I,m glad you enjoy your ugly sticks. "over-priced rod" is an interesting term. To many a G. Loomis NRX at $500 is not "over-priced" and they would gladly pay $100 more for the NRX over a GLX. Also borrowing a rod, holding one in a store, or reading about them on-line, is not the same as fishing with one on a consistent bases, in different conditions and situations. For you there is no major difference in rods justifying hundreds of dollars, I can appreciate that. For many there is no major difference between a $50,000 stereo system and an I-pod, that is fine also. My Dodge suits me as fine as my neighbors Lexus suits him.
That being said, if you ever have a chance to fish with a Steez, a NRX or a GLX and fish with them long enough, you may begin to appreciate their quality and benefits that many are more that willing to pay for. Still they may not be worth the extra $$$$ to you. People don't buy high end gear to "feel good about fishing" they buy it to have an even more enjoyable experience.