that the fish was still attached flopping around, while hanging from his thumb nail, trying to get loose. Once he pulled the fish back on the boat & got it off he was white as a ghost. That was the end of that fishing day, & off to the hospital to get it removed.
  21. The Strike: If I'm using a topwater The Hook Set: If I'm fishing with a jig or soft plastic The Fight: I absolutely love the fight. Especially if it's a monster. Your adrenaline gets pumping & your praying like there's no tomorrow hoping that you just get to lip it. I love all 3 but if I had to chose 1 it would be the fight. Knowing that the fish did everything it could to come unhinged but I still won is sure a nice feeling.
  22. It's a fantastic bait. With that being said I own many different lipless crankbaits because sometimes the XCalibur series isn't what their wanting, weather that be because of the sound or the profile.
  23. I personally love Fire Tiger. Always done quite well with it in stained to muddy water. I've never done that well with the baby bass color. I've caught fish with it but it's just not my confident color.
  24. Very nice job. Those are some really nice fish.
  25. ;D Good one.
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