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Nitro 882

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Everything posted by Nitro 882

  1. There is a small diameter tubing that goes to your water pressure guage that has backed off its hose barb. This happens when the remaining water from the end of the season freezes and expands. You can simply press it back on tight and stop the leak but the guage is probably toast.
  2. Get some Devcon 2 ton epoxy and patch the crack. This stuff is strong.
  3. I came to the same "realization" a couple months ago while getting ready for a trip to Florida. I saw an article in Bassmaster (page 12 Feb 2010) about an alarm system for boats. I ordered one and , to date, haven't installed it. I guess I'm not as concerned now that I'm back home in my driveway. Anyway, I paid$200 bucks and will give you a hell of a deal if you want it. Its called a Sisson Two Way Alarm System if you want to look it up.
  4. Please , above all else, make sure your trailer bearings are in good shape and full of grease. The idea of a spare hub is great and I bought one only to find that it woudn't work on my trailer because I have trailer brakes and my hub needs to have the rotor for the brakes as part of the unit. I just came back from a trip to Fla. and on the way down I spent 11 1/2 hrs. broken down along side the road and $1075 to get back on the road because of bearing failure. :'( I don't wish this on anyone.
  5. The HOOK SET for sure. I pitch jigs a lot--stiff rod, heavy duty line, and a short distance tween me and THE FISH. I've sent a lot of "buck" bass into orbit when setting the hook, but there's nothing like hauling back and THE FISH DOESN'T BUDGE.
  6. I have a 2005 nx 882 with a 150 XR6 purchased new. I am retired and fish 3 to 4 times a week about 8 1/2 months a year. Most if the lakes I fish are less than 500 acres so there isn't a lot of long hard runs. The boat has been to Fla. 3 times and I have ran it hard on Lake Champlain at least once each year since I've owned it. There, just a little background. Bottom line----The motor has performed flawlessly and runs like a Swiss watch. I've changed the plugs once just because I felt it was time, not that it seemed to need it. I winterize and maintain the boat/motor myself. It's never been in the shop (knock wood). I obviously can't vouch for the exact motor your looking at but mines been a peach. Best of luck.
  7. Never fill the live well with water till I get my first keeper.
  8. I usually find a bunch of them at the end of the day in the bottom of my live-well>
  9. To help get through the winter I have read all my fishing mags, cover to cover, for the umpteenth time. I just came across an article again that makes the claim that 89 octane fuel "has less additives and burns cooler" than 87 octane fuel. What do you guys say? (By the way, the article is in Bass Times, May 2009 on page 10)
  10. Thanks Gator, you make some good points.And if nothing else,I hope that this thread will get you guys to check your bearings and avoid the 11 1/2 hours I spent along the highway and $1075 it cost to get back on the road. Thanks all and have a great season.
  11. The "prematurely fail" thing is what I'm trying to understand. What is premature? Look, as I said early on, I've had boats/trailers nearly all my adult life and my experience has been that trailer bearings last a long time. I had an aluminum basstracker Pro 17TX for 18 yrs and never replaced the bearings on the trailer. I'm probably asking an unanswerable question. I guess I'm simply trying to get another opinion to use as ammo with the BPS service dept that replaced the bearings last spring. I just can't believe that they should fail in so short a time frame if they were installed properly or installed at all. Sorry if I'm trying to recruit you guys for my "lynch mob".
  12. Please don't think I am prying, but what type of rig did you park beside your cabin. My wife and I plan to go to Camp Mack soon, have scoped it out already and were a little concerned and surprised to hear about the earlier break-ins. We will most likely stay in one of the hotel rooms and love those sixty foot long parking spaces. I felt it was a very remote chance that you could encounter any problems with your boat right by the door. I have an alarm so I feel fairly safe. Thanks I've got a 2005 Nitro 882. I also bought an alarm just to be safe but didn't feel the need to even install it after I saw the layout.(My paranoia cost me $200 for the alarm.)
  13. I just got a new digital camera for xmas. Can someone instruct me as to how I can post some pictures on this forum? Thanks in advance.
