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Everything posted by islandbass

  1. @J Francho: it’s a style/form of a book. I only know because I played D&D as a kid and one of the books was called the Fiend Folio, lol. Generally it’s a leaf style of book. I’ve never played these two puzzle games before so I checked to see what wordle was. Seems kind of fun and somewhat reminiscent of an old game I remember for elementary school called master mind. Since I’m kind of nerdy, sometimes my brain gets rolling and my thinking cap starts to heat up and conjure strategies and plans. It’s winter time and it’s 15 degrees outside so I have an excuse. I made the assumption that someone with a lot of time on their hands probably made a web page with words with the most vowels… and there is one! So that would be my first strategy - choosing the first guessed word that has a lot of vowels should be a fair start but no guarantee. https://word-lists.com/word-lists/5-letter-words-with-the-most-vowels-list/ I’m still debating whether to try it. There is a puzzle in our local paper called KenKen. It’s somewhat like sudoku on steroids where you actually deal with numbers like sudoku. Fortunately, while sudoku uses numbers, it does not require mathematical computation. Kenken however, does and it’s fun!
  2. @MN Fisher: the cat is out of the bag now. Maybe that’s what he meant whenever he said, “there’s no such thing as a mistake, just happy accidents,” lol. I liked watching his show back in the day. He’s a USAF vet so he has my respect and legend says his frizzy hair was the result of a bad perm.
  3. @cheezyridr: wow. That looks so clean. Who is the manufacturer? And there must be something about those frets. Fortunately that was more than 20 years ago and I’ve learned to tolerate a wee bit sharp or flat as long as it’s not egregious, lol. 😂
  4. No real guitar skills but I did take it up in my early twenties and gave it up because of a bad experience and not knowing any better. I had an acoustic and for better or worse, I have that ear such that if you played it plucked it, I’d be able to tell you what note or notes you struck or pressed. So back to that acoustic of mine. I’d tune it with my ear or with a piano and I know had had the stings properly tuned. But when I’d play a chord and just about any chord, it always sounded off, and sharp — and if you have an ear, that will drive you crazy. And with no one to consult with, I quit and sold it. Forward twenty plus years and I bought my son a ukulele as an 8th grade grad present. He seemed to have fun with it and so I bought one for me. His sounded right. Mine sounded sharp. History repeats itself, but this time I decided to trouble shoot and research. Intonation was the issue. The nut was too high. So I shaved it down and that was the remedy. But looking back, i just didn’t know. What a waste. I know I really could have gotten far, I could have been a contender, lol. Keys are my forte but I have since taken on both the ukulele and the bass guitar. Having the dexterity from playing keys and the ear definitely helped me pick up both of these instruments fairly quickly regardlesss if it’s music from the Eagles to Pearl Jam to Def Lepard to Metallica to Toto, Billy Joel to Bach and Beethoven… It’s all a blast. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to slap 😢 I’ve just about figured out all of the instrumental of Master of Puppets with a Low G ukulele on my own and it is freaking awesome. No need for YouTube vids if you have an ear. Plus, it’s even more fun. @BC VC basser: That is some mighty fine workmanship your son has done especially the ukulele! For those who play acoustic what’s your take on going deadnought or grand auditorium. One last thought. Wonder how cool it would be if some of the musicians here collaborated to make a song for Bass Resource. 🧐😎
  5. Offering my condolences as well, MN.
  6. That is awesome! Learning build rods is something that crosses my mind every once in a while but getting paid to do that? That is win-win! 😎
  7. It was a test! 😉
  8. My condolences, MN. We’ll see you when you return. Alzheimer’s is vicious and cruel.
  9. @Glenn: We should be thanking you! Merry Christmas to you and your family and to everyone here! -ib
  10. Welcome and nothing wrong with fairy wands. 😂They are my most productive weapons.
  11. Sorry to hear you got it. Pink eye is one of the symptoms for covid now. it seems to affect everyone differently. My wife got it twice despite being vaxed, and she gave it to me. All I had was sniffles, but I’ll tell you this. If I didn’t get tested back then (July 2020) I would not have known I was positive and would have gone about my business unknowingly spreading the virus, while thinking I only had a cold. my kids got hit pretty hard and my mother in law who has a million co-morbidities over age 80 had zero symptoms when she tested positive. A true asymptomatic! Go figure. I have taken care of people with it and that’s that. No ill effects. I jokingly say I’m now super immune, lol.
  12. @Dwight Hottle Dagnabbit, how could I have forgotten about trolling? Excellent point. @snowplow I forgot to mention that imho, those are rods worth holding onto.
