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Everything posted by islandbass

  1. @new2BC4bass: Don’t do this to me! Now I gotta look up that reel and my bait monkey was hibernating…until your post 😂😂😂. I am really going to look it up, knowing the risk involved.
  2. Honestly, I’ve never given this any thought. Not even on my radar. Back in day, one reel that really caught my eye when I first started fishing was the original Daiwa Pixy, red or yellow. Figurative drool dripping down, and I’m generally a shimano guy 😱😎
  3. Man, that’s got to be tough. Sorry to hear that.
  4. @MN Fisher: Thanks for the response information. 👍😎
  5. Didn’t that work in back to the future,😂? This is engineering beyond me but if there were some way able to get the hydrogen from the water instead of storing it in tanks, that would be amazing.
  6. I couldn’t find anything searching under Berkeley Kreg but saw krej. An Ika is a soft plastic so is this Kreg a soft bait or a typo? The bait monkey 🙈 🙉 🙊 wants to know.
  7. For me the culprit is holding the rod at any angle to the filler spool that is not perpendicular — straight on. Just an observation from my own spooling experience.
  8. Despite having full one piece rods, my 2-piece rods get 99.9% of the action because I keep them in my trunk. It’s a security and convenience and practical thing. If I happen to get to a weekend and fish with nothing else to do afterward, my big guns might be called to service. My 2 piece rods are sensitive enough and honestly, any loss in sensitivity versus one piece nearly nil and negligible.
  9. All mono will eventually acquire memory. I am also a heavy mono user and I’ve tried most of the “standard” brands like stren, Berkley, ande, trilene, Shakespeare, sufix, etc. Of all of these lines, it has been my observation and experience that sufix siege and elite stave off memory the longest. They’ll eventually acquire memory, but nowhere near as quickly. Luckily for me, memory doesn’t bother me one bit, especially when you factor its cost. Therefore another vote for sufix elite or siege.
  10. Welcome! Suspicious timing, lol. Dead of winter, nothing for me to do but hang out on BR and the bait monkey awakes from hibernation because he heard the click to your web page. 😂
  11. I say it is both good and kind of bad. Before I ever made a cast, I read fishing for dummies and the idiots guide to fishing and a whole lot of other books because I was trying this with no knowledge at all. In a way the library was my Google search bar 😂. Yeah, I’m a nerd that way but when possible, I want to be as prepared as possible whatever endeavor I pursue. As much knowledge I gathered and gained, I soon realized that is was just a small piece of the overall picture and that time on the water was just as important, if not more critical to fishing success, learning, and enjoyment. The “bad” side to such quick access to information? 1) There is so much information you might not know where to start 2) You might have some difficulty discerning what info is legit and what is hogwash 3) You might delve so deep that you forget to fish. Only justifiable excuse is some of us who live where cold temps exist in the winter and are therefore susceptible to cabin fever. Delving deep might be the major method to get us through the winter. @Mobasser: excellent topic! I appreciate you making it easier to get through the winter 😂. I am looking forward to reading all the responses in this thread.
  12. I have an unusual range with regard to places fished but it’s primarily WA state. With my wife being from Mexico, I’ve had the opportunity to fish in Mazatlan and Los Cabo’s on my own, ie, no guide and did pretty well with the gear I brought. Also, just saltwater fishing both places. I know El Salto is in my wife’s backyard, but for some reason, my desire to catch big bass is somehow diminished. When I’m here in the US, it’s huge and I’m gungho. The closer I get the Mazatlan…it drops. I’ve got a mega sized disconnect! I need to slap myself! Maybe just getting to shore at 5am and fishing while the sun comes up and it only being a 15 minute walk from her house is all I need. And then there’s the ironic thing when I talk to locals that my Spanish is sufficient to not reveal I’m an Asian/Pacific Islander gringo. I know after they we pass each they pause and think, “Oh snap. Did that chino (pretty much their word for most Asians Chinese-Japanese-Vietnamese-Korean = chino) just talk to me in Spanish?” 😂 Then the last time I went home, a tiny small island in the pacific, I wanted to take my dad (mid stage alz and dementia, for one more fishing stint, but sadly he changed his mind and just wanted to watch. So it’s basically a multiple thousand mile triangle range. Skill wise, I don’t know what range I have, in part because I am a shore/bank angler. Maybe that range is trying to find that one nugget or piece of wisdom gained from each trip no matter what and store it in my knowledge bank. Also, always being willing to experiment, including trying things outside the box.
  13. For kids? I’d stick with what you already use or mono. Zebcos can cast a country mile with the right mechanics. I’d focus of teaching them proper casting mechanics and if they’re a bit on the younger side, you can teach them by example. Kids are sponges and pretty good at copying. My reasoning for this are for encountering snags. 6# is easier to break off than 15# braid. If you are intent on braid, then test just to make sure the zebco’s line catch pin thingamabob can pick up the thinner braid on the retrieve. I tried to put 4# mono on a spincast reel (not a zebco) and the pin couldn’t effectively pick up the line. Glad I discovered that in my garage than on the water.
