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Everything posted by southernyankee

  1. My club did not reduce the number of tournaments we fish 14, but we kept them all within our "home" region which consists of 5 major impoundments. So travel is at a minimum and most of the members say it does help. As far as the non-boater fee, what do you mean? Do you charge the $50 above and beyond the entry? If so don't you think that's a bit much? We suggest that non-boaters chip in $25, and most give $30. Which in all honesty covers about have the cost of the gas and oil for the boat.
  2. My club has a guideline that states that "as a courtesy anglers should keep appropriate distance from all other anglers weather in out tournament or not. As a rule of thumb appropriate distance should be a minimum of twice your casting distance. This normally keeps problems at bay.
  3. there are several in knox county, a new club in blount and a club in monroe county. Each is vastly diffrent from the others in rules and lakes so do your home work on each before joining.
  4. I am brutaly honest to a fault. I would have told the old coot to FO before i throw him in the drink.
  5. Thanks to all of you who replied. OK I posted this question on 7 different forum sites to get a broad picture on what people think and I did it because there are several clubs in my area and some have forced pairing and some do not and it seems to have strong opinions on both sides. If your main argument was that "rules are rules" you absolutely missed the whole point of the question and your post was not counted. So after a month here are the results. I got 1191 replies in all. 1109 were counted. On a club level: 81% are against it. 92% of them stated that they would not join or would quit a club that had it. Top 3 reasons against it. 1. At the club level you should be able to trust the guys in your club. 2. I did not buy a boat to be on another guy's boat. 3. it's a club not the classic Top 3 reasons for it. 1. To keep other guys honest 2. Safety (only 3 people cited this) 3. Rules are rules (I only listed this because it was the only other reason given besides numbers 1 and 2 above) On a regional or national level: 41% are against it. 92% of which are pro anglers. The most popular reason against it: 1. Can't stand co-anglers or observers Most popular reason for it: 1. Keep the other guy honest. Overall: On the club level the vast majority do not like it. And in all honesty the proponents of forced pairing at the club level could not present a valid argument besides "rules are rules" or 'keeping the other guy honest". I all honesty if you have a club where you need to keep the other guy honest you need to join another club. In reality there is no need for it at the club level. As one guy put it "It should be about fun, if you want to make it like your fishing the classic then go fish the classic." On the regional or national level it's another story. Most of you agree with the need for it, and so do I. Pro's were the main opposition for it the majority of whom stated as their main objection the annoyance of co-anglers. Some might think this rude but if you fished for a living like they do you might think different. That it, and again thanks to all those who responded.
  6. Hi everybody, Im posting this on various forums to get a broad opinion. What do you think of clubs requiring forced pairing, that is when a club requires that boaters be paired with other boaters when there are no more co-anglers available. What do you think and why? This applies to local bass clubs not national trails or tournaments. Thanks for the replies.
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