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Everything posted by jignfule

  1. If you pitch, especially heavy mats, read up on "punch skirts". They were very successful for me last season.
  2. Forget the tape and o-rings, the heat shrink tubing is a much better way
  3. Improve clinch for f/c and palomar for every thing else.
  4. Ive never used the bps, but I own a president and it's been a good real for the money.
  5. I have a spot on my wall, I stare at it and rehearse nursery rymes, while I rock in my chair.
  6. Given a choice, I would put my money into a rod.
  7. 9 pounder in Maine !!!!! That is impressive, congrats
  8. Wish I had stories of Hawgs in the fall. Most of the big ones, for me, are caught in the spring
  9. Beautiful 5+ smallie. Congrats. Movie star potential, but you gotta ditch the hat.
  10. Looks like the boss is proud of daddy, congrats
  11. I find braid is MUCH easier to work with as far as back-lash is concern.
  12. When it fades I just figure I'm using hi-vis. I do use a maker to darken the last 8-10'
  13. X2 & all the pb's on jig
  14. I like to stand when I bass fish. I bought a Sea Eagle 285fpb Pontoon boat that has a solid, removable floor. It is light weight and mobile. I'm on my second year and love mine. Sorry I don't have a link, but you can find it easy on Sea Eagle web sight.
  15. Up here the fat lady is waring the finish off the floor. Temps. in the 20's this morning
  16. DT-16 cause a caught a pb on one
  17. In Bagkok huh, are you sure it was a lady?
  18. Way to listen to the honey, glad you're OK
  19. Black with yellow dots has been a killer for smallies in this area.
  20. Good Resource, isn't it.
  21. Love NCAA B-Ball, NBA to me is BORING for many reasons.
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