No real guitar skills but I did take it up in my early twenties and gave it up because of a bad experience and not knowing any better. I had an acoustic and for better or worse, I have that ear such that if you played it plucked it, I’d be able to tell you what note or notes you struck or pressed. So back to that acoustic of mine. I’d tune it with my ear or with a piano and I know had had the stings properly tuned. But when I’d play a chord and just about any chord, it always sounded off, and sharp — and if you have an ear, that will drive you crazy. And with no one to consult with, I quit and sold it.
Forward twenty plus years and I bought my son a ukulele as an 8th grade grad present. He seemed to have fun with it and so I bought one for me. His sounded right. Mine sounded sharp. History repeats itself, but this time I decided to trouble shoot and research. Intonation was the issue. The nut was too high. So I shaved it down and that was the remedy. But looking back, i just didn’t know. What a waste. I know I really could have gotten far, I could have been a contender, lol.
Keys are my forte but I have since taken on both the ukulele and the bass guitar. Having the dexterity from playing keys and the ear definitely helped me pick up both of these instruments fairly quickly regardlesss if it’s music from the Eagles to Pearl Jam to Def Lepard to Metallica to Toto, Billy Joel to Bach and Beethoven… It’s all a blast. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to slap 😢
I’ve just about figured out all of the instrumental of Master of Puppets with a Low G ukulele on my own and it is freaking awesome. No need for YouTube vids if you have an ear. Plus, it’s even more fun.
@BC VC basser: That is some mighty fine workmanship your son has done especially the ukulele!
For those who play acoustic what’s your take on going deadnought or grand auditorium.
One last thought. Wonder how cool it would be if some of the musicians here collaborated to make a song for Bass Resource. 🧐😎