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Everything posted by spoon33

  1. Do you mainly peg them when fishing structure and docks so they don't get hung up? I usually never peg them, however I fished a tx with a guy a few months ago who always pegged his fishing open water, near some big bluffs. Anyone have any theories on this tactic? Thanks
  2. Have a tournament in about 35 days to be exact and was thinking about prefishing this weekend, but didn't know if it was to early. It is still in the mid 90's here in Oklahoma and during the week of the tournament the avg high temp is around 74. The fish will obviously move a lot by then I would suspect, and didn't know if you thought I was wasting my time finding fish now, knowing they prob won't be there during the tourney.
  3. Well my next tournament is in Oct which is still warm enough for topwater in Oklahoma. I guess I will just have to see how many, if any fish are in the livewell and go from there. Even in a shad dominated lake, has the black buzzbait outperformed a white one during the day?
  4. What do you prefer to fish in a tournament in the small window of topwater? I usually catch more fish off a chug bug, but not as big as the buzzbait fish. In the small morning window of topwater, what do you throw in a tournament? Do you try to get your kicker, or a few fish for the livewell?
  5. Threw one today in a pretty clear lake, which depths near the shoreline sometimes reaching 20-23 ft. Was searching for the fish bc didn't know what depth they were at. Do you guys just pop and reel it, or slow roll it off the bottom? I also put a trailer on the back, and was wondering what success rate you guys have with this lure.
  6. Looking to go tomorrow for first time, and was wondering where to launch and what areas hold fish the best. Thanks
  7. Keep reading about how people use a pegged T-rig with a toothpick, but wasn't sure how you actually did it. Also, when do you use this method and what are some of the pluses and minuses of this method.
  8. OKC which means I have to travel at least an hour to get to a decent lake.
  9. I live in Oklahoma and don't fish any grass beds or pads to work a frog through. Usually use either chug bugs or buzzbaits, something with some sound. Got a box of H2O frogs for X-mas and want to use them, but wasn't sure how productive they would be in open water. Do they produce enough sound? Does lake need to be clear since they might not be as loud?
  10. I prob throw a chug bug more then anything else, but they have never produced a real big bass. Buzzbaits seem to produce bigger fish for me, but not as many. What do you guys consider the best top water bait for big bass and also obviously numbers help.
  11. When I was a kid fishing for catfish at night, I remember I was reeling one in and had my other sweet zebco 33 on the ground with the button pushed for line to come out. However the line didn't always come out very smooth and a few seconds into my fight with the fish on the line, I heard a small splash by my feet and knew I was down one rod. Last year however I caught a nice curado/all-star combo in the lake with a crankbait. Reel was a little muddy and rusted, but cleaned it up and it works just like new. Anyone ever lost a rod and reel or caught one in the lake?
  12. Was wondering if anyone changes their hooks on these lures to a red treble hook. I have heard of some people doing this, but have never tried. If it is something you do, do you change it on only certain colors of lures, and do you change the back hook or front hook?
  13. Just wondering if you take the key out before you head to the lake, or just leave it in the ignition of the boat? Anyone ever had the key fall out on the road??
  14. http://assets.espn.go.com/winnercomm/outdoors/bassmaster/pdf/bb_state_Large_20100107.pdf The link above shows every states record for LMB minus Alaska. The thing I noticed though is only 4 records have been recorded since 2000. Do you think more pressure has made it harder to catch lunkers, or are all of the possible lunkers dying early and never reaching record status???
  15. "not an an angle, similar to being vertical." Trying to eliminate it being nose up. I want the bait to sit there just like a baitfish would. When you have a tight line or any type of pressure on the lure, it turns nose up obviously like you are reeling it in. I am trying to get the fluke to sit in the water, flat similar to a baitfish and not nose up similar to vertical. Hope that makes more sense.
