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Everything posted by dan82205

  1. Nice
  2. very nice think im going to give something like that a shot
  3. that top ones pretty sweet
  4. Very nice you can relly pump them out cant you
  5. Nice job on your frist baits. Look really good keep it up
  6. I just use the directions here http://www.stripersonline.com/surftalk/showthread.php?t=483007 Was actually pretty easy then i just shaded in the top and bottom with spray paint. Dan
  7. looks really good
  8. swims great lots of action
  9. ahh they'll get the job done What kind of hooks you use???
  10. Well tried it out yesterday and it pretty much suspends but only goes down about 2" so think im going to try adding a lip to it. Dan
  11. Here is my first swimbait i just finished up. Think it turned out really good. Dan
  12. Thanks Everyone
  13. Well here it is turned out really good pretty proud of this one. Now i really got the itch to make some more ;D Dan
  14. wow thats really nice Dan
  15. Nope i used the 2 Ton to seal it just still had the 5 minute sitting out Dan
  16. Well normally i dont add the lip after but didnt know what to do with the foil
  17. Well here is where im at on my first attempt at foil think its looking pretty sweet so far. Just gotta add the lip and do a couple more things and ill be done. Will post another pic when its finished. Dan
  18. Thanks everyone
  19. Wow Very nice
  20. Thanks everyone
  21. Here are a couple new lures i just finished up. ;D Let me know what you think. Dan
  22. thanks everyone
  23. Very nice! i gotta get a air brush
  24. Yeah thats what i was thinking. Thanks
  25. Thanks everyone gotta get some open water so i can try them out
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