  14. Hey Burley, I know what your thinkin'. My trailer has a "flow thru" system that allows you to pump as much grease as you want, driving out the old grease without fear of blowing out the seal as you might with a bearing buddy. Can someone give me an educated guess as to how long or how many miles to expect out of a new set of bearings.
  15. Hey guys, how long should bearings last on a 2 wheel trailer for a 18 1/2 ft bass boat? I drive about 4000 miles a season and carry a grease gun which I use liberally. All highway driving and no salt water use. I had new bearings installed by BPS service dept. late spring last year. I just took a trip to Florida during which I spent 11 1/2 hours along side the road because a bearing went and I nearly lost the entire wheel before a State Policeman stopped me . The scary thing is there was no sensation that anything was wrong. No dragging or swaying or anything. If the officer hadn't stopped me I would have lost the wheel in a few hundred feet . I've had a boat of some kind for 40 years and never had an experience like this. Its hell driving down the road waiting for your wheel to fall off. I need to get my confidence built back up. Help please. :-/
  16. Hey man, the 28th of Feb is supposed to be the best fishing day of the month and possibly the best of the year according to Bassmaster magazine. The full moon will trigger some great action with spawners. Good Fishin'!
  17. We caught one or two here and there but, our best numbers came on the northeast side of Strum Island. About 80% of our fish came pitching soft plastics (beavers and vibri-king tubes in black or black/blue) through mats of broken up cane blown up next to shore or caught up in the pads. We got a few to bite texas rigged worms dragged through the pads and one day just prior to the front coming through the fish became agressive and I took 6 or 7 on a spinnerbait. All our fish came in less than 5 feet of water. Good luck.
  18. My "BIG MOMMA" will be 9.25#'s and will be caught in Florida LAST WEEK . Oh wait, thats not a prediction---thats braggin'.
  19. I have a Nitro boat that I absolutely love but the service at my local BPS is absolutely laughable. After warranty issues are expired make sure you have someone local to do your repair/maintenance work. If I told you of my experiences with BPS service you could never make yourself believe me. GREAT BOAT/TERRIBLE SERVICE
  20. I started a thread a couple weeks ago regarding boat break-ins and tackle theft reported by folks staying at Camp Mack. I just returned and feel compelled to report my personal experience. Neither I nor anyone else during my week there had any problems. My cabin was very nice and comfortable with a driveway next to it where I could park my boat and hook up to power. I didn't even need an extension cord, it was so close. Although I had arranged for a boat slip, the ramp was convenient enough to simply load up at the end of the day and tow a couple hundred yards to the cabin making it less likely to be broken in to if there was intent. My Florida trips have always coincided with a major cold front and this was no exception. My son and I got in a couple good days with weather in the hi 50's to lo 60's and managed to catch a number of "buck" bass each day with the number diminishing each day the weather got colder. My boys' goal for this trip was to catch a 6# bass as he had never caught one larger than 5 1/2#. We did a lot of pitching to grass and pads (almost exclusively) and a pitch to a small isolated patch of pads produced a heart stopping, Iaconelli hollerin', 9.25# "BIG MOMMA" bass of a lifetime. I'm gonna figure out how to post pictures on here and proudly show you guys. Probably not a big deal to some of you fellas but to this Northerner it's Moby Friggin' Dick. Anyway, if my original post created any concern or made someone think twice about going there, I apologize and I can happily say that Camp Mack is a great camp and well worth the effort. I know I'm going back.
  21. You must go to the same store I do,Foxboro. My sentiments exactly.
  22. Dang Dave, I thought I was the only one that bought the weights one at a time. That stuff blows my budget fast. When I go to a fishing resort over night, I leave my rods in the boat but I take my Tungsten weights in the cabin. ;D
  23. Touche' But seriously, I'm pretty sure you're going to have a great time, and will love Camp Mack. There's also an outside chance that we may meet, I'm at Camp Mack fairly often. Roger Lookin' forward to it. I'll arrive on Sat.,2/6 with my son. I'm 6'6" and 300# and have a gray/black beard. My son is only 6'1" and 240# so I let him carry the gun. Tom
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