OK. i have bass, walleye, cats, bream, trout etc in a tank at home and I have no problems and it is legal in all states reguardless what people think here.
Here is what you do.
You need to contact a hatchery or a place that stocks ponds. There you can buy any fish of any size regardless of the state law. just as if you were going to stock a private pond. They can also tell you the mix of fish you need and the size tank for what you want to hold (size number etc.).
Next go to a GOOD pet supply store or a store that specializes in aquariums tell them what you are doing and they will set you up with the right tank and most importantly a filtration system. This is the most important thing. Fish produce ammonia and for example 5lbs of bass in 15gal of water will produce enough ammonia to be lethal in 4 hours regardless of well you oxygenate the water.
If you do not cut corners you will have no problems with bad smells or dead loss. Let me know if you need anything else.