  14. I am usually just me. I also fish alone 99.9999% of the time now and more often than not, I usually have the entire body of water to myself. However, on occasion, I have been known to copy a few people for fun. One of the first things I did when I started fishing was watch fishing shows - Bill Dance, Roland Martin, Shaw Grigsby, and Italo from Canadian sport fishing. One thing that really caught my eye watching Bill was he’d be fishing and talking and not directly in front of the camera. Then when he gets a bite, he turns toward the camera and shows a huge grin and sets the hook. I thought that was pretty cool. So, if I hook into a decent fish, I’ll pause and turn toward the imaginary camera filming me, put in a huge smile and set the hook. God’s honest truth. Stupid, right? 😂😇 Never ever lost a fish from the stunt yet. 😎
  15. Joe Rogan has a ton with and wide variety of very interesting topics and interviewees. I don’t know if these are true podcasts but if you’re both interested the the story and history behind great songs, he is your guy. The Professor of Rock. In stop and go traffic I enjoy listening to him. In addition to telling stories he sometimes interviews the artists. just an example
  16. Sorry to hear that. Prayers and thought to you and his family.
  17. @NorthernBasser: WRB is right on this. The sensitivity does come from your hands. And yes, even an ugly stik is sensitive in my hands. No joke. If you are able or get the opportunity, try hand/line fishing. This means fishing with just the line and hook. Much of the world fishes this way. I was doing this in Mexico for fun (as I had my rods) since my wife’s nephew was fishing this way and it blew my mind. I really felt everything, including every wave my that passed through my line. The feedback was incredible, and better than any rod out there. Why? Probably because the feedback is DTC… Direct to consumer. No middle man, (ie, the rod) lol. And it was a blast. I sucked at it by the way. You spin it around like a lasso and you let it go and I had know idea where I was going to cast. 😂 He smoked me 7-0 and we only fished for about 30 minutes. It was on this day I discovered the sensation of sensitivity comes from my hands/fingers. I think we all kind of know this but we still love our rods, myself included. Granted, the rod can make casting easier and possibly farther, some leverage and improved line control and a rod’s ability to give you feedback — can make the fishing experience more fun. Lastly, bring a resident of the Pacific NW, we love Lamiglas. I live about 2 hours away from their factory. Probably one of the most underrated bass rods out there. 👍😎
  18. @throttleplate: nice “book report” 😎 just my humble opinion but to me there was so much potential for characters like Finn and Rey. Wasted. Just wasted. Anyway. At the very least, 9 is action packed. Looking forward to you next report for 9 and its denouement. My 7th grade teacher’s question after every story read was, “What was the denouement?” Lol. In a nutshell, how did the story unravel or resolve to? I know you know that there’s no way Rey is the child of scavengers. 😉
  19. @throttleplate: I hear you. I think the script was more the issue since actors generally follow it as it’s what they do. It’s downhill from this point. If you decide to dig deeper, you will learn that George Lucas sold his company to Disney after he made the prequels (1-3 phantom menace , etc.) He even gave them his vision of what 7, 8 and 9 should be and Disney changed everything, leaving little if any of his input out. It’s all downhill from this point, that is, 8 and 9. No cohesion, no sense, worse than a chicken running around with its head cut off - I’m trying to be as civil and as objective as I can. No, I’m not some diehard Star Wars fan, although I do like it, but I do appreciate a good story and 7-9 fail completely in that regard. I’d rather prepare the ingredients for roll 1000 lumpia by myself rather than watch episode 8 (9 was better overall). Please continue to report back. I speak for myself but I am enjoying the journey your both on watching it. Unlike many Star Wars diehards, for the most part, I liked the Obi Wan series. Granted some things were like hmmm, (like the bad guys unable to catch a little girl. Come on).
  20. That’s great. Don’t bother with 7-9. Waste of time. What happened to the old characters is nearly a crime. These last 3 destroy Star Wars. There was some potential to do good with these and it was all wasted and the baby was thrown out with the bath water. Just my opinion. Many Star Wars fans share this sentiment. Then again, since you weren’t a big fan yourself, you might not take umbrage and therefore no skin off your back. May the force be with you… always.
  21. @Jig Man: You are 100% right on that about Raul.
  22. Great thread. I wonder if some folks will remember @Raul . I think he might still pop in but rarely post. Update - I just looked at my profile and OMGoodness — I’ve been here since April 2005!!!!! 😱 So am I an old timer now? 😂
  23. @Glenn that definitely counts. 🤘 @A-Jay indeed. My home island is 18 hours ahead of Seattle and I am well accustomed to that 10 hour flight. It’s a bit weird in that to Japan or that side of the world for that matter you kind of “gain a day” but you give it back when you return. 😂 Instead of adding eighteen hours I’ve learned is it’s easier to subtract 6 and change AM to PM or vice versa. Oh how I prefer 100% military time. 😆
  24. Wow! Japan is a great place to visit. I’d try to get one day to bass fish if legal, with maybe a Japanese pro. Then I’d try to go snowboarding. Check out local tackle shops. Eat, eat, eat! Then fly home to an undisclosed pacific island (south of Japan) to visit family and warm back up on the beaches before returning stateside. Tsunekichi! Bring your bait monkey at your own risk 😂 My new passport just arrived last week so I could tag along, lol. J/j.
  25. @12poundbass I’m with you. We as US citizens should get it if we cross every T and dot every I. I was starting to get upset reading the thread and seeing denied UNTIL a lawyer helped out? Wow. And it’s not even a criminal matter. 🤬😡👿😾 @A-Jay Sorry that you have actually seek the services of a lawyer. If you do, I hope they are successful.
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