  16. Was curious on how you can tie a knot, or rig a lure like a Fluke with a weighted jighead where it sits horizontaly and not an an angle, similar to being vertical. I have heard people glue the body to the head of the hook, but didn't know if that was all you would need to do, and also don't really want to have to do that, incase I need to change colors or something.
  17. This spring/summer a few of us are going to have a "couples" tournament where the women can fish with us for a day or so. The lake we will do it at has striper, sand bass, smallies, largemouth, pretty much anything that lives down south. We were trying to figure out how many fish you can keep to weigh in. Maybe 4-5 LMB or SMB, then 2 sand bass or crappie, and maybe 1 striper or rough fish. Also we trying to think if all fish would weigh the same, or if you caught a bunch of crappie their weight would be times 1.5 and maybe a striper or if someone caught a catfish would be half the weight since they can get so big. So any ideas?????
  18. Here in Oklahoma and it got as warm as 74 today. Been like that all week, with the same pattern up until Friday with a high of 75. Sat is high of 58 with low of 41, and Sun is high of 55 with low of 37. The lows for the week are 50-52 and it has been warm the last few weeks like this. My question is I am fishing Sunday, and was wondering if that would be enough time after Satudays front to get them moving again, or since this is the first real cold weather of the year they will be lock jaw for a few days?
  19. You are wasting your time at Draper. I suggest you go to Watkins as suggested or Thunderbird if you have a boat. Neither one of them are great, and I don't have much luck at Thunderbird except for sandies in the summer. It really depends if you are fishing off the bank or in the boat. Hefner is one of the better places to fish off the boat docks, or by the ramps for a variety of fish I think.
  20. Been fishing for years, but recently got a GPS/fishfinder so I will be watching the screen more closely and marking locations. My question is though when your slowly driving across the lake and say you see an old underwater road which is 12 ft below water, and 20 feet to both sides what do you do? Or if there is a laydown that might hold some fish how do you attack it? Do you turn your boat to the side and go 20 yards away from where you think that tree is and cast down wind or what??
  21. Looking to get a graph for my boat and was wondering if having GPS is really worth it. Was thinking about getting the Lowrance 520 model and wanted to get some thoughts on maybe that model and GPS in general, and what you thought regarding internal/external antennas. The guy at BPS told me internal was better, although its not 100% accurate but within 10 ft just bc of location of graph and transducer. Also, are there any problems downloading the updates lowrance has on their website onto the graph?
  22. I just bought a Humminbird 717 and after looking at the box images, it looks like the icons for fish are humps, and not fish. Every graph I have ever used had a fish icon to obviously indicate fish, and then humps to indicate structure, or depth adjustments. My question is it hard to use a graph that doesn't have fish icons, to distinguish what is structure and what is a fish, or a school of them?
  23. I just bought a 02' Skeeter with 90 Yamaha on it and I was wondering about the type of gas to put in. The dealer said I should use 91, but my buddy said he puts 87 reg unleaded in his boat. Also, does it matter what type of 2 stroke oil I use? Several different ones I noticed at Academy, so wasn't sure which one was the best. Also, do you suggest putting anything else in the gas tank, to help keep it running smooth yr round. Thanks in advance. I tried to search for these answers first online, but didn't really find anything to informative.
  24. Just bought an 02' Skeeter and it doesn't have a fish finder at the front of the boat. I have one with GPS to put at the drivers seat, but need one for the front. Was wondering how important everyone thought it was to have a nice graph $1,000 or so compared to one that cost 200-300. It seems that as long as the graph shows depth, temp and structure/fish it would be ok. Do graphs with wider views, or other special features that cost a lot more really help? Which graph would you reccommend, hopefully only between 100-300? Thanks
  25. Hey guys, just got a 02 Skeeter and the original owner did not cover it up ever so the gel coat is obviously faded. What is best, most productive way of trying to restore the gel coat to make it look a little better? I heard I could try and buff it out, but how would I go about doing that? Thanks
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