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Everything posted by IDbasser

  1. That is a nice walleye. Catch it on live minnows?
  2. I sure would like to catch a lake trout. Sounds fun. It was a slow day out there today, lots of people and very few fish.
  3. I have not tried jigging for trout, I will have to give it a try.
  4. I am fishing on my favorite smallie lake. Max depths in the summer around 40 ft in the channel, not sure about in front of the dam. We are catching the fish in 6-7 feet of water with 12 inches of ice.
  5. I made it out today, and only caught the one. I caught it on a meal worm with a cheese flavored salmon egg.
  6. state wide law, minnows must killed as soon as they are caught. Does not matter if you are using them on the same body of water.
  7. It is illegal here to use live minnows. I am going out here pretty soon. I have nightcrawlers, meal worms, jar of dyed shrimp, salmon eggs, power bait and flavored marshmallows. hopefully I can find a combo that works.
  8. Won't get a knife any sharper, will just do it faster.
  9. I can catch perch pretty good through the ice, but I am horible at catching trout, throught the ice or in the summer. Will some of you guys help me out with some tips please.
  10. I went today, only had a few bites, no fish. Going to try to go Monday again.
  11. I pour a lot my own stuff because it is easier to get what I need that way.
  12. I start my my days off tomorrow, so I will be heading out to give it a try. A friend caught a 5# rainbow yesterday.
  13. My AR-15 is from Stag Arms, it shoots every bit as good as the bushmasters the full time deputies have here. I m a reserve deputy so I had to furnish my own if I want to carry one. Stag Arms makes left handed models too. I can make tight groups with it.
  14. Crazy isn't it, this lake usaully does not get that much ice until January. The guys went out on Saturday with 4 inches, and a couple days later was 8 inches and now up to 10 inches. We have had some really cold weather. below zero for several nights, with highs around 10 degrees in the day. looks like we will get more ice fishing in this year.
  15. 0540 here, will be getting off work in about 1 1/2 hours
  16. I will be going soon, some friends have gone already, the ice last Tuesday was 10 inches, the next night was -12 degrees. It has warmed up to the 30's in the days with snow the past few days. I am ready. The one day a friend caught 5 rainbows, none under 18 inches.
  17. I fish my football heads arounds the rocks for smallies.
  18. x2
  19. Dang, I missed it, I enjoyed participating last year.
  20. I like the Gamakatsu skip gap hooks, seem to hold the tubes on better.
  21. Congrats!!!
  22. I had a mossberg 835 ulti mag several years ago, I had nothing but problems with that gun. I hated it like no other gun. I enjoy my Remington 870's. I have 2 in 12 ga, one of which shoots 3 1/2inch shells and I have one in a 20 ga that I use for dove hunting. I have a Franchi, a Winchester, and a Stevens (my very first as a young kid) and I will never buy another mossberg.
  23. Just finished some clam chowder.
  24. I grew up in Arkansas, and I still have alot of there, and knowing that they are fishing longer and starting earlier just makes the fishing fever worse. I tell my wife, whose family is close by, that we are going to have to move so I can fish more, she doesn't like the idea
  25. I am sure there will be a lot more to come!! It just tears me up inside that my boat is going to have to sit until April. I am going to have to move south. :-?
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