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Everything posted by jignfule

  1. Congrats on the PB, nice fish, now go do it again.
  2. nice, congrats
  3. Congrats, good catch
  4. I've had it very slow compared to past years, but then our tempertures has been 10-15 degrees below average for a few weeks. To give you an idea, last years water temp. was 56 degrees on the 12th of Oct. This years it was 46 degrees
  5. I tried the "punch skirt rig" this year for the first time. Worked out great in the thick stuff and I had a lot of sucess. Glad I found a new tool.
  6. I would like to learn the real reason why I live in Idaho and not Florida.
  7. Over all numbers were down this year, but I caught more hawgs then I have in many years. quanity over dinks anyday
  8. I do light flipping with my GLX 844, the braid sticks like velcro to my guides, especially when I snap the lure out of the weed and the loose line whips.
  9. I guarantee you if I was the one fishing illegally for five minutes a fish cop would show up there in four minutes.
  10. What took him so long.
  11. I seem to catch the bigger ones dead sticking.
  12. No gimmick, keep it oiled with the shimano oil it comes with.
  13. Banjo minnows and Senkos don't count. They are in a league by themselves due to their effectiveness.
  14. Frogs or Skirted Jigs, can't make up my mind today.
  15. A LH will probably feel a little akward to begin with, especially if you a use to a RH. It would be nice if you could borrow a LH to try for a few trips, but I bet eventually you'll love the LH if you're right handed.
  16. Fat Albert twin tails have been a top producer for years
  17. Apple probably didn't fall far from the tree. Congrats
  18. I'm right-handed. Changed over to left-handed baitcasters years ago and was one of the best decisions I've made. It is much more natural for me.
  19. I agree "Practice makes perfect" ? NO WAY !!! "Perfect practice makes perfect"
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