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Everything posted by southernyankee

  1. I like the guys that seem to have all the right equipment then use a bobber so big a shark could not pull it down.
  2. KVD is a great if not the greatest angler, but this AOY was a joke. KVD was not the best over the whole season Skeet was. i figured it out under the old point system. KVD was just better for the last tournament. I just feel Skeet got beaten out of the AOY by ESPN more than by KVD.
  3. I agree, I thing they took a page out of the NASCAR how to screw up a championship handbook.
  4. I think it sucks, but I was wondering what you think of the new "postseason" BASS has for the elite series.
  5. I am looking to start a club in Cumberland county Tn (crossville) and if your interested please contact me.
  6. try G2 custom apparel. the website is www.geminisportmarketing.com/custom-jerseys/ they have some cool stuff
  7. I just moved to cumberland county TN and there are no local clubs. I am looking to start one. Please send me a message with your contact info if you are interested. Thanks
  8. I am a retired cop from NYC and my first day on the job my capt. told me "cops are like stripers in a strip club. One third are hot, one third you could take or leave and one third nee to gat another job, and you need to decide which type you want to be."
  9. I moved from NY to TN just over 3 years ago and I like TN's year round season compared to NY's season that runs from the 3rd Saturday in June to September 30th. But let me say that the fishing was MUCH better in NY than in TN and I wonder if it is due to the closed season which prevents you from fishing the spawn.
  10. hay ranger73 I am currently looking for a club in your neck of the woods but cant find any. If you find one let me know or if you are interested and have a few friends maybe we could start one.
  11. I am able to keep cold water fish because I have a cooling unit on the tank. I also set the whole thing up for way under a thousand. And if you buy a fish from a hatchery you do not normally have to worry about state laws.
  12. OK. i have bass, walleye, cats, bream, trout etc in a tank at home and I have no problems and it is legal in all states reguardless what people think here. Here is what you do. You need to contact a hatchery or a place that stocks ponds. There you can buy any fish of any size regardless of the state law. just as if you were going to stock a private pond. They can also tell you the mix of fish you need and the size tank for what you want to hold (size number etc.). Next go to a GOOD pet supply store or a store that specializes in aquariums tell them what you are doing and they will set you up with the right tank and most importantly a filtration system. This is the most important thing. Fish produce ammonia and for example 5lbs of bass in 15gal of water will produce enough ammonia to be lethal in 4 hours regardless of well you oxygenate the water. If you do not cut corners you will have no problems with bad smells or dead loss. Let me know if you need anything else.
  13. I think it depends on why you are joining a club. Are you in it for the tournament competition, to learn or both. What ever your intent you have to make sure that the club has the same agenda. One club i quit all they cared about was tournaments and were ultra secretive about fishing info. Also make sure the rules fit you. Some clubs have some screwed up rules. Most important I think is to see if you mesh with the current members. Good Luck.
  14. Thanks to you all. The search ended sunday at about 3:30 when he was found. He was not wearing a life vest or dead man switch. Pleae guys wear your vests.
  15. Search is called off for the night at 7pm as thunderstorms rolled by. Search will resume Sat morning.
  16. As of 2pm friday there are no updates the divers are still looking
  17. To all fellow fishermen out there please give your thoughts and prayers to Gary Lindsey a 22 year old angler from Maryville TN who is missing in Tellico Lake since Wendsday afternoon. His boat was reported floating in Tellico lake at 6:15 Wendsday night with the motor running a huge search wendsday, last night and today turned up nothing and was called off at dark tonight. We will re start at 7:30 AM. Lets all hope and wish for his return and send our thoughts and prayers to him and his family.
  18. it is a good point. My club has all draw tournaments but if we run out of non boaters you can go out alone. Any way, we lost a lot of members a few years ago because of one member "hole punching" my guys do not mind showing you a spot but they get ticked if at the next tournament the guy is camped out there, and I think guys who do that have no class.
  19. I own a tackle store and let me say that I am the only employee and. 1 I always say hi. 2. the coffee is always free, and its good. 3. I will ask if you need help. 4. i restock what sells 5. my prices are cheep. 6. i know what the hell i am talking about now to you I know everything fishermen who like to be left alone. I do not throw out the used car sales pitch at you. But I will introduce my self and ask if I can help you find what you are looking for and maby suggest whats been catching in the local lakes or some new stuff that just came out. I will not follow you around the store and if you say no or do not respond to me I will leave you alone. After all its not my fault you are an unfriendly rude *** who knows it all. (I get about 5 or 6 of you a day) and I leave them alone. But the vast majority of my customers are normal, they ask a lot of questions and sit and chat a spell.
  20. I would have said something to you when you got with in 50ft. My rule of thumb is I stay twice the guys casting distance.
  21. Yes i am in a club www.monroebass.com and we fish chick a lot but we fish the upper end which is quite a ways from chatt where you will be. You would be better off looking in to the clubs rngrpopo recomended.
  22. I like it overall. Im about an hour from Chattanooga. I like the fact I can fish year round but the drawback is the fishing is not as good as NY. I think the reason is that the fishing during the spawn down here hurts a lot. I do not miss the snow and I lovethe fact that I do not have to winterize my boat. As far as jobs go I know that VW is opening a new plant in Chattanooga You might want to check it out. When you get down here we should do some fishing I own a tackle store in Athens TN. good luck
  23. It depends on the time of the year. I do real well in the spring and early summer. Once the grass comes in the bite gets tuff. I do my best on the Hiawasse (I know I spelt that wrong). But watch where you go because it can get real shallow real fast and I know a few guys who have joined the 4wd bass boat club. The fall is ok also if you know where to go. Good luck Being from NY I have to ask, why are you moving to TN. And be warned while the area as a whole is excellent the food really sucks down here so bring your own. I have been here just under 3 yeas and I would kill for some good pizza, itialian or good chinese.
  24. Mike D number 1. Mark Zona 2 (but that schmuck Tommy Sanders has to go) Parker and Linder I like also. Bill Dance I do not like. He owns the lake he fishes on (I know this because I have been there with a friend in my club that knows him since they were kids.) He is WAY too commericial (and yes I know its his job to plug the sponsors i just feel he goes overboard with it). And last but not least but not least I hate UT with a passion. Roland Martin I lost all respect for after he refused a Make-A-Wish Foundation request to fish with a kid who had cancer and requested to fish with him.
  25. I fish a lot on Ft. Loudon and Tellico. Ft. Loudon can be ok but you must know where to go and you will spend all day dealing with the nimrod jet skiers and tubers and kids in thier dads ski boat. I like tellico better up river as it has less boaters. On an other note I hope your not over seas. I was in the Navy the first gulf war. Had some friends in the Marines. I told them it stood for I disagree Rides In Navy Equipment. LOL Good luck and be safe.
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