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Everything posted by IDbasser

  1. Cass Lake, in Michigan is where that and more like it came in for wiegh in. 5 fish for just over 4lbs...oh it was bad. I am not a fan of that lake one bit. On a good note though..big bass was over 4lbs and the team had 13lbs....wonder where they found those fish...lol I think some studies need to be done on that lake if there are more fish like that one.
  2. Is that the clear water craw? I have it in my shopping cart to order today.
  3. It should be a cosmic law that nothing additional can happen to those families of the victims of 9-11. My heart goes out to all the families, but how much can one family take!!! I read that too, and I agree with you on that cosmic law.
  4. The forecast for the next week here is snow. :'(
  5. I know people like this. Very frustrating isn't it.
  6. He does have some really good movies.
  7. Congrats on the degree. Way to hang in there and get it done!
  8. Watermelon/red, Green pumpkin/candy, watermelon/chartail
  9. That fish is skinny. Looks terrible. :-/
  10. Welcome back!
  11. IDbasser

    Hi, All

    Welcome to the forum!!
  12. I have seen the people who use surf rods to catch perch.
  13. I did not know either.
  14. Looks like you have someone to fish with. You have a keeper.
  15. I have a 14 ft aluminum semi v-hull with a 30hp that works well for some places, and I have an 18 ft fiberglass with a 150hp that I like for the bigger waters. The 18 ft works well for me when the dang water skiers think they need to drive their boat right next to me.
  16. I have fished for smallies quite a bit, but never in space. LOL
  17. We have sturgeon around here. People fish for them quite a bit. It is illegal here to take them out of the water, and they must be released immediately.
  18. IDbasser


    Wal-Mart is not going to carry it anymore. I bought the last 10 tubes by my store. I use Loc-Tite gel super glue, to glue in my weedguards. It has a tendency to wick up, and when it dries, it leaves a white chalky residue. But you can take an old toothbrush, and just brush it out. That is what I use too.
  19. I like it. I am planning on getting that poison tail jig mold. I love those living image skirts.
  20. I use them a lot. T-rigged or on a shakey head. I started getting mine from ***. Like Muddy said, they are a better price, not to mention supporting one of the site's sponsors.
  21. I think I saw that too. I thought it was crazy to have tiller steer that big.
  22. I think I have seen in BPS catalogs some aerators that go into ice chests for such a purpose. Bottles of ice in it may keep the temp down on hot days.
  23. I have not ordered from them yet. But I have a list of things to get from them before the ice melts. My kids love stickers.
  24. When I think of great fisherman, I think of my uncle who seems to be fishing all the time. He can consistently catch fish, and is always trying to figure out how to do it better. Is always trying out new things and tricks to make him better, and most of all, if I am having trouble, I can pick his brain for suggestions.
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