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Everything posted by alhuff

  1. Red, thanks for the tip......i'll make sure to remember it the next time i'm out. Alfred
  2. do you think they would allow you or someone else to come in and add cover to the lake? if so that would be awesome. then you could kind of map or at least know where all the cover is in the lake... Alfred
  3. cool deal man, congrats......... Alfred
  4. that is too funny FlyRod... Alfred
  5. thanks futurepro22, i'll send you a pm with a few questions..... Alfred
  6. LOL, thats messed up dude...
  7. what i've learned with my own kids and taking alot of other kids fishing is that all a kid wants to do is catch a fish. they don't care if its a bass or bluegill, all they care is that its a fish that they hooked and reeled in all by themself. a kid just wants to say they caught somethig, even the size doesn't matter. take a kid fishing and they will be hooked for life... Alfred
  8. cool, thanks Alfred
  9. I've been toying with the idea of starting a Family Fishing Club and wanted to get the opion of all the fine fisherman/women here. My question is this, would you join a club such as this with your family? My hope is to make fishing a family affair that involves not only a father and his kids but also mom and the whole faimly. Let me know what you think... Thanks, Alfred
  10. I think they (BassMaster Mag) did an article on lakes, i remember the one they did on rivers, a few issues back but i can't remember if they did an article on lakes. I'll have to check and see if i can find it. Alfred
  11. 7lbs for me....hoping to increase that this year............... Alfred
  12. fisherman are some of the best people you will ever meet, IMHO. everyone here makes it a pleasure to spend all the time i can here...... Alfred
  13. Thanks for the info, i'll make sure to use this the next time i gut hook a fish. I don't like leaving the hook in either. rattletrap, I think thats what they are talking about, thats what I got from it anyway.
  14. As far as I'm concered its the person who is fishing and catching the fish he/she is fishing for. If you are fishing for large bass and catch large bass then you are doing good, and if you are fishing just to catch bass and you catch bass, no matter the size, then you are doing good. Just being outdoors fishing is great and catching fish is a bonus. Alfred
  15. My dad. Fishing was part of our life growing up and is still something we do as often as we can. I remember being on a shrimp boat at age 5. Fishing was just a natural thing for us growing up. Alfred
  16. I saw a show where an FFA group in Texas started making this type of structure out of the underground drainage pipe and sold them to raise money for thier FFA. They are selling alot of them and they seem to work well. I'm with you guys on making it myself and not buying them. Alfred
  17. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
  18. It is great to see you guys/gals again......sniff...i missed you guys.... :'( Alfred
  19. Do they need to come up with a "child safety" hook for you LBH...... I'm thankful that I haven't been hooked past the barb. If it ever happens I think I'm going to scream like a little girl....LOL Thanks for the great site. Alfred
  20. Welcome JW....you will love being here. The knowledge found here is great and the people even better. Alfred
  21. I would call Va and explain your situation and ask what paper work you need to get from the state of Va to get the boat legal in SC. Was this a boat that was used without a motor, just paddles? Alfred
  22. Check out this site, its great. http://www.myjonboat.com/ I'm thinking about getting the book when I start on my boat. I would say extending the seats would be fine. Weight is going to be your biggest concern when you start, if a trolling motor is used then I would go easy on the weight. Hope this helps, Alfred
  23. I would try just about anything weightless...... I've had good luck with lizards in smaller ponds. Hope this helps, Alfred
  24. The first thing I would do is find out if there are bass in the lake, this maybe easier if you could find who manages the lake, state or local. If not have some stocked and sit back and let nature works its stuff, who ever manages the lake may stock it. If bass are present but not in larger numbers you may have to stock more or see about getting a slot limit enforced on the lake, that is, bass within a certin length can not be kept. Also, take a weekend and do nothing but catch the bluegill, this will give you a good idea of the size of the bluegill and they can tell you if there are any bass in the lake. If there is a large number of small bluegill this can indicate that bass are not there or that there is a small population of bass. You are right in that bass eat bluegill, they love to eat bluegill. Its all about predator and prey, you always want a good blance. Hope this helps, Alfred
  25. MichiganBass, nice bass...that reproduction will look good on your wall. Alfred
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