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Everything posted by dan82205

  1. love the bottom on in the first set Nice work
  2. For the eyes its just stick on 3d eyes get them at fleet farm. Dan
  3. Thanks everyone. Hey nick76 well this is going to sound funny but i gotta wear a hair net at work and it actually works perfect for the scale pattern on the baits. I just put the net over the lure and spray thru it. But i use to use the stuff called tooling i think. Its just like a mesh fabric You can get it at walmart or should be able to at any fabric place. Dan
  4. Here are a couple crankbaits i've made the last week. Going to give a couple as christmas presents. Let me know what you think Dan
  5. Wow first try??? Nice work Dan
  6. great should make things easier Thanks alot Dan
  7. Nice work Big M i actually picked up som cotter pins today to try it that way do you just glue them in straight and it holds fine this way???? Dan
  8. Yeah the top one is pretty sweet
  9. ok ill be sure to look for it Dan
  10. What did you use for the tail part?? Dan
  11. Crazy how deep you think that will go?? dan
  12. Awsome man Nice work Dan
  13. Well just had it out the other day and it swims great almost like a snake in the water. Floats head up looks pretty natural in the water i think. Would liek to post a video but not sure how Dan
  14. dan82205

    new cranks

    That bottom one is nuts nice work Dan
  15. dan82205


    Yeah i'd like to know also would like to make some more balsa cranks Dan
  16. So big M you really think thats gonig to be a problem with the lip its in the wood over 1/4" and never really had a problem before ???
  17. will do thanks alot just got to get a time to get out fishing a month the lakes will be iceing over
  18. more of a shallow diver
  19. Yeah give it a shot deffinately alot of fun and pretty neat when you catch that first fish on a lure you made Dan
  20. Thanks alot Didn't paint in though, well just the tops and bottoms its a photo finish. Dan
  21. Here is a lure i just finished,kinda borrewed the idea from dsaavedra. Thought i would try it out. Turned out pretty good now just gotta get to some water and and see how it works. Let me know what you think Dan
  22. yep pretty sure thats the same shad pattern you used swim great really happy with how they turned out
  23. Here are a couple lures i've finished up the last couple weeks. Think they truned out pretty good
  24. wow that is sweet
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