  13. First, sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is never easy. Interestingly enough, I have that same norwest special but the extra heavy version. My version was meant for large steelhead, chum and kings but your dad’s rod would be more “general all around” but could handle larger fish if required. Definitely Overkill for the typical bass. These rods can work but it will not be ideal especially if it’s a technique where you have to work a lure to give it life. We’d be tired using a 7’ bass rod fishing with 1/2oz jigs all day. Now imagine doing the exact same thing with an 8’6” or 9’6” rod. That’s just insane and tennis elbow waiting to happen. If you were in a river setting and planning to fish with floats, or fishing in-line spinners or spoons (you let the current work for you) or still fishing, those long rods will kick booty. The longer rods give you greater line control and allow you to set the hook from much farther away and this is not uncommon when targeting salmonids. With that said, this is not normally needed in bass fishing because more often than not, we target bass in closer quarters.
  14. The saying, “A fool and his money are soon separated,” does not apply to anglers with a bait monkey. Purchases are mutually beneficial. Trust me. Love, Your Bait Monkey 🙉 🙈 🙊 I’ve decided to give my bait monkey a name. I call him Special K. After losing a few bouts with him in my early days of fishing I realized after few times being revived from being knocked out is that there is only one letter that separates money and monkey. I’d take that to the bank. Congrats @Koz @RipzLipz Were you the one who designed that? Way back, I was one of the people who supported the idea of making the bait monkey shirt. Many agreed to buy one and someone made it, and I actually have the shirt. I cannot recall who made drew that image and even made them into shirts.
  15. I’m guessing 6lbs. give or take. I caught one of similar size and held it the same way as you with mouth to one shoulder and let the tail go passed my shoulder. And people told me about 6 lbs too. 👍😎
  16. Sorry to hear this. He will be missed. Before I realized what his screen name was I used to pronounce it like goat tee. RIP, Gary. 😿
  17. @snowplow: Then you’ve observed what I observed but of course I am a bank angler. A boat even here would definitely increase the odds. The latest I ever caught a bass from the shore was November. If you’re interested in targeting chum, it should be a good time now. Start your research with the green river, from the mouth to Auburn. And check the regs - sometimes certain sections of the river might be closed. One of the things I despise is how conculuted and at times confusing the regs are. I have a lot of things I’m juggling right now so fishing is way in the back burner 😭 and I just can’t get around to it. maybe we can connect sometime in the near future. I am not an expert by any means, just a guy you loves to fish.
  18. I mostly stop fishing but not completely for bass usually by December because I am a shorebound angler for whom bank fishing for bass just isn’t productive and many lakes nearby are closed by the end of October (Western Washington, King County). I can’t speak for eastern WA. Usually when I do, as @pdxfisher mentioned, drop shot is pretty much my go to. @snowplow: Are you in western WA? The chum salmon should running soon if they aren’t already. Imagine a smallie on steroids and that is a chum.
  19. I wouldn’t tolerate that from anyone. He should be happy when you catch a good fish. I felt that negativity he gave off in your post and I’m on the other side of the U.S. Better to fish alone than have to go through that. What if he really loses it and wants to harm you and you’re both on his boat far off from any place to get to safety except for jumping in the water? Leopards can’t change their spots. Don’t be like the guy who sticks with a girl because she’s hot but knows she’s toxic and bad news. I hope you have the wisdom and fortitude to cut this off.
  20. That’s a tough pill to swallow. My condolences
  21. Dang. Sorry to hear that. I have a very similar stove. @slonezp: interesting that you mentioned that. Just yesterday I had to investigate the ice machine (modern) because it was making ice and there’s a note in the ice bin that said something to this effect: Caution - After installation, let refrigerant settle for 2 hours before operating to prevent an explosion “
  22. I will only use cheap snap swivels if I’m targeting small hand sized stocked trout and I’m going to be switching out inline spinners and spoons or tiny cranks. And this is for convenience sake. They aren’t that durable and I’m not going to fret over losing stocked trout if the snap swivel fails. I will also use them when targeting those same trout with power dough and the usual Carolina rig set up that is used. For more serious fishing I prefer the duo lock snap with a swivel. I try to use the smallest size I can get away with. With all that said, I have almost always gotten better results fishing with inlines and spoons without using a swivel of some kind, BUT line twist rears its ugly head and hence the use of a swivel to somewhat address twisted line. And the “cost” of the swivel is sometimes a slight “loss of action” I sometimes get until the line gets taut. I hate that loss even though it’s small. 😂
  23. That was terrible!!! Tell you what since it was a bad set up, I’ll do you a favor and take it off your hands so you won’t have to live with the stigma of experiencing a horrific deal. My address is…. 😂😇 That is definitely a good deal. 👍
  24. Sounds like a job for DVT. 👍😎
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