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About daviscw

  • Birthday 12/07/1988

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    Boone, NC
  • My PB
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  1. ;D Thank you for the clarification! Can you explain how Sake tastes? Is it supposed to be like a beer or a liquor?
  2. He's not that good... I killed him once.
  3. Oldie but goodie! You sure fooled BLee! ;D
  4. Nice, you're still rocking the freshman lanyard! ;D just kidding! That's a beautiful fish! Where were you fishing?
  5. How 'bout we turn this thing into a poll Mike? What do ya' say? ;D
  6. I watched a Manswers episode and the discovered that beer makes women's chests get bigger! http://www.spike.com/full-episode/season-2-ep-6/28707 Beer is some awesome stuff!
  7. Thanks Fourbizz. There are times when I want to be unlikable. Like this one. Why rehash a topic that has already been beat to death? Again, probably the same reason you feel you need to post on them...
  8. Bass Lake in Blowing Rock. Price Lake and Trout Lake are about 30 - 35 mins away near the parkway. Watauga Lake in TN is about 35 - 40 mins away.
  9. Yep, now would be a great time to jump on the bandwagon!
  10. Here is.... A beer for Jimzee. And a cake for Tin since he can't handle beer. ;D
  11. Mmmmm neck roast!!
  12. Same reason you have to take your precious time to post on this thread I guess?
  13. Where's the emo button Dave? I can't find it....
  14. It's run and gun if you want to go negative most the games. Has anyone played any of the third person yet?! I think it's pretty sweet. I am run and gun all of the time unless I have a sniper rifle, in which case, I only run and gun sometimes. My K/D ratio is 1.53 on CoD4, and is somewhere around 1.4 on MW2. *Edit* the following is not directed at you nick, just people in general-- Grow a pair and get your ass moving. Camping in a random corner with your noob tube up is grounds for man card revocation. If you arent playing S&D, or at least defending a key objective, get in the game and stop being a cheap little pantywaste! When you first start playing, your kd will suck, but if you keep moving you will actually get better. Camping serves no purpose. Anybody picked up on the fact that I dislike people who have no balls on this game? Boo HOO!
  15. If you stay scoped in after your shot, that's what your kill cam will show. Therefore, you won't give away your position. Boucing bettys are your friends too.
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