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Everything posted by -ebby-

  1. Yes this is photofinish there is no why i could paint anything close to this
  2. My attempt at a one piece deadstick bait. Same size and profile as my 3 piece ebbygill bait.
  3. Well that can be fixed I just need to work on my casting under and around trees :-[ :-[ :-[. Also i was looking at the jackall giron shad its 20 what do you think of this http://www.***.com/descpageSWMJACKALL-JG.html#pImage i have one of these in the bluegill..i like its action in the water. I"ve caught a few on it , probably would be more if i threw it more often.. I like the giron's action to although i haven't used it to much seems like a good durable bait
  4. thanks for the response i might be up for a trade closer to spring RH or LH?
  5. Looking for someone who has used this rod and how they liked it. I am looking at it for a frog rod.
  6. i would like to hear about the vendetta also
  7. I would like to here someones experience with this rod as well.
  8. thanks for the input have you used the vendetta or is that just a general guide?
  9. I am looking to get one or two vendetta casting rods and i am wondering what the best length and action would be for a couple different techniques. First one i am looking for a little bit heavier rod for throwing frogs in thick weeds and hopefully work decent for small swimbaits also. Needs to have the right tip to be able to cast hollow frogs but i am hoping there is one that can cast small swimbaits also. Second i am looking for one that can cast senkos easily and sensitive enough to feel all the taps. Also maybe a third one for small and medium swimbaits up to about 6 inches like the hardgill. I am not good at know what type of rod will be good for certain techniques so i am hoping someone who has used these rods for the techniques or at least has a good general idea of what action taper ect makes for a good technique rod can give me some advice on getting the right one. I am looking for rods that can do a couple techniques well. Thanks for any help.
  10. are the ones at tackle warehouse the real ones? Are they the good ones is the main question?
  11. Bluegill baits i use are (from highest price to lowest) Mattlures hard gill, SBI Ebbygill, baitsmith soft gill (madgill maybe?) , and giron. I tend to use the hardbaits more often than the baitsmith just because they are hard and those 3 baits cover most conditions. The mattlures is the biggest and has a nice s swimming action the ebbygill is smaller than the mattlures so i tend to use it more often and it has similar action. The giron is the smallest bait and it has a darting action (its a 2 piece bait instead of 3 like the other 2)
  12. Yep trail and error and make sure there is enough room between the joints
  13. I dont care what you call them all i meant by it was SBI put a new joint on it that was not my original joint
  14. Sorry should have been more clear Bill at swimbaits inc (SBI) redesigned the joint of the production model that is what i meant by SBI joint
  15. All but the crappie have the new SBI joints and look even better in person.
  16. <-- that one is my top one after that mattlures soft baby bass
  17. i wish they had an acadamy around here i want to try those out. And besides the baits i posted earlier i have to say i use the bait in my avatar by far the most. But i am a little biased
  18. seems like we are only talking swimbaits right now but i also like throwing swimjigs with a trailer with a little action like a sassy shad type tail, i go with bitsy bug jigs in green pumkin or other natural color when i want something small.
  19. mattlures hard and soft baits imitate bluegill really good, well i have only used the hard but have heard great things about the soft as well. Edit- i have used the baitsmith soft gill and liked the action on it too but it does cost about 10 more than matt's
  20. That is the tutorial i started with to
  21. Here is one i posted on another site. I think there might be one on TU with pictures that might be more helpful This is a tutorial to make a finish like the finish on my ebbygills. This is a quick and easy way to do it although there are other ways to do it this is my way. Also the baits i have posted more recently are done with a different process but my earlier baits were done this way. First you need to find a picture on the internet you want to use for your bait. Try to get one that is somewhat similar in shape to the lure you are putting it on. The next part is the hardest and i can't really tell you how to do it but you need to resize the picture and possible reshape it to get it to fit on your lure. I use the free software PAINT.NET and GIMP to edit the picture.This will take some practice and trial and error. What i do to resize is start a blank document in paint.net that is the same size as your paper (8 by 10 i think) and use the ruler in the program to get close to the size. Once it is the right size you need to make a copy and flip it so u have a mirror image for the other side. Once you have your picture the right size save it so you can use it again later. Now print the picture onto sticker paper (should be able to find this by the other paper) it is just a full sheet of paper that has the sticker back like the mail label paper. Print both sides of the picture on the paper and cut them out. Take the sticker backing off and stick it to your lure trying to get it as smooth as possible and no air bubbles. Trim it with a exacto knife. Mine usually dont cover the top and bottom so paint it with the color you want. Now apply your topcoat. I use devcon 2 ton epoxy and brush it on somewhat thick with a foam brush. This will run while it sets so you need to rotate it while drying or at least once every couple min for about 30 min.
  22. very very nice
  23. This one
  24. x2 click on the link above and go to videos
  25. They all are great baits and he can put a good photofinish on any of the baits you already have. The small bluegills are available now and he is coming out with a bigger gill bait to but im not sure when it will come out.
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