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Everything posted by rokibass

  1. I've fished for hornpout but have never found a good spot for channels. Could anybody hook me up with a good spot so my buddy and I can catch a few. I'm in Leominster MA. and have a jon boat and will travel. TIA Rokibass
  2. I always shoot for sun up (ice fishing included). The only times I don't are the evening trips and when I take the kids out (they're 6 and 4). I have no problems getting up because I start work at 6am so I normally don't sleep past 4:30. Depending on the bite I'll be off at 10 if its slow or keep going if the bite is good.
  3. Well went out yesterday evening and caught 1 bass wacky worming. Today I was out at daybreak caught 5 ;D lost 2 :-[ (my fault). The bite shut off at 10:30 though. There's alway tonite. Thanks to all that replied Rokibass
  4. I have a 1989 15hp force for about 15 years now and had it in the shop once, needed a new water pump (my fault). No problems. Rokibass
  5. I'm in Mass. I usually start early too, but my son is 7 and it wouldn't be a good thing waking him up that early. Anyway it was about 95 degress bluebird skies. I figured I'm always good for a few on artificials we should get something with shiners but :'(. I guess thats why it's not called catchin. It was still a good day to hang out with my son.
  6. I took my son out on the boat for the first time to catch some bass with shiners, well we didn't fair well. This was sunday the first real day of our heat wave, we fished about 9am to 11am with noting but a crappie and a couple perch. What are the bass doing in this heat? Is it me? Rokibass
  7. Nice and clean setup. Great Job| Rokibass
  8. Has anybody used Drivewear Rx lenses for fishing? I need new glasses and these look like they might work, they are photochromic and also polarized. If anybody has experience with these good or bad please post , I don't want to waste an extra $100 over a brown polarized lens when I could use if for more gear. TIA Rokibass
  9. I'd hate to use that and get a scratch on that MASTERPIECE. Great Job Rokibass
  10. I also use a left handed baitcaster. ;D Growing up and useing spinning reels for years reeling with my left hand it only seemed natural to get a left handed baicaster. I used 2 now and wouln't even use a right handed one if given to me. Use what your comfortable with. Rokibass
  11. Meeee Toooo My buddy usually will beat me by a couple of fish 8 out of ten times when were on the same boat. Things change when were fishing on separate boats, we end up being very close. Rokibass
  12. I used the water/scum line that was on the side of the boat for reference. Also seeing I made my deck out of alum. diamond plate I didn't add much weight so it came out perfect. Rokibass
  13. I wouldn't mind if they forced the manufacturers to convert to biodegradable plastics for the environments sake, as long as I'm allowed to fish out what I have. This could take a very long while. Rokibass
  14. I have experienced bad line twist in the past with Trilene. No matter wich way I would face the spool I got horrible line twist. Once I change over to Suffix line I've had no problems at all, and the line is still straight after the the fishing season. Try Suffix you'll never look back. Rokibass
  15. I use the Falcon worm bags. You store all your baits in origanal packaging and the bag opens up wide for easy indexing. Love the bag.
  16. I've used toothpaste and an old toothbrush and they come out like new.
  17. Lizards have been my goto bait for years, and have always Texas rigged them pegged with a teenth oz or 1/8 oz. Give it a try you wont go back.
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