I couldn't agree with you more. I have 2 friends that work 1st hand in the SAL program for Texas Parks & Wildlife & they say the same thing.
Fishinflip415 I understand your point but you actually couldn't be further from the truth about our "genetically altered" fish. From what they both have said, on separate occasions, is that the fry bread from a SAL bass do not grow any faster or get any larger then just a "normal" fry. Of the many many years they have been testing, they have yet to come to the conclusion that genetically superior bass produce genetically superior bass. One has been with the program since 1994 & the other has been with the program since 2006. Secondly there are many SAL bass that don't even make it alive from one of the few holding stations in TX to Athens TX where the tests & breeding take place. If for some strange reason a WR bass is caught out of Texas, the chances of it being a product of the SAL program are as slim to none as chances can get.