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Everything posted by IDbasser

  1. I guess the ice fishing will be here soon enough, we got 4-5 inches of snow today! can you believe that, way to soon for that.
  2. I've been eating chips and salsa, deer salami I made on my smoker with brown spicy mustard, then I got another patient in the ER and had to go back to work.
  3. I love the french dips and beef n cheddars. The curly fries dipped in cheddar is the way to go.
  4. Loosing out on places to put the boat on the water. The boat won't be able to hit water until April unless I head south with it again like I did this year. I am looking forward to hunting, first year to allow wolf hunting here. Looking forward to the hunting, we already have snow in the hills here.
  5. I got my boat put away for the winter, My favorite place to fish closed to boating on Wed. and the River will be dropping to where it will be too dangerous for the boat very soon. I hate it, but on the brighter side, when I get off work next week I will be going on a 8 day hunting trip with my brother-in-laws. Open season for elk, deer, bear, and WOLF!!!! I still have to go buy my wolf tag.
  6. My sister got lucky, she is in Suwanee, and they were fine, kids were out of school due to the flooding.
  7. Check out these holsters, they are the in the waist band holsters. They are very nicely built, I carry a full size Para Ordnance 1911 in one. I have a P-14, it is a .45 caliber that has 14 round mags. This guy builds very good holsters. quite a few police officers in my area have holsters from him, he makes them here, and I have been over there to see the work when I bought mine. He makes them for a huge variety of guns. check him out. http://www.concealco.com/
  8. I haven't seen very many people who have fished in Idaho, you're missing out!!
  9. Here is a pic of me and my boys heading out dove hunting, the next pic is of my boys with my limit of doves, and of caourse a pic with them holding a dove, they had to have that pic taken. This was after the bass fishing this morning.
  10. It is sent.
  11. PM me your info if you want to join up mafias Have you played Mobsters2? I like it better.
  12. We have traded our creations between ourselves.
  13. Arkansas, Texas, Louisana, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, and California. I guess that is 10 states that I can think of right now.
  14. Thanks Glenn, I found it and joined the group.
  15. I am on it quite frequently, mostly playing the games. I have been able to catch up with people I grew up with who I haven't seen since I graduated High School almost 20 years ago. I really enjoy Mafia Wars, and I just started playing Mobsters 2, which is way better than the original one. Anyone willing to join up mafias or mobs?
  16. Mafia Wars is my favorite, I spend way too much time on it, but I like it.
  17. there was a thread awhile back about a bassresource group on facebook, I can't find the thread, does anybody have a link to it? the thread or the facebook page.
  18. I play the fish wrangler too, but it is too slow, I don't like waiting so long between casts.
  19. I play it and enjoy it. But I really like Mafia Wars! I spend all my time on facebook playing the games
  20. It is the name of the bar down the road.
  21. illegal here in Idaho
  22. Thanks for the comments guys.
  23. They are supposed to be a delicacy in parts of the world, and I am willing to try new foods.
  24. That trout pattern that Buzzcatcher did caught me a 3+ lb smallie.
  25. Today I tried bow fishing for the first time. Was out catching some smallies and the place is loaded with carp. I got 2 and my buddy, who brought the bow, got 2. I heard that they are good smoked, so I am going to try it. This is my first one, 10 1/2 pounds.
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