I was refering to the shock series..alot of the reviews for the regular lightning rod said that the cork handles where breaking...anyone expierence that?
I really want to get into fishing swimbaits but I'm not sure where to start exactly.There is so many different styles and brands out there and there not exactly the cheapest lures out there either.I was just wondering what other people find works best for them.
your only 12 no company is just gonna give you hundreds and hundreds of dollars in equipement and etc. just keep fishing and have fun and in a few years you will have your shot.
Thinking about getting a pair of these...Do these really work and help you catch more fish? i'm not looking to spend alot of money on sunglasses either so i want to know if the low end ones work well.
If i had a map of the lake with the depths of the areas on it could I use that to help find areas where the bass maybe located.If so what are some of the things i could look for?
everyone from Maine knows its going to be a while before ice is out and we can really start fishing, gives us some extra time to gear up whats your favorite tackle shop in Maine?
haha in Maine we arent even close....ice fishing for at least all of this month we still got 3-4ft of snow on the ground..total snowfall is probly close to 125 inches
I'm looking at buying a baitcaster but before I do I want to know why alot of people have this type of reel? Whats the advantage over a regular spinning reel. I want to know why people like them so much even since their hard to master.
Anyone know when Casey Ashleys new song the fisherman is going to be on itunes. I want to buy the other albums Gone Fishin' and Going Hunting too but there not on itunes either.
I am no expert on reels.....the shimano only has one ball bearing i know that more ball bearings generally means smoother...i am just not sure if that matters enough to get one of the other combos
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