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Everything posted by Mr.Twister

  1. I recently purchased an MG and all I can say is....WOW This has to be one of the lightest/smoothest reels I have ever used. I am predominantly a Daiwa guy, but I too got a deal on a MG I couldnt refuse. I think it will become a "1st string player" this year on the boat. The TD-X just may have to play on the 2nd string.... ;D...
  2. Burley, the 100 series? Please elaborate. Is it that the actual body size is smaller or??
  3. Thanks RW!! Do you find the spool width a problem when thumbing the spool on a cast? I will probably be going to the Cabelas out here in a couple of weeks, and want to be semi- in the know. Thanks....
  4. Hi all, For those of you using these reels, do you also use the lo-profile types too? I currently own a slew of Daiwa TD-A153hsta's. The Calcutta has always intrigued me. I mainly target lg mouth bass here in Michigan. So on that note which size would you recommend for an all around bass slaying senco slingin, frog ploppin, topwater sliding, reel? I was lookin at the ct200gtb . or do I need the 100 series? Also are the spools kinda wide or?? Thanks
  5. I'm in the process of restoring my wifes Dream Car. 1979 Trans am. Black and gold, T-tops. I built up a 400 for it. Should be pushin Around 430HP when were done. I taught my wife how to weld and she is currently repairing a few small rust holes in the floor.( she loves helping in the shop and fishing too) wooohooo
  6. I know some of y'all mentioned the helicopter lure, But a couple years ago, opening day for Lg.mouth, Harsens Island,Mich (in Lk St clair) in the flats in the pencil reeds.. That lure totally slayed em. The whole week we were out there we just killed em. We even had guys pull over to us and ask what we were using cause it was like every cast we had one. We told them what we were using and they laughed and said " no, seriously..) They didnt believe us.....2yrs later, same place, same time, same lure. NADA. We couldnt even pay for a bite. We were sighting them, but to no avail. The senko came out and...whamo, bass galore.... My dumb purchase after that fiasco....the swimmin eel :-[ : :'(
  7. DAIWA For sure, no question. I bought 2 of the TD-A 153 HSTA last season. Unbelievable reel for the price. I own Shimanos(back up reels) and an old Quantum (back up to the back up reels) For that price range there is no equal. My current #1 reels are the Zillions, I have 2 of those. But I have found myself grabbing the 153's before the Zillions. They IMHO feel smoother than anything else I own......Just my 2 cents..... GET THE DAIWA You will not regret it.
  8. Get a Skeeter and be done with it. Older or new, you'd be a happy camper and in a nice USER FRIENDLY QUALITY boat.
  9. Hey there, I'll take a stab at this. I just purchased a custom cover from Aurora canvas. They requested some basic info of my boat, and I had to wait for almost 5 weeks. I got the top of the line materials . Its a transportable type guaranteed for up to 100mph or something. Fits like a glove. Quality material and stitching.....As far as winter storage??! We are from the same part of the country, and I would recommend for outside storage is to get a marina to "shrink wrap " it for you. It costs me @ 100$ to get it wrapped up. You could also look into a storage unit to rent thru our winters here?? Hope this helps.
  10. Thanks for the replies guys, I wont be on the "big lakes" much at all. Maybe a once or twice a season run to the detroit river for wallys, or to Lk St Clair for smallies(my old stomping grounds). I was planning on a 18' size bass boat or a 16-18' Vee. I dont do much if at all trolling. I dont NEED the 200+ hp motor, but if thats what the boat has on it, well, so be it...as far as room, do the bass boats have enough "deep" storage for say a tall plano tacklebox? I really wouldnt want it to sit on the deck while in motion...Thanks Again,,,keep the opinions coming!!! Twista.
  11. Hi everyone, I am in the market for a new to me fishing boat. I am fishing in some of southern mid-michigans best inland Bass lakes. I mainly fish for bass, my wife on the other hand fishes, just to fish. (which is cool, as she's my wife and fishin partner, and supports my fishin habit) The current boat is OLD and tired. Its an old runabout, closed bow, full windshield.....Not a "bass boat". It served its purpose. Heres the question, I want a "bass(style) boat" Ive always wanted a Skeeter. Ive been looking at Lunds also. Deep V, lots of room and storage areas. Bass boats have storage areas too....We MAY fish a few local tourneys here this summer, but not as a career. Do I need the 500hp speed fishin beastie? (d**n it'd be cool 8-)) or do I go with the deep V wide beam, equipped like a bass boat Lund type? This may seem like a no brainer to some, but its got me perplexed. One day its SKEETER,SKEETER, SKEETER!!, the next....well the deep V is an excellent platform....more sensible, stable and light....Hmmmm Sorry for the long post...Can y'all help a fellow forum member out?? Thanks in advance Twista........
  12. EXTREEEEMEELY great reel. I just bought another one. My other 'zilla' was getting lonely... Very smooth and powerful. Great casting, durability and a workhorse. You wont be disappointed..... 8-)
  13. I do own a couple shimano reels, and they're good, for me you can't beat a Diawa. I've NEVER had any issues with the ones I own. I just purchased a new STEEZ baitcaster and a Loomis to go with her. Im stoked about gettin it out on the water as soon as the weather here breaks. For the money though I think you get what you pay for and Either way buy what fits you. I look at a reel purchase like buying a handgun. It needs to feel like an extension of your hand, comfortable and smooth. If it feels good, it will be good. Good Luck........Twista
  14. I would like to add anything that has Diawa in its name. I've been using that brand (along with others) for 38 yrs, and They have always proven themselves on shore and on the water. 8-)
  15. Thank You, will do. Sorry for the confusion :...Twista'
  16. Wow thanks to all for the welcomes! I hope to be able to add input I've learned over the years. A little more about me, Ive fished Smallies, Bucketmouths, Walleyes, all the panfish mostly all in Lk St Clair in MICH. I've tried my hand at Muskie fishing, No trophies but a couple keepers. Pike (awesome fighters) But my love currently is Lg mouth fishin in all of the beautiful inland lakes in S. Lwr Michigan. I know blah, blah...... ;D Any other board members Fishing in Jackson county? Know of any Bass Boats for sale??? Thanks again to all, DG
  17. Hi All, Happened upon this site and it all looks awesome. Ive been fishing all of my life on Lk St Clair. Harsens Island specifically. In the past 10 yrs Ive been specifically Bass fishing all of the inland lakes in Southern Lower Michigan.(Since I moved out here) I hope to become a known poster here and hope to help out and LEARN from others. Hi To all, Cant wait for spring......My castin finger is gettin itchy!!!! Thanks and talk to y'all soon...DG
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