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Everything posted by jignfule

  1. nothing like snow bass
  2. Many things to be thankful for, have a nice day.
  3. How do the NRX854c and the GLX MBR844c compare with each other?
  4. I use a "safety solvent" (Trichloroethylene and Isopropyl Alcohol) it is safe on most plastic. You can use 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (Contact Cleaner) which is safe on virtually all plastics, but very expensive and if you live in CA. you're SOL on both.
  5. Good English is always important.
  6. 6.5 on a pad crasher, skinny as a rail.
  7. Congrats, Nice fish
  8. Cruel !!!!!
  9. Got me beat by a 1/4 # Congrats
  10. As stated earlier, the sharpie is a good idea. My sight has taken a hit the last few years and hi vis has been very helpful
  11. two in one day. congrats
  12. I was fishing a smaller pond on my pontoon boat where there are many points of access for bank fishermen. I was working slowly up the bank when another individual speed up the road got out (left his son in the truck) and quickly threw his lure right in front of my boat as I was working towards him. Now I don't own the pond and he has the right to fish where ever he wants, but I just thought that was a little rude. I looked up and said in an inquisitive tone "really". Then I calmly turn my boat around and made a wide turn around the point where he was fishing and preceded to fish the bank again well away from my new best friend. A few minutes later here he comes up the road, swearing, and yelling, and cursing at me (wouldn't bore you with what he said), He then prededed to the next access point I was headed for. I just stopped at a log laydown before I got there and fished it longer then usual, not wanting to tick him off more. I needed a break and was bound and determined to have a relaxed, fun afternoon. I catched three nice bass in that spot and learned I needed to work an area more. I've got in the habit of moving on too soon. (fishing was slow, I only caught seven all afternoon). Anyway my new buddy got bored (he wasn't catching any fish) and headed around the pond telling his said tale to anyone who would listen. (must of lived near by and had lots of people he knew fishing on the pond.) I just thought, what a sad individual and what a bad example for his son.
  13. Hot fun in the summer time. Congrats
  14. NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. When it's HOT it's Hot. Congrats
  16. Most have been quit the experience. Great smallie Congrats
  17. Thought this would be interesting. 1 month ago 8.53# Released Jig
  18. Another great Kevin in the bass world, Congrats
  19. Congrat, and on a jig
  20. Great fish, onward,upward, congrats
  21. Lip-less cranks (rat-l- traps) are easy to fish.
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