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About strick9

  • Birthday 11/13/1956

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  • Location
    Hamburg Michigan
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Ore Lake, Mi.

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  1. Handled one at Cabela's last week and I liked the way it felt. I like the neoprene grip. To bad they decided to make that one in Mexico.
  2. I installed a Troll Well this year and love it!! I had a lot less back and knee issues with this installed. I would highly recommend the Troll Well model, it is made of fiberglass and comes in many colors to match your boat or carpet, they even make one that glows in the dark if you do a lot of night fishing. Excellent product!! Check trollwell.com or Tackle Warehouse carries several colors.
  3. The only problem with those, thats a permanent installation. With the removable pedestal style, you can pop it off with no issues and it just leaves a small plate in the location. I'm not sure how or where you have the base mounted so this might sound stupid but if it's to high with the pedestal post in it why can't you just put the seat with the pin base directly into the hole of the base instead of using the permanent seat mount mentioned above?
  4. Great interview Glenn!!!! You handled Zona with great expertise!! Nice call on Ike, looking good after day one. A little off on the tough bite and weight though which for us spectators has been a nice surprise. Shaping up to be a great classic. Continue to have a great time!!
  5. That's what happens when you let your personal bias get in the way!!! ;D
  6. I have two, one older one newer and love them both!!
  7. I just bought a replacement tip from St. Croix for $5 and it came with the glue. I haven't done the replacement yet but using a lighter to heat the old tip to remove it and heat the new glue is what the instructions say to do.
  8. I also have a 2007 176XT with a 70hp Yamaha and love it!! I don't know if anything has been changed but the 2009 does advertise a 7' rod locker as opposed to the 6'6" on mine. The 40lb trolling motor is adequate in most situations but I would think about upgrading to at least a 55lb. Over all a very nice boat!!
  9. I have two Mojo spinning rods, both are the Wacky model 6' 8" MXF. I use one for wacky rigs and shaky heads and the other for skipping tubes. They are great for all these applications, I love them!!! Sorry but I have no experience with the other rods you mentioned so I can't compare.
  10. Check out the gas springs at iboats.com, they have several different sizes and tell you closed length, open length, stroke and pressure which tells how much it will lift. They also have several different types of mounting hardware so you can find something to fit your needs. You can call them also and get some advice about what you need.
  11. I suspect he has a pretty good relationship with the company and his sales rep. It really comes in handy when you fish disposable gear. There is a lot of talk that the "new" Quantum is producing higher quality products. I would suggest waiting a few years to see if that turns out to be true. In the meantime, there are plenty of alternatives with proven track records. 8-) A $200 Cabo reel being disposable? This is a fine reel that many prefer over the competition, I doubt that mine will find a dumpster anytime soon, always comes down to personal choice. Perhaps the opinion in the quotation box is written out of personal loyalty and a relationship with another manufacturer. I personally own a number of different brands and my Quantum stands up to competitors in the same price range. There is nothing wrong spouting accolades of products that one feels strong about, but to belittle another product based on opinion is a disservice to forum members. SirSnookalot, you have been posting here long enough to know about Road Warrior's dislike of Quantum products and arguing with him is pointless. I think a dog named Quantum must have bit him in the arse at some point!!!! ;D You must know that he believes that if you use Quantum equipment you can't be much of a fisherman. Which we know is total BS!! I don't put much stock in most of his comments, if you find something you like and has treated you well, that's reason enough to buy it and enjoy it!! We can't all be experts on the art of fishing!!
  12. Awesome!!!! Definetly not a waste of time!!! It is now the new background on my desktop. I also like the fact that the bluegill looks just like my favorite lipless crankbait!!!!
  13. I have been using a 6'8" MXF Mojo spinning rod for weightless Texas and wacky rigged senkos. Nice overall rod and plenty strong enough. Works well for me for this application.
  14. I am using it for the first time this year. I have some 8# on a spinning reel I use for shaky head and wacky rigs and I have been using some 14# for crankbaits. So far so good!!! No issues with knots or breaking, handles well and seems pretty strong. So I would say for that price go for it
  15. Not true. They were made in the plant in Wisconson initially. I confirmed that with St. Croix. They also told me that even once the Mexico plant was open that depending on demand they may be made in both places, thats why the website says they are made in North America.
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