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Everything posted by mynameis....andimabassaholic

  1. Couple questions? When do you want to use a football head jig? When do you want to use a swim jig? When do you want to use a finnesse jig? When do you want to use a flipping jig?
  2. 12lb gamma co polymer I dont think its my line
  3. crank baits, mostly shallow runners find a flat and throw a minus-1
  4. it seems all the ones i bought that run terrible were purchased from bass pro, im gonna try to buy some else were just to give it a shot, i have no idea what the problem is, I mean I am pretty anal about how my baits run but the shallow running normans i bought lately were garbage, I went out and bought lucky crafts before my last tournament I was so frustrated
  5. what kind of knot do you use?
  6. I have been buying a lot of norman flat N and the baby N and these baits have been running terrible out of the box, i mean its been ridiculous take em out of the box tie em on and they run right out of the water, does anyone have any tunning tips to help this, i mean i know how to tune a bait, but if you turn the normans to much they break its been terrible i like the baits but they have to start running well for me before i will ever use them again
  7. lucky craft rc 2.5 and you said help you spend some money, but on the other note i will say that normans crankbaits have been running very poorly out of the box lately, i mean they have been running out of the water and takes time tunning them, IMO stay away from norman shallow running crank baits, on the other hand, manns baby-1 i agree with the others
  8. I fished a gambler tournament here in illinois there were 68 boats and I finished 2nd, I threw there crank baits there exspensive, but they run really well and still catching fish on them, the other bait i used was the gambler ace, its similar to the senko, my kicker came on that, but I was fishing a pre spawn pattern on a river system, my advice is just go fishing, get your five fish and have fun....the one thing about gambler tournament is there is no points involved so go out there and try to win it, but being your first tournament getting a limit would be a good confidence builder......good luck
  9. I fished a free gambler baits tournament yesterday on the Kankakee River and Des Plaines River in Wilmington,IL.... I'm from that area and fish the rivers quite a bit, there was 68 boats that turned out for the tournament, which is a lot for the area because not to many tournament anglers out there, I ended up finishing 2nd place 11.1 was the winner, my partner and I weighed 10.9, gambler did a good job running the tournament, got to talk to the owner of gambler for a while and the guy was a complete class act, will i buy gambler now?? well probably only there crank baits, but I know there are other tournaments they are hosting in other areas, i reccommend fishing them if you have a chance, i mean a free entry fee, 1000 for 1st, 500 for 2nd, plus a bunch of other prize with gambler bucks
  10. i like the way this blade bait shakes my rod tip
  11. well done bassnajr that is great, probably best one i ever heard and it will definately go no questions asked
  12. hard to plan ahead in march with the weather in northern illinois otherwise i would of used a vacation day
  13. rondef sorry but i already used that one last fall
  14. alright guys im a young gun at the age 23, i need some help from you savvy veterans for a good excuse when i call in work tommorow
  15. i have two 3 foot black lights on the bow of my boat when i night fish, i dont really notice it scaring fish, i just use it to see my line a bit better, as far as a cap light glaring toward the water im not to sure, but if put flash lights on fish and watched them sit in the same spot for quite some time
  16. im 23 now but in highschool i went down state for bowling, now i currently bowl in two leagues
  17. there are plenty of good club in chicago land area, to start with i would suggest windy city bass masters, www.windycitybassmasters.com
  18. quantum tour edition on st. legend split grip rod
  19. i use lip less crank baits all the time on a river here in IL, my favorite situation to use them would be when the bass are on weedy flats, and ripping your bait through the weeds gets some good reaction bites, i was also looking at the strike king red eye shad and from what i found is that they only make a 1/2 ounce, my favorite personally is SPRO aruka shad
  20. i always pre-fish, eliminate water, and beat up spots that i know are community holes and i wont be fishing
  21. i bought six of them today at dicks, never thrown them before, im gonna be able to get out tommorow so i will probably just fish them see how they look, dont expect to catch anything on it tommorow, fishing water thats about 40 degrees
  22. im gonna have to go with greg hackney "the hack attack"
  23. i throw chatter baits in a river system that is filled with shad, i take off the skirt and trailer, and put a fluke on, works well for me
  24. god this is really weird telling this but i had a dream that iaconelli caught a bass that won him the classic and he did a belly flop in the water and got disqualified for leaving his boat, im pretty upset about this dream because now if anyone ever asked me if i dreamed about a man, i would have to say yes
  25. i live in chicago, and i was able to fish most of december, 2 weekends in january, and 2 in february, thanks to a river that has warm water discharges, and a truck to plow the ramp for us
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