I suspect he has a pretty good relationship
with the company and his sales rep. It really
comes in handy when you fish disposable gear.
There is a lot of talk that the "new" Quantum
is producing higher quality products. I would
suggest waiting a few years to see if that turns
out to be true. In the meantime, there are plenty
of alternatives with proven track records.
A $200 Cabo reel being disposable? This is a fine reel that many prefer over the competition, I doubt that mine will find a dumpster anytime soon, always comes down to personal choice. Perhaps the opinion in the quotation box is written out of personal loyalty and a relationship with another manufacturer. I personally own a number of different brands and my Quantum stands up to competitors in the same price range.
There is nothing wrong spouting accolades of products that one feels strong about, but to belittle another product based on opinion is a disservice to forum members.
SirSnookalot, you have been posting here long enough to know about Road Warrior's dislike of Quantum products and arguing with him is pointless. I think a dog named Quantum must have bit him in the arse at some point!!!! ;D
You must know that he believes that if you use Quantum equipment you can't be much of a fisherman. Which we know is total BS!!
I don't put much stock in most of his comments, if you find something you like and has treated you well, that's reason enough to buy it and enjoy it!!
We can't all be experts on the art of fishing!!