Hi everyone, I am in the market for a new to me fishing boat. I am fishing in some of southern mid-michigans best inland Bass lakes. I mainly fish for bass, my wife on the other hand fishes, just to fish. (which is cool, as she's my wife and fishin partner, and supports my fishin habit)
The current boat is OLD and tired. Its an old runabout, closed bow, full windshield.....Not a "bass boat". It served its purpose. Heres the question, I want a "bass(style) boat" Ive always wanted a Skeeter. Ive been looking at Lunds also. Deep V, lots of room and storage areas. Bass boats have storage areas too....We MAY fish a few local tourneys here this summer, but not as a career. Do I need the 500hp speed fishin beastie? (d**n it'd be cool 8-)) or do I go with the deep V wide beam, equipped like a bass boat Lund type? This may seem like a no brainer to some, but its got me perplexed. One day its SKEETER,SKEETER, SKEETER!!, the next....well the deep V is an excellent platform....more sensible, stable and light....Hmmmm Sorry for the long post...Can y'all help a fellow forum member out?? Thanks in advance Twista........