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Everything posted by IDbasser

  1. Here is a pic of mine. One has a watermelon head, the other a green pumpkin head.
  2. make football head jigs that look just like that one. It is easy. Get supplies from http://www.fishingskirts.com/
  3. Fishing out of a float tube can be a lot of fun. I used to do it alot. I need a new pair of waders so I can get back into it. The water temps here are too cold to be in the water very long without waders.
  4. I like the Gamakatsu skip gap hooks.
  5. Hit our 14th in March.
  6. it was definitely my water pressure gauge, and it was also toast.
  7. I did remove them. What made it easier too was that they are wood lids. I glued the carpet down using a roller to go over it, wrapped the carpet and put a few staples in it with a nailer/stapler gun on the underside.
  8. That would be good advice. I saw that movie not too long ago, sure made me want to shape up and do better. It was a good movie. I got it from netflix, was not what I thought it was going to be, but I enjoyed it.
  9. The lids were the easiest for me, just wrapped them.
  10. That looks really good. I have an aluminum boat that needs some work. I mainly use it when I go catfishing. It never hit the water last year.
  11. I read this post and when I got my boat out for the first time this year it did the same thing. I knew what it was. I put a bucket under the drip for a few outings, but just finished replacing the water pressure gauge so I can get rid of the bucket.
  12. I just did mine. It wasn't too hard. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1268949112/0#0
  13. Welcome to the boards. I fished Lake Mead last year for the first time. I caught some stripers, but the bass eluded me :-/. tough lake, nothing like what I am used to.
  14. I really enjoyed it. My Boys wanted to play it over and over again.
  15. http://www.bassresource.com/bassfishing/wallpaper.html
  16. The weather has been horrible here too. 30-40 mph winds for over 2 weeks, snowed the other day. was down to 21 degrees the other night. I did have one good day to fish, a friend and I went and caught 4 smallies a piece. They ranged from 2.5 lbs to a 5 lber. it was a fun day.
  17. I hope to attend one of these times. I would like to meet you guys.
  18. x3 on this.
  19. I glue them in after painting.
  20. He was breaking the law, and he was failing to comply to the officers. It was justified.
  21. I have been waiting for some updates and pictures. I hope to go one of these years.
  22. Welcome, Nice to have another Idahoan